1.An Attempt to Analyze Defibration of Wood Chip Using Multiply Monte Carlo Arithmetic;多重蒙特卡罗算法在木片热磨过程中的应用初探
2.Outside chip storage is widely used in the foreign large-scale pulp mills.国外大型KP浆厂普遍采用木片露天堆场(简称OCS),福建青州纸厂“八五”本色浆扩建工程首次引进该项关键技术及设备,至今已正常运行8年,它不仅可保证制备削片与连蒸筛片之间的木片连续稳定供应,而且可使木片的水分质量均一,降低树脂含量,利于制浆质量的提高。
3.A technological process,working condition and usage of the double screw chip washer and the washing system are introduced.介绍了自行设计研制的双螺旋木片洗涤机及其洗涤水系统的流程、工作情况和使用效

1.bulk wood chip carrier散装木片船散装碎木船
2.Wood chips for the pulpGB/T7909-1999造纸木片
3.To glue together(layers of wood)to make plywood.把(木片层)粘合成胶合板
4.one of several thin pieces of wood forming the sides of a barrel or bucket.组成桶的一些薄木片
5.the vessel was beaten to matchwood on the rocks.船被岩石撞成碎木片
6.They took their lath swords,他们各持一把木片的剑,
7.grip a piece of wood in a vise用虎钳夹住一块木片
8.The Designation of Wood Chips Compressing and Packing and the Reserch of Stress Slackness;木片压缩打包机设计及木片压缩应力松驰研究
9.veneer a wooden table with mahogany在木制桌面贴上薄桃花心木片
10.The first airplane is said to have been made of pieces of wood and cloth .据说第一架飞机是木片和布片制成的 。
11.Just two carved pieces of wood and one bass bar.只是两块雕刻的木片加上一个低音力木。
12.Any of the thin layers glued together to make plywood.薄木片粘在一起制成胶合板的任何一层薄木板
13.Using Reclaimed Timber to Produce High Quality Chip for Wood-based Panel Industry利用废旧木料生产人造板用高质量的木片
14.scraps of paper, cloth, wood, etc纸片、 布头、 木屑
15.There is many kinds of wood grow in this forest.这片森林出产各种木材。
16.There are many kinds of wood growing in this forest.这片森林出产各种木材.
17.floor-standing card index cabinet of wood落地式木制卡片目录柜
18.snow flakes tinseled the trees.雪花的薄片裹饰着树木。

wood chip木片
1.This paper introduced the structure of the wood chip compressing packing machine and packing voluntarily process, and analyzed its economic benefit.介绍了木片压缩自动打包机的结构和自动打包过程,并对其进行经济分析。
3)Wood chips木片
1.Wood chips is one of raw materials of panel and papermaking industry.木片是人造板、造纸业的主要生产原料之一,木片在运输过程中,存在着体积大,重量轻的问题,导致运输费用和仓储费用等成本加大,使木片原本不大的利润空间下降得更低。

苦木片药物名称:苦木片英文名:适应症: 治疗肺炎、支气管炎、菌痢、肠炎和外科、妇科、眼耳鼻咽喉科炎症。外用治疗皮肤化脓。 用量用法: 口服:1次服2~4片,1日3次。 外用:10%软膏涂局部。 类别:抗感染植物制剂