1.The explorations rushed in the Western Regions at the end of 19th century and in the early 20 th century were of significance in the world history.发生在19世纪末20世纪初的西域探险热对人类有着重要意义,在深刻的政治、经济、文化背景的影响下,各国考古学家、登山家、动植物学家、人类学家、宗教僧侣、地理学家以及记者、旅行者带着各自不同的目的纷纷来到西域地区进行考察探险活动,但是随着国际国内环境的变化,其探险目的有所转变,最终使学术考察占据了主要地位。
2.It was hoped that it will attract a great number of people who are interested in travel,exploration and study.笔者有幸借全区沙化和荒漠化普查之机亲临其境,颇有感受,就所见所感真实表述,希望能给喜欢旅游、探险、科研的人们带来极大的兴趣。

1.The explorers were indifferent to the discomforts and dangers of the expedition.探险家把探险的艰苦和危险置之度外。
2.the risks that are incidental to exploration探险时容易遇到的危险
3.The explorers led a dangerous existence.探险家过着危险的生活。
4.go [ start ] on an expedition去远征[探险, 考察]
5.Explorer goes to very dangerous space adventure and study.探险家去很危险的空间冒险和研究。
6.I would convey the sense of adventure that cavers share.我将会和大家分享探险者的冒险探险者。
7.Stories of adventure thrilled him.探险小说使他神情激动。
8.I took a ship named Adventure.我搭的船是“探险号”。
9.He had an itch to get away and explore.他等不及要动身去探险
10.Radio Astronomy Explorer“射电天文探险者”号卫星
11.Energetic particle Explorer“高能粒子探险者”号卫星
12.Micrometeoroid Explorer“微流星体探险者”号卫星
13.Cosmic Background Explorer“宇宙背景探险者”卫星
14.He was excited about going on the expedition.他对于去探险感到兴奋。
15.He is an Arctic explorer.他是个北极探险家。
16.Explorers have to withstand hardships.探险者得忍受艰苦。
17.Beacon Explorer“信标探险者”号卫星
18.prepared the ship for an arctic expedition.装备北极探险的船只

4)exploration risk勘探风险
1.Discussion on composition of trap exploration risk and evaluation method--taking exploration of the lithologic trap of deep volcanic rock of Xujiaweizi in Songliao basin as an example.;圈闭勘探风险构成与评价方法探讨——以松辽盆地徐家围子深层火山岩岩性圈闭勘探为例
2.A parameter system for exploration risk assessment and a spatial attribute property set of oil & gas wells and dry holes was created based on study of oil accumulation patterns as well as their main controlling factors in the third member of Shahejie Formation in Shenxian sag of Bohai Bay Basin.在冀中坳陷深县凹陷古近系沙河街组三段油气成藏规律和成藏主控因素识别的基础上,建立了油气勘探风险评价参数体系及油气井和干井空间属性特征库。
5)risk-taking exploration风险勘探
1.Conception of China's risk-taking exploration system to detect mineral resources in foreign countries;我国境外风险勘探政策体系构架设想
6)risk discussion风险探讨
