
1.Restoration comedy, poetry王政复辟时期的喜剧、 诗.
2.It must not be forgotten that this passed under the Restoration.我们不该忘记这是复辟时代的事。
3.stage a revival of a Restoration comedy重新上演英国王政复辟时期的喜剧.
4.He did not wish the period revived.他并不希望那个时代复辟
5.There was for a time restoration of the old order.曾有一个阶段是旧秩序复辟时代。
6.They defeated Zhang Xun and put on end to this restoration farce.他们打败了张勋,结束了这场复辟丑剧。
7.The Political Situation in Early Years of Republic and "Jiazi Restoration" in the Forbidden City民初北京政局与紫禁城“甲子复辟
8.Did the Gang really want to build socialism and oppose the restoration of capitalism?他们真是要搞社会主义、反对资本主义复辟吗?
9.These forty articles went out of vogue last year but are now staging a "come-back".这个“四十条”去年以来不吃香了,现在又“复辟”了。
10.Two Title Deeds in Cang Xian county See Yuan Shi-kai’s Monarch Restoration and Declination沧县两张地契见证袁世凯复辟帝制及其破灭
11.A Summary of studies on the history of finance and taxation in the Restoration England;复辟时期的英国财政与税收史研究评述
12.Try to Analyse why YAN-Xishan was in Favour of YUAN Shikai s Declaring Himself Emperor,and was Against ZHANG Xun s Restoration of a Dethroned Monarch;阎锡山拥袁称帝反对张勋复辟原因浅析
13.The Extramarital Love of the Middle and Upper Classes in the British Society during the Restoration复辟时期英国社会中上层婚外两性关系探析
14.Once in power, Smith tried to turn the clock back to the Middle Ages.史密斯一掌权就企图开历史的倒车,复辟到中世纪去。
15.The ingenuous police of the Restoration beheld the populace of Paris in too "rose-colored" a light;复辟时代的警察太天真,把巴黎的人民看得太“易与”了。
16.Across the Channel, a restored monarchy under Charles II was trying to find its feet.海峡对岸,查理二世的复辟王朝正竭力在国内站稳脚跟。
17.Over the several centuries that it took for capitalism to replace feudalism, how many times were monarchies restored!资本主义代替封建主义的几百年间,发生过多少次王朝复辟
18.But even in the domain of literature the old cries of the restoration period had become impossible.但是,即使在文字方面也不可能重弹复辟时期的老调了。

Zhang Xun张勋复辟
1.Analysis of the Relationship between Japan and Zhang Xun s Attempt to Restore Monarchy;日本与张勋复辟关系之探析
3)monarch restoration复辟帝制
4)the Restoration复辟时期
1.A Summary of studies on the history of finance and taxation in the Restoration England;复辟时期的英国财政与税收史研究评述
5)restoration of monarchy帝制复辟
6)plot to restore the old order阴谋复辟

复辟复辟restoration失位的君主复位。后引申为反动势力卷土重来,恢复旧制度。如英国资产阶级革命时期的斯图亚特王朝复辟,法国资产阶级革命后的波旁王朝两次复辟,中国辛亥革命后的袁世凯称帝、张勋复辟。复辟是激烈而复杂的阶级斗争的产物,新旧社会制度交替过程中出现的历史现象。被推翻的反动阶级总是不甘心失败,要趁革命政权立足未稳,新的社会制度尚未巩固之际,竭尽全力进行反扑,以图恢复旧制度。在一定的条件下,他们的图谋和活动有可能得逞,这就是复辟。复辟只能导致历史发展的曲折,不能阻止历史车轮的前进;新制度终究要代替旧制度,是不以人的意志为转移的客观规律。1914年衰世凯在天坛祭天 ,翌年复辟帝制