1.A Textual Criticism about a Viewpoint of Gehong forged Xi-Jing-Za-Ji;《西京杂记》非葛洪伪托考辨

1.Meaning and mood are elegant and different,style of writing is viewable--Study on literature feature of The Notes of the Capital of Chang an;意绪秀异,文笔可观——《西京杂记》的文学性研究
2.Jiuyuan , Nanjing in Ming Dynasty and Banqiao Zazhi;明代南京旧院的兴衰与《板桥杂记》
3.Re-exploring the Impact of Journey to the West, the Zaju, on Its Namesake, the Fiction;《西游记》杂剧对《西游记》小说影响的再认识
4.Image of Western Capital in the Sui-Tang Dynasty Presented by Mingbao Ji;《冥报记》报应故事中的隋唐西京影像
5.Study on the Purity Identification of Cultivated Watermelon by SRAP Molecular Marker;SRAP分子标记分析西瓜杂交种种子纯度
6.The Mixture of Multi-subjects--Probing into the subject of The Journey To the West Once Again;多主题的揉杂——再探《西游记》主题
7.On the Author,Record and Circulation of Zaju, Pilgrimage to the West;杂剧《西游记》的作者、著录及流传
8.The Poetic Play Pilgrimage to the West: Features Characteristic of the Times as Reflected in Its Ideological Content;杂剧《西游记》思想内容的时代特色
9.The Transition of Common Customs of Sun Wukong s Image;孙悟空形象世俗性的转变——从杂剧《西游记》到小说《西游记》
10.Identification of watermelon hybrid purity by molecular markers利用分子标记技术鉴定西瓜杂交种纯度
11.Narrative Clues of Hong-haier's Prototype in the Yuan Dynasty's Zaju《西游记》中“红孩儿”原型在元杂剧中的叙事线索
12.Beijing Reforms in Late Qing from the View of Western Correspondents--On the Bases of the Reports of the Times;西方记者眼中的清末北京“新政”——以英国《泰晤士报》的报道为中心
13.About the Impact of YanJingXian s Drama The Journey To the West on wucheng-en s Creation of the Novel The Journey To the West;论蒙古族戏剧家杨景贤《西游记》杂剧对吴承恩《西游记》小说成书之影响
14.Application of Molecular Markers in Heterosis and Breeding for Diseases Resistance in Melon and Watermelon;DNA分子标记技术在甜瓜西瓜杂种优势利用和抗病育种中的应用
15.A photojournalistic essay.一位摄影记者的杂记
16.The Reminiscent Visual Field and Beijing Recollection of the Contemporary Beijing Taste Novel;当代京味小说的怀旧视野与北京记忆
17.(by Xinhua correspondent Wang Jing and People's Daily correspondent Hu Jian)(新华社记者王京、人民日报记者胡健)
18.They show me documents and magazine clippings and a set of journals written by their mother, Francesca.他们给我看了一些文件,杂志剪页和他们的母亲弗朗西丝卡的一部分日记。

Xijing Zaji (Miscellany of the Western Capital)西京杂记
1.Historical Documents on the Han Science and Technology in Xijing Zaji (Miscellany of the Western Capital);《西京杂记》中的汉代科技史料
3)A Research of a Miscellany of the Western Capital《西京杂记》研究
4)the drama The Journey To the West杂剧《西游记》
5)the Poetic Drama on the Journey to the West《西游记杂剧》
1.Poetic tale),the Poetic Drama on the Journey to the West(i.《大唐三藏取经诗话》(以下简称《诗话》)、《西游记杂剧》(以下简称《杂剧》)、《西游记》前后相沿叙述三藏法师西行取经故事。
6)The miscellaneous notes of reading XiYouBu读西游补杂记

《西京杂记》  历史小说集。作者不详。《隋书·经籍志》著录为2卷,不著撰者。《旧唐书·经籍志》题葛洪撰。《郡斋读书志》著录,说:"江左人或以为吴均依托为之。"《直斋书录解题》著录作6卷,陈振孙认为乃后人所分。据卷末后序,又似为葛洪钞辑刘歆《汉书》材料而成,书中多有以刘歆口气叙事之处。《四库全书总目》始列入小说家杂事之属,兼题刘歆、葛洪姓名。近世考证者多认为是葛洪依托之作。    《西京杂记》共129则,都是写发生于"西京"(东汉人称西汉首都长安)的西汉统治阶级与文士的遗闻佚事,夹杂一些怪诞的传说。其中所写的故事,如王昭君为画工所欺远嫁匈奴,卓文君作《白头吟》,赵飞燕、合德姊妹的骄奢淫佚,以及9月9日佩茱萸、饮菊花酒的习俗等,常被后人引用为掌故。"秋胡"一条,是"秋胡戏妻"故事的最早著录。唐人李善《文选注》与徐坚《初学记》均大量引用此书,可见其在用典方面对后世的影响。文笔简洁而有文采。通行本有《四部丛刊》影明嘉靖本,《抱经堂丛书》本。中华书局校点排印本。