1.This paper textual researches that < The Warring States Period Scheme > is an excellent history essay corpus which records saying of schemers in the Warring States Period written by many people and cleaned up by Liu Xiang living in the last years of Western Han.本文通过对《战国策》一书的成书时间、作者、书名以及该书的流传过程和文献价值的论述,考证了《战国策》是南多人写成,经由西汉末年刘向整理的,记载了战国时期策士谋略和游说之辞的优秀历史散文集。
2.The political lives of the Tang Dynasty were deeply affected by the canvassing of the schemers of the Warring States.战国策士的游说对后来的唐代士人的政治生活产生过深刻的影响。

1.On the Flexible Thinking of the "Three-Forms" from the Strategies of the Strategists in the Warring States Period;战国策士策略“三态”中的水性思维
2.Debate with the plotter one in the debating of Confucian scholar--compare between the excuse of “Mencius” and “the Warring States scheme”儒士之辩与策士之辩——试比较《孟子》与《战国策》的辩辞
3.The Creative Implication on Song Yu s Ode to the Wind from Flattery to Satirizing Due to Advising Strategy of Brain Trusters and Schemers in Warring States Period;从战国谋臣策士的进谏策略看宋玉《风赋》
4.On the Way of Thinking of Strategists in the Period of Warring States;夹缝之水——战国策士流性思维管窥
5.The rider spurred his horse.骑士用靴刺策马快跑。
6.The knight spurred on [forward] to the castle.那骑士策马奔向城堡。
7.The Influence of the Jesuits Acculturation Policy to Chinese Scholar-bureaucrat in Late Ming Dynasty and Early Qing Dynasty;耶稣会士文化适应政策对明末清初士人的影响
8.The Postdoctoral System and Postdoctoral Work in Kunming University of Science and Technology;博士后制度和我校博士后工作的对策研究
9.What is the company's policy on employing disabled people?该公司雇用伤残人士的政策是什麽?
10.The progressives are mildly NewDealish in domestic policy.进步人士在政策方面有几分新气象。
11.Some elevated people favor the new policy.一些高层人士支持该项新政策。
12.Master of Transport Policy and Planning [University of Hong Kong]运输政策规划学硕士〔香港大学〕
13.Flood risk management strategy for England and Wales英格兰和威尔士的洪水风险管理策略
14.Queensland has become the first state to introduce the policy.昆士兰洲已成为引进政策的第一个洲。
15.Study on Damascus' Urban Transportation Problems and Development Policies and Development Policies;大马士革城市交通问题及其发展政策
16.The Confucian Metaphysical Concepts in the Perspective of Missionaries;传教士诠释策略下的儒学本体论范畴
17.Research of Master s Training Quality and Strategy;硕士研究生培养质量现状及对策研究
18.Study on Quality Supervision on Dissertation for Master Degree;高校硕士学位论文质量监控策略研究

Political Strategists策士
1.Though the compare and analysis with "the Warring States scheme" to "Mencius", this paper explained the difference of excuse between Confucianists and Political Strategists.进而说明导致两家较量胜负殊异是儒士与策士们所持政见不同所致。
2.The lifelong ideas of the Political strategists in the Period of Warring States chiefly depeaded on the type ot nealistic boldness.战国策士的人生理想大都寄于现实进取 ,在很多时间为获取功名利禄抛弃了道德传统。
3)patriarchal clan policy士族政策
1.Sammary: To push the uification of the state politics and the area of ideology,Li Shimin established a series ofpatriarchal clan policy.为推进国家政治与意识形态领域的统一,唐太宗制定了一系列士族政策,如皇室婚姻中,“王妃、主婿皆取当世勋贵名臣家,未尝尚山东旧族”;同时组织官员修撰《氏族志》,并颁布《诫励氏族婚姻诏》等。
4)jinshi's answers进士对策
5)the Warring States Period Tacticians战国策士
1.Potential:Explains the Warring States Period Tacticians “Bai He" Tactics;“势”释战国策士之捭阖术
6)Strategist vivid策士形象

策士1.本指战国时代游说诸侯的纵横之士﹐后泛指出计策﹑献谋略的人。 2.策试士人。