
1.He bucked against his bad luck.他与自己的厄运抗争。
2.The curse had come to her.厄运降临到她的头上。
3.She has been buffeted by misfortunes.她不断遭到厄运的打击。
4.Good courage breaks bad luck.勇气可以改变厄运
5.Bad luck goes against the grain.厄运总是令人讨厌的。
6.It will bring you bad luck.会给你带来厄运的。
7.He has been brought low by misfortune.他因遭厄运而穷困潦倒。
8.the victim of ineluctable fate难逃厄运的牺牲品.
9.A strong man will struggle with the storm of fate .强者敢与厄运抗争。
10.adversity is the blessing of the New;厄运是《新约》中的福祉;
11.The foreign bond fell on evil days.外国债券遭到了厄运
12.Have you the backbone to overcome the hard luck?你有没有勇气战胜厄运
13.Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one.命运命运,尤指厄运或劫数
14.The bad fortune of some people is good fortune to others.一些人的厄运正是另一些人的好运。
15.One's assigned lot or fortune, especially when evil.厄运某人注定的运气或命运,尤指不吉祥的
16.He went home in despair to await his fate.他绝望地回到家里,等待厄运的降临。
17.and adversity is not without comforts and hopes.厄运也并非没有许多的安慰与希望。
18.Hurstwood read his doom.赫斯渥从信中看到了自己的厄运

disastrous city厄运之城
4)Put the whammy on someone.让…交厄运
5)Fall on evil days遭逢厄运
6)To bring bad luck to.使遭厄运
