1.Phylogeny of Aceraceae Based on ITS and trn L-F Data Sets;基于ITS与trnL-F序列探讨槭树科的系统发育(英文)
2.Pollen Morphology of Aceraceae and Its Systematic Implication;槭树科花粉形态及其系统学意义
3.All papers described the pistil of Aceraceae have 2 carpels and the fruit have 2 winged schizocarpic fruits(samaras).文献记载槭树科植物具2心皮和2翅果实。

1.(1) The Aceraceae is closely related Sapindaceae. The Acer L. is advanced genus in Aceraceae.认为:(1)槭树科与无患子科关系密切,槭属是槭树科2属中较进化的类群。
2.Research and exploiture on the Aceraceae resource in Henan Province河南省槭树科植物资源及开发利用研究
3.The maple sap was boiled down to a thick syrup.槭树汁被煮成糖浆。
4.Cultivating Experiment and Planting Technology of Acer olivaceum优良槭树橄榄槭的苗期试验与培育技术
5.Sugar maple trees grow in Ontario.糖槭树(枫树)也生长在安大略。
6.The weather was warming up and the sap was rising in the maples.天气在转暖,槭树的树液在上升。
7.Is there a maple leaf in Canada's national flag?加拿大国旗上是不是有片槭树叶?
8.There are 31 species, 1 subspecies and 15 varieties of the genus Acer L. in Jiangxi Province.江西产槭树31种、1亚种及15变种。
9.Establishing Two Kinds of Maples Sterile Eullune System二种槭树有效获得无菌试管苗的研究
10.Clematis acerifolia var. elobata, a new variety of the Ranunculaceae from Henan, China河南槭叶铁线莲(毛茛科)一新变种——无裂槭叶铁线莲
11.The wood of any of these trees, especially the hard, close-grained wood of the sugar maple, often used for furniture and flooring.槭树材这些树木的任一种木材,尤指坚硬、木纹细密的糖槭木材,通常用于做家具和地板
12.an inherited disorder of metabolism in which the urine has a odor characteristic of maple syrup; if untreated it can lead to mental retardation and death in early childhood.一种遗传变态病,病人的尿液有槭树汁的气味。
13.An Experiment and Model of Interception by Broad_Leaved Tree: a Case Study of Acer mono阔叶树截留降雨试验与模型——以色木槭为例
14.Physiological Study on Leaf Color Variations of Acer L. during Autumn in Harbin;哈尔滨槭树属植物秋季叶色变化的生理学研究
15.Adapatability and Application in Urban Greening of Maple Introduced into Shanghai;上海引种槭树的适应性及其城市绿化应用研究
16.Study on Response Characteristics of Part of Maple Species from Other Places on the Drought Stress部分引种槭树干旱胁迫下苗期反应特性的研究
17.Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Acer L. Germplasm Resources Detected by SRAP Markers槭树种质资源遗传多样性及亲缘关系的SRAP分析
18.Large maple varieties introduced from North America and their main pests in Shanghai上海地区大规格北美槭树品种及其主要病虫害

3)Aceracea plant槭树
1.Studies on Diurnal Variation of Photosynthetic Characteristic of Three Aceracea Plants;三种槭树科植物光合特性日变化研究
2.The daily change of photosynthetic rate of two types of Aceracea plants including Acer serrulatum Hayata and Acer lucidum Metc were studied by Li-6400 photosynthetic system.采用Li-6400光合分析仪,对青枫和红翅槭两种类型的槭树的光合速率进行了日变化测试,结果表明:两种槭树净光合速率日变化呈双峰曲线,最大值出现在中午11:30时,次峰值出现在下午14:30时,"午休"现象明显。
1.Spatial Difference in Physiological Indexes of Autumn-Colored Maple Leaves;槭树树冠秋季变色过程中叶片生理指标的空间差异
2.The Research on Samara Characteristics of Maple Germplasm Resources;槭树种质资源的翅果数量性状研究
3.Adapatability and Application in Urban Greening of Maple Introduced into Shanghai;上海引种槭树的适应性及其城市绿化应用研究
