1.A new technology RFID,which is efficient for booking and for automatic management,has been used in some libraries home and abroad,while this technology has not gone into every library.尽管无线射频技术(RFID)在国内外高校图书馆已有应用,该技术具有方便图书排架、方便查找图书,同时还可以实现自动借阅与归还图书,甚至可以做到无人值守的管理方式,但是目前尚不具备在各类高校图书馆推广的条件,为此给出一种基于蓝牙技术的开架式流通管理方案,能够在较少增加工作量和投资的情况下,准确快速地将图书排架号录入计算机,真正实现读者按号索书的要求,从而解决读者找书难问题。

1.The Cabin Alarm and Safe Mobilization Systems, Relaying on the Wireless Radio Frequency;基于无线射频技术的船舱报警及安全调度系统
2.Design of Mobile Information Terminal Based on RF Technology;基于无线射频技术的移动信息终端设计
3.Application of Radio Frequency Identification Technology in Mine Management System;无线射频技术在矿井管理系统中的应用
4.Application of Radio Frequency Identification Technique in Safety Trace System of Dairy Product无线射频技术在乳品安全可追溯系统中的应用
5.The Integration Research of Vehicle Monitoring System on Mine Based on CAN-Bus and Radio Frequency Technology;基于CAN总线及无线射频技术在井下车辆监控系统的融合研究
6.Research of Radio Frequency Identification Technology in Wireless Security System;无线安防系统中射频识别技术的研究
7.RFID Technology and Its Applications;无线射频识别技术RFID及其应用
8.The Application and Technology of Radio Frequency Identification(RFID);无线射频识别(RFID)技术及其应用
9.The Key Technique and Problems in RFID Application and Development;浅析无线射频识别的核心技术及发展
10.Commentary on technology of RFID and applicationRFID无线射频识别技术应用探析
11.Research of the Electromagnetic Environment and Key RF Technologies of Wireless Home Network;无线家庭网络电磁环境及关键射频技术的研究
12.Remote Door Access System Based on Wireless Radio Frequecy Identification;基于无线射频识别技术的远程门禁控制系统
13.The Research and Development of the Intelligent Lock of the Container Based on the RFID;基于无线射频识别技术的集装箱智能锁的研发
14.The Frame of Applying on RFID Technology in Modern Aviation Logistics;现代航空物流中无线射频标识技术的应用框架
15.Application of Radio Frequency Identification in Libraries;无线射频识别技术在高校图书馆中的应用
16.Research on Predistortion of RF Power Amplifiers in Wireless Communications无线通信中射频功率放大器预失真技术研究
17.Development of Exhibition Information System Based on the Radio Frequency Identification Technology基于无线射频识别技术的展馆信息系统开发
18.Introduction and Assimilation of RFID in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省无线射频标签技术的引进与吸收

Radio frequency technique无线射频技术
1.The author studies into the development of information technology, especially the dissemination of wireless radio frequency technique, and argues that technology of decoding wireless radio frequency is the priority of the present.通过对美国信息服务发展状况进行分析,探讨了信息技术投入与经济增长之间的相关性以及信息外包服务与美国经济增长之间的关系,并就信息技术的发展,特别是无线射频技术的推广问题进行了研究,提出无线射频技术将成为今后发展的重点。
3)Radio Frequency Wireless Communications Technology射频无线技术
4)radio frequency identification(RFID)无线射频识别技术(RFID)
5)radio frequency identification(RFID)无线射频识别技术
6)radio frequency identification无线射频识别技术

无线电通信波段(见无线电通信)无线电通信波段(见无线电通信)radio communication wave range wuxiandian tongXin boduan无线电通信波段(rads。。ommunicationWaVe range)见无线电通信。