1.It is one of the important characteristics of Jiaopin(交聘,the feudal princes send regards to each other periodically through messengers)system for messengers to be the intermediary to send regards in the Zhou Dynasty.以使者为交聘媒介是周代交聘制度的重要特征之一,这时已经形成了一套从使者任命、使者职责、行为规范、使团组成,直至返国复命等比较完备的遣使制度。

1.The envoys were dismissed imperiously.傲慢地令各国使者散去.
2.We are the emperor's messengers.“我们是皇帝的使者
3.the Archbishop of Canterbury's envoy坎特伯雷大主教的使者.
4.sadden one's friends and gladden one's enemies使亲者痛, 仇者快
5.be oppressive or disheartening to.使沉重或者使人沮丧。
6.a tutelary saint [angel]守护圣者 [天使]
7.Do not sadden your friends and gladden your enemies.勿使亲者痛仇者快。
8.numerical strength, from compelling our adversary to make these preparations against us.众者,使人备己者也。
9.Numerical weakness comes from having to prepareagainst possible attacks; numerical strength, from compelling our adversary to make these preparations against us.寡者备人者也,众者使人备己者也。
10.The root user can change the password of any user.根使用者能改变任何使用者的口令[]。
11.Get between(使)位于(二者)之间,(使)处于(二者)之间
12.When the heart of this star-crossed voyager使那披星戴月的行者
13.made sharp or sharper.使得锋利或者更锋利。
14.made dim or indistinct.使得模糊或者不清楚。
15.user-accessible programmability由使用者进行程序更改
16.The severe frost raised the hopes of skaters.严寒使溜冰者有了希望。
17.not yet used or soiled.还没有被使用或者污染。
18.be obliged, required, or forced to.被迫使,要求或者强制。

1.Thereupon,the problem of how to select the envoys was given importance to,and the envoys were not only required of to be learned,silver-tongued,bearing-elegant,but also to maintain their moral integrity so as to act for their states as the image representatives for political,cultural,academic and the etiquette exchanges to perfect the con.南北朝时期,政权林立,各政权为自身发展的需要都积极从事外交活动,于是对使者的选择非常重视,不仅要求其博学、机辩,还要容止可观,并能坚持使者气节,使之作为本国政治、文化、学术和礼仪的形象代表来进行政治、文化等各方面的信息交流,达到完善本国政权建设的目的。
2.2555, which were written by the envoys sent to Tubo by Dunhuang.本文对敦煌使者出使及被拘禁情况 ,以及诗作内容 ,都作了详细论述。
1.It shows the meaning of the unit of heaven and man in modern parks and emphasizes the idea that the western modern landscape should be users-oriented,which can enlighten the park development in our country.描述了西方园林的发展历程,论述了西方现代园林景观朝大众化方向发展的必要性,说明了现代园林中天人合一思想的意义,并强调了西方现代景观设计应以使用者为中心,对我国园林的发展具有一定的启示作用。
2.The study of user behavior is one of most important steps in the study of user experience.使用者行为研究是用户体验研究中至关重要的一环,通过各种方法收集用户信息,分析使用者的行为模式,探讨潜在的用户心理,为设计提供指导和评估标准。
1.Design with Users Need as the Orientation——A research on Shanghai subway and the users need;为了满足使用者需求而设计——上海地铁研究·使用者需求
2.In the research of Shanghai subway users, we found 25 different kinds of needs for different users.在上海地铁研究中,我们找到了25种上海地铁使用者的需求。
3.In evaluation, an objective attitude should be taken to evaluate comprehensively and attention should be paid to the users reflection.评估时应该持客观的态度,全 面对效果进行评估,同时注意使用者的反应。
5)Zion Herald《郇山使者》

使者【使者】 (术语)不动使者如金刚童子现僮仆之相奉如来之教令为使役者。