1.The book-carving industry of Huizhou had prospered after Wanli period of Ming Dynasty,and the reason is very complex.徽州刻书业兴盛于明万历以后 ,其原因较复杂。
2.Huizhou was one of the four book-carving centers during Ming and Qingdynasty,the workers in Huizhou tanght the skills from generation to generation,thecarving art improved on from Song and Yuan Dynasty ,they carved a lot of exquisitebooks.明清时期徽州为当时的全国四大刻书中心之一,徽州刻工把刻书的技艺世代相传,在宋元已有的基础上,继续向前发展,他们刊刻了许多质量精湛的书籍。

1.Printing gives the death-blow to bookselling.印刷术把刻书业毁了。
2.Study on the Imperial College's Block Printing Books of Ming Dynasty(Ⅱ)明代国子监刻书考略(下)——书工及刻工、版式行款、刻书经费、社会评价诸问题
3.Study on the Imperial College's Block Printing Books of Ming Dynasty(Ⅰ)明代国子监刻书考略(上)——补版及新刻图书、底本及校勘问题
4.An Analysis on the Characteristics and the Reasons for the Prosperity of Hunan and Hubei Academy of Classical Learning During the Qing Dynasty;试论清代两湖地区书院的刻书业及其兴盛原因
5.etching ,original, whether or not antique蚀刻书画原件,不论是否古董
6.To write, print, engrave, or inscribe.书写,印刷,刻写,铬刻
7.New Samples of Stele Carvings碑刻类书稿的新典范——喜读《保山碑刻》
8.Look at the air timetable in your books.请看书上的航班时刻表。
9.a graphic(al) artist书画的雕刻艺术家笔误
10.among them are the engravings on Mount Tai, Mount Langya and Mount Yi which are said to have been written by Prime Minister Li Si.传为由李斯书写的刻石有《泰山封山刻石》、《琅琊刻石》和《峄山刻石》等。
11.An Inquiry into the History of the Studies on The Four Books in View of the Editing and Engraving of the Compiled Comments on The Four Books从《四书辑释》的编刻看《四书》学学术史
12.On the Block-printed Edition of Shu Shi Hui Yao in HongWu of Ming Dynasty Collected in Nanjing Library南京图书馆藏洪武刻本《书史会要》考述
13.the differences are profound; a profound insight; a profound book; a profound mind; profound contempt; profound regret.差别很大;深刻的洞察力;深奥的书;深刻的见解。
14.Research on a phenomenon of series of Ming Dynasty with "Xin Ke Yun Xue Da Cheng";从《新刻韵学大成》看明代丛书刊刻一现象
15.Welcome the industries of stone inscription, jade carving, woodcarving, ceramics, metal, calligraphy and the folk art.诚招石刻、玉刻、木刻、陶瓷、金属等行业以及书法、民间艺术系列行业。
16.He studied calligraphy diligently while a child, and his style was mannerly and bold.幼年学书,十分刻苦。他的书法热情奔放、豪迈恣肆,
17.He lived a poor life in his childhood and developed interests in reading, calligraphy and seal cutting.他幼年时生活清苦,酷爱读书,喜欢书法篆刻。
18.She took up her book and put it down again at once.她拿起她在看的书,又立刻把它放下来。

block printing刻书
1.In Song Dynasty, the Imperial College is the highest educational administration, a main block printing organization and a administration which is in charge of the block printing and publishing all over the country.宋代国子监既是中央教育机构,也是国家主要刻书机构,并兼有管理各地图书刻印之责。
3)Publication and Collection刻书与藏书
4)non-governmental printing民间刻书
1.The early and middle Qing dynasty saw the prime time of non-governmental printings with the formation of four printing centers of Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Anhui,and Beijing.清代中前期是我国民间刻书的巅峰时期,形成了以江苏、浙江、安徽和北京为代表的四大刻书中心。
5)book engraving industry刻书业
1.The decline of book engraving industry in Huizhou in the late Qing Dynasty was manifested in the following 3 aspects: the fall of government book engraving in Huizhou,the wane of personal book engraving in Huizhou and the decay of personal book engraving in places outside Huizhou.清后期徽州刻书业的衰落表现在:徽州官刻的式微、徽州本土私刻的衰微以及外埠徽州私刻的衰变。
6)block-printing industry刻书事业
