基于事例推理,case-based reasoning
1)case-based reasoning基于事例推理
1.Research on case-based reasoning for water dispatching of irrigation region;基于事例推理技术在灌区水量调度中的应用
2.Allowing for the threat that formation on the sea faces, the case-based reasoning (CBR) model is established to judge the risk of formation on the sea.针对海上编队面临的威胁,运用人工智能的基于事例推理技术探索海上编队风险评估问题,建立起了基于事例推理的海上编队风险评估系统模型。
3.A concepual model of an artillery reconnaissance intelligence processing system based on case-based reasoning of the artificial intelligence is established.利用人工智能中的基于事例推理(case basedreasoning,CBR)技术,建立了基于CBR炮兵侦察情报处理系统的概念模型。

1.Case Organization and Management in CBR基于事例推理中事例组织与管理的研究
2.Differentia-driven case revise strategy in case-based reasoning基于事例推理中差异驱动的事例修改策略研究
3.Research on Case-based Reasioning Intelligent Tutoring System;基于事例推理的智能教学系统的研究
4.Study on Power Grid Accident Treatment Model Based on Case Reasoning基于事例推理的电网事故处理模式的研究
5.Quality Control Expert System of Offset Printing Based on Case Reasoning基于事例推理的胶印质量管理专家系统
6.Application of case?based reasoning ?in enterprise knowledge management基于事例推理方法在企业知识管理中的应用
7.Design of the Quality Management System Model Based on Case Reasoning基于事例推理的质量管理系统模型的建立
8.Case Based System for Packaging and Printing Process Planning基于事例推理的包装印刷工艺设计系统
9.Research for Parting Design of Turbo Blade Precise Casting Mould on the Case-based Reasoning(CBR);基于事例推理的涡轮叶片精铸模分模设计研究
10.Case-Based Reasoning s Taking-Apart Craft of Internal Combustion Locomotive;基于事例推理的内燃机车解体工艺系统
11.Research and Realization of CBR Expert System for Textile Crafts and Arts;基于事例推理的棉纺工艺专家系统研究与实现
12.Research for Big Fixture Designing on Case-Based Reasoning;基于事例推理的大型工装设计技术研究
13.Research and Development of Auto-body Inner Packaging System Based on Case-based Reasoning基于事例推理的车身内部布置系统研究开发
14.Case-based Reasoning System for Safety Evaluation Report Audit基于事例推理的安全评价报告审核系统研究
15.Research on Equipment Software Cost Evaluation Model Based on Case-based Reasoning基于事例推理的装备软件成本估算研究
16.Research and application of reservoir flood dispatching based on CBR techniques基于事例推理技术的水库洪水调度研究与应用
17.Key Technologies of Auto-body Interior Layout with Case-based Reasoning基于事例推理的车身内部布置关键技术
18.The Hydraulic Power Plant Accident Management Expert System Based on CBR and SVM;基于事例推理和支持向量机理论的水电厂事故处理系统

case based reasoning基于事例推理
1.,case characters Ⅰ and case characters Ⅱ by analyzing the process in the light of attributes of case based reasoning (CBR).通过深入分析点焊工艺过程,结合基于事例推理的特点,将铝合金点焊工艺事例属性划分为事例特征Ⅰ和事例特征Ⅱ两类。
2.Characters of resistance spot welding procedure case are divided into two kinds: charactersⅠof case and charactersⅡof case by analyzing resistance spot welding and the CBR(case based reasoning ).通过深入分析点焊工艺过程,结合基于事例推理的特点,将点焊工艺事例属性划分为两类:事例特征Ⅰ和事例特征Ⅱ。
3.The paper proposes a case based reasoning method for intelligent design of relay protection system, which can imitate the analogism of designers from scheme design to drawing design.本系统采用了基于事例推理 (CBR)与基于规则推理 (RBR)相结合的方法 ,很好地模拟了设计专家的联想、直觉、类比、归纳、学习、记忆及演绎推理等思维过程 ,高效率地连贯处理了方案推理、设备选型、参数计算、数据库管理、组屏设计及绘图制表等全部设计工作。
1.Research on Design Method for the Injection Mold Parting Surface on the Case-based Reasoning(CBR);基于事例推理的模具分型面设计方法研究
2.Research and Application of Parting Design for Turbo Blade Mould with the Case- based Reasoning (CBR);基于事例推理技术的涡轮叶片精铸模分模设计研究与应用
3.According to the structure feature of the rubber die,the characteristies and the key technology of case-based reasoning(CBR) rubber die design are discussed and the case index and case retrieval are analysed in detail in the paper.从橡胶模具结构特点出发,研究了基于事例推理(CBR)的橡胶模具设计特点及其关键技术,并对检索、改写等方面进行了深入讨论,指出了CBR的橡胶模具设计的关键技术。
4)Case-Based Reasoning (CBR)基于事例推理
1.Key words Case-based reasoning (CBR);Inductive retrieval;Decision tree;Roug.归纳推理检索是基于事例推理(CBR)中常用的检索方法之一,是基于ID3算法的检索方法。
5)Case-based reasoning基于事例的推理
1.Application of case-based reasoning in prisoner individuality analysis system;基于事例的推理在罪犯个性分析系统中的研究
2.As an incremental learning system, Case-based reasoning(CBR)makes the knowledge and rule obtainment bottleneck easy by learning from case, thus it has increasingly become a hotspot in the area of artificial intelligent.基于事例的推理(CBR)作为一种增量式的学习方法,规避了传统人工智能在知识获取上的瓶颈问题,逐渐引起人工智能领域研究者的关注。
3.Besides explanation of the recent problems in CAD of China,the present paper also introduces some new CAD technologies,such as case-based reasoning,image vectorization,the t.介绍了目前我国CAD技术发展面临的问题,还介绍了基于事例的推理、图像矢量化、基于摄影测量的实物三维重建和信息集成等技术。
1.By analyzing similarity of fixture, the similarities include both similar of the design information and structure in function, and introducing the general process of CBR, a case based reasoning method is presented for CAD of fixture.根据基于事例的推理方法 ,研究了夹具设计中的事例库组织、检索方法、检索算法和事例的修改等关键技术。
2.Moreover, the automatic and CBR-based reconfiguration method of the reconfigurable modular machine tool and the reconfiguration method of a reconfigurable manufacturing system, according to a given o.针对给定的订单和基于事例的推理,重构现有的可重构模块化机床以生成新的可重构模块化机床组成方案的方法;并针对给定的订单,重构现有的可重构制造系统生成新的制造系统组成方案的方法。

演绎推理(见推理)    演绎推理(见推理)  deductive inference  住理。yanyl tullj演绎推理(deduetive infer。二ee)见