1.Fast isolation and amino acids analysis of an egg recognition kairomone of Telenomus theophilae from Theophila mandarina and Bombyx mori;野蚕黑卵蜂寄主识别利它素的纯化及氨基酸组成分析
2.Influence of temperatures on the activity of host recognition kairomone of Telenomus theophilae;温度对野蚕黑卵蜂寄主利它素的影响
3.Source and characterization of an host egg recognition kairomone of Telenomus theophilae Wu etChen.;野蚕黑卵蜂寄主识别利它素的来源及性质

1.Study on the Transfer Pathway and Activate Peptide of Host Recognition Kairomone for Telenomus Theophilae;野蚕黑卵蜂寄主识别利它素传递途径及其活性肽研究
2.It's what is called the oops factor.它就是造成错误的不利因素,
3.Library should make full use of advantageous factors to fulfill the historical mission endued by the times.图书馆应利用一切有利因素,完成时代赋予它的历史使命。
4.But since quantitatively her military and other power is not great and she has many other disadvantages, her superiority is reduced by her own contradictions.但是因为它的军力等等数量不多,又有其他许多不利因素,它的优势便为它自己的矛盾所减杀。
5.Hormones have much to do with the way the Body uses the foodstuffs offered to it.激素同人体怎样利用它得到的养分有很大的关系。
6.Mixing vitamins, minerals and other drugs can sometimes produce unhealthy interactions.混用维生素、矿物质和其它药物有时会产生不利于健康的相互作用。
7.In a broad sense, untilitarianism covers both humanitarianism and divine retribution, thus both are components of utilitarianism.功利主义从广义上还可以涵盖人道和报应,从某种意义上讲,它们也是功利因素。
8.This will give you tremendous insight into the frequency and power of your emotions. Onve you know which forces trigger your emotions,you can act to eliminate them or to seek them out and use them.一旦你发现刺激情绪的因素时,便可采取行动除掉这些因素,或把它们找出来充分利用。
9.But the many impacts of ECM and the long time of preparation hinder the development and application of ECM.但由于电解加工影响因素众多、准备时间长等不利因素影响了它的发展和应用。
10.A beneficial factor or combination of factors.有利条件有利因素或有利因素的总和
11.Cost of capital资本成本,指企业所支付的债务利息和股等,它是决定资本预算的重要因素。
12.Be careful with that knife -it s very sharp.当心那把刀子——它很锋利。
13.It is a sharp knife .它是一把锋利的小刀。
14.The business profited from its exports.那商店从它的出口得利。
15.exists in its own right.存在于它自己的权利中。
16.Ma Li brought it to the library.马利把它带来图书馆的。
17.The Australians love them very much.澳大利亚人很喜欢它们。
18.We have no right to kill them.我们没有权利杀它们。

host kairomone寄主利它素
1.Effect of the host kairomone on the host selection Trichogramma japonicum.;寄主利它素对稻螟赤眼蜂寄生行为的影响
1.The Influence of Kairomone in Quadraspidiotus gigas and Oviposition Deterring Pheromone in Parasitoids on the Control Ability of Those Parasitoids;杨圆蚧利它信息素和小蜂阻止产卵信息素对小蜂控制力的影响
4)kairomone derived from aphids蚜虫利它素
5)host recognition kairomone寄主识别利它素
1.The host recognition kairomone of Telenomus theophilae was separated by RP-HPLC and the immune-activity was detected by ELISA.采用反相高效液相色谱和酶联免疫分析的方法进行了野蚕黑卵蜂寄主识别利它素分离和免疫活性测定。
6)Host-searching kairomone搜索寄主利它素

多利霉素Y分子式:CAS号:性质:又称颗粒霉素。是与利福霉素B,O等同时由链霉菌Streptomyces tolypophorus产生的安莎类抗生素。黄色针状结晶。300℃以下无明确熔点。易溶于甲醇、乙醇、丙酮,微溶于水。旋光度[α]D21+376°(c=0.5,丙酮),紫外吸收峰(ε):232nm(29 000)、290nm(23 800),337nm(12 700)与337~430nm(肩)。具有抗革兰氏附性菌与抑制痘苗病毒作用。