1.Effect of early harvested and peel off the bark on content of nutrients in maize stalk and diminution rate of DM in In vitro experiment;早期收割和去皮对玉米秸养分含量和体外培养干物质降解的影响
2.Research on 9YKS-0.9(1.5) Fangcaokun-harvest Stubble Baler Machine9YKS-0.9(1.5)型根茬收割方草捆压捆机的研制

1.A man who harvests.收割收割庄稼的人
2.To harvest(a grain crop)using a cutting, threshing, and cleaning machine.用联合收割收割用切割、脱粒、打场机收割(庄稼)
3.To cut or harvest grain or pulse.收割,收获收割或收获谷物或豆类植物
4.side-plat-form combine侧置割台式联合收割
5.One that reaps, especially a machine for harvesting grain or pulse crops.收割者;收割收割的人或物,尤指收割谷物或豆类庄稼的机器
6.To reap grain is to cut it for gathering in.收割谷物就是把它割下来收放好。
7.The harvester sliced the field.收割者把田野里的庄稼收割干净
8.To reap(grain) with a cradle.收割用附有摇篮架的大镰刀收割(作物)
9.corn cutter for combine联合收割机用玉米收割装置
10.A machine that reaps and ties grain.收割扎束机收割和捆扎谷物的机器
11.Study of Cutting Mechanism on Self-propelled Row Independent Forage Harvester s Cutter Bar;自走式青饲收割机不分行割台切割机理的研究
12.Kinematics and Simulation of Single Disc Basecutter of Sugarcane Harvester甘蔗收割机单圆盘切割器切割运动分析与仿真
13.To cut(grain or pulse)for harvest with a scythe, sickle, or reaper.收割用镰刀或收割机来切割(谷物或类植物)以进行收获
14.reaping attachment for motormower动力割草机的谷物收割附加装置
15.small self-propelling harvest for wheat and rice自走式小型麦稻收割
16.Those who put in seed with weeping will get in the grain with cries of joy.流泪撒种的,必欢呼收割
17.The farmers are getting the crops in.农人在收割农作物。
18.combine ground clearance联合收割机离地间隙

4)plant harvest植物收割
1.The characteristics and regulations of the system operating in a whole year under special climatic and environmental conditions were studied,and the effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and plant harvest on sewage purification in the constructed wetland was analysed.在我国干旱地区对潜流式人工湿地系统进行了15个月的现场考察,研究了在干旱地区特殊气候和环境的条件下潜流式人工湿地系统全年运行的特点和规律,并分析了在干旱地区水力停留时间和植物收割对于人工湿地污水净化效果的影响规律。
5)Harvesting boat收割机船
6)periodical reaping定期收割
1.Effects of plants arrangement and periodical reaping in aquatic plant filter bed on Pb in plants;水生植物滤床的植物组合及定期收割对植物铅蓄积的影响
