1.A Study on Obsidian Lithic Use-wear in the East of Jilin Province吉林省东部地区黑曜岩石器微痕研究

1.expanded or exfoliated obsidian黑曜岩,膨胀或层状的
2.volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian.火山岩包括黑曜岩火山玻璃。
3.A Study on Obsidian Lithic Use-wear in the East of Jilin Province吉林省东部地区黑曜岩石器微痕研究
4.To break or chip(stone)with sharp blows, as in shaping flint or obsidian into tools.敲碎用重击来撞碎或凿碎(石头),如把燧石或黑曜岩石制成工具
5.A usually black or banded, hard volcanic glass that displays shiny, curved surfaces when fractured and is formed by rapid cooling of lava.黑曜岩火山玻璃,一般为黑色,带状,摔碎时色泽光亮,表面变曲,由火山熔岩迅速凝而成
6.Upgrade Aura of Blight- Increases the regenerative effect of the Obsidian Statue's hit point regeneration.升级枯萎光环-增加黑曜石雕像的生命恢复的效果.
7.He was the god of sin and misery and had a fetish for the obsidian knife.他是罪恶和悲惨厄运之神并且为黑曜石刀增添了一个崇拜物。
8.Sphinx Form - Transforms the Obsidian Statue into a powerful flying unit. Attacks land and air units.斯芬克司形态-把黑曜石雕像变为一个强大的飞行单位.攻击地面和空中单位.
9.Of, relating to, or being a surface characterized by smooth, shell - like convexities and concavities, as on fractured obsidian.贝壳状的(属于)表面光滑且呈贝壳状凸凹特点的、或与之有关的,如黑曜石碎块
10.In1870 Rockefeller's company was incorporated into the Standard Oil Company. In1882 the Standard Oil Trust established from which Rockefeller controlled almost the whole American oil field and accumulated large wealth.瓿闪⒈曜际?凸?荆
11.A dark igneous porphyry embedded with feldspar crystals.暗玢岩嵌有长石晶体的黑色火成斑岩
12.Any of various dark gray sandstones that contain shale.杂砂岩任何含有页岩的多种黑灰色砂岩之一
13.dark brown to black mica found in igneous and metamorphic rock.深棕色到黑色的云母,发现于火成岩与变质岩中。
14.Study on the Method of Re-Os Dating for Black Shale and Oil Shale;Re-Os同位素体系测定黑色页岩、油页岩年龄研究
15.How could the efforts to develop and diffuse interoperability standards and policy relate to existing Standards Development Organizations( SDOs) to ensure maximum coordination and participation?⒖?⒑痛?セゲ僮餍缘谋曜加胝?叩呐?Γ?θ绾斡胂钟斜曜伎?⒆橹
16.Petrological and Geochronological Research of Blueschist in Heilongjiang Complex and Its Tectonic Signification;黑龙江杂岩带中的蓝片岩岩石学、地质年代学研究及其地质意义
17.Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were falling onto the ship now .烧黑色的火山灰和岩石落到船上。
18.dark acid granitic glass.黑色酸性的花岗岩类玻璃。

banded obsidian带 黑曜岩
3)mountain mahogany纹带黑曜岩,纹带黑曜石
4)v iceland agate黑曜岩;玻质岩
5)iceland agate黑曜岩, 玻质岩
