1.This paper introduces the applications of these technologies to diploma and presents a solution and implementation.文章介绍了这些技术在毕业证书数字化中的应用,提出了解决方案并进行了实现。
2.In the time of the Republic of China,the silk "diploma" of Nantong University is not a real diploma,but a kind of souvenir woven by the graduates who majored in textile in the Nantong University.民国丝织南通大学"毕业证书"并非真正的毕业证书,而是南通学院纺科毕业生手织的毕业纪念品。

1.I have passed the Senior High School Certificate before leaving school.我持有高中毕业证书
2.They graduate and receive a diploma after twelfth grade.在十二年级毕业并获颁毕业证书
3.One who has received an academic degree or diploma.毕业生得到学位或毕业证书的人
4.Possessing an academic degree or diploma.毕业了的持有学位或毕业证书
5.A ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are conferred; a commencement.毕业典礼授予学位或毕业证书的仪式;毕业典礼
6.Notarized Chinese or English translation of diploma经公证之毕业证书中文或英文翻译本
7.The diploma is proof that I passed the exam.毕业证书是我通过考试的证据。
8.The diploma that uses you goes notarial good.就用你的毕业证书去公证一下就好了。
9.The graduates received their diplomas at the hands of the principal毕业生们从校长手里接受他们的毕业证书
10.What a nice feeling to get the diploma!拿到毕业证书真是太好了!
11.Diploma be confer on the student who have completed all courses of study修完全部课程的学生被授予毕业证书
12.Diploma is confer on the student who have completed all courses of study.修完全部课程的学生被授予毕业证书
13.He felt a great sense of pride when he received the graduation certificate.获得毕业证书时,他感到无比自豪。
14.I hope they spell my name right on my diploma.我希望我的毕业证书上的名字没拼错。
15.A Survey of Australian NSW Higher School Certificate Examination;澳大利亚新州高中毕业证书考试探究
16.Identifying the Silk "Diploma" of Nantong University in the Time of the Republic of China民国丝织南通大学“毕业证书”辨正
17.The secretary had diplomas in both education and linguistics.秘书取得了教育学和语言学的两种毕业文凭。(毕业证书)
18.a college that offers only the first two years terminating in an associate degree.只提供大学前两年学业毕业颁发大专毕业证书的学院。

3)examination, completing a course of study, etc.毕业证书,文凭
5)the ceremony of conferring graduation certificates毕业证书授予仪式
1.Easy Way to Overprint Accurately Bulk Diploma批量精确套印毕业证的简便方法
2.The Implementation of University Diploma Management System Based on B/S Structure;基于B/S结构的高校毕业证管理系统的实现
