1.The index of threat, vulnerability and .本文将经典风险理论与恐怖袭击风险特征相结合建立了地铁车站恐怖袭击风险评价指标体系,通过对威胁性、脆弱性和损失后果严重性指标赋值来确定地铁车站恐怖袭击现实风险水平,并以某一地铁线路上的十个地铁车站为实例进行对比分析,结果表明该方法具有较高的实用性。

1.A menacing or defiant wave or flourish.威胁性或蔑视性的挥动或舞动
2.To wave or flourish(a weapon, for example) menacingly.挥舞威胁性地挥动或挥舞(如武器)
3.It seems less of a threat than I'd expected.威胁性似比我预料的要小.
4.To assume a threatening stance.作恫吓姿势采取有威胁性的站姿
5.The Relevance of Trade Structure to the Effectiveness of the American Aggressively-Unilateral Trade Policy;贸易结构与美国单边威胁性贸易政策的实效性
6.A distorted, threatening appearance of something, as through fog or darkness.某物扭曲、有威胁性的出现,如穿过云雾或黑暗
7.and d. The release or threatened release caused the incurrence of response costs.4.泄漏或者是威胁性泄漏招致了反应费用。
8.Splenic abscess is a rare and potentially life-threatening disease.脾脏脓疡是罕见且对生命具有威胁性的疾病。
9.To act threateningly or violently;rage.暴跳,乱撞有威胁性的或使用暴力的行动;肆虐
10.The threat of CBW use by terrorists is of an entirely different character.恐怖分子使用生化武器的威胁性质完全不同。
11.To appear dark or threatening, such as the sky.黑沉沉看上去黑沉沉,具有威胁性,比如天空
12.To threaten by proximity, especially by pursuing closely.威胁威胁,尤指逼近、紧追不放地威胁
13.To coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats.威胁通过威胁或近乎威胁强制或禁止
14.Our integrity as a nation is threatened.我们国家的完整性受到了威胁。
15.procurement of another person by threats以威胁促致他人作非法的性行为
16.gender-based acts and threats of violence针对性别的行为和暴力威胁
17.Aggressive nations threaten world peace.侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平.
18.A Research of Stereotype Threat and Women's Math Performance刻板印象威胁与女性数学成绩的研究

magnetic threat磁性威胁
4)Composite Threat复合性威胁
5)threaten research威胁性研究
6)threatening cooperation威胁性配合
1.This paper analyzes the football matches of the World Cup, the writer summarizes that threatening cooperation is a reasonable work for sportsman s goal.对世界杯足球比赛进行分析和研究,总结出威胁性配合是运动员为取得进球而进行的合理分工协作。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-