白城市,Baicheng city
1)Baicheng city白城市
1.The Countermeasures of Developing the Water Resource of Baicheng City;白城市生态环境建设的水资源发展对策
2.An Analysis of Baicheng City Eco-tourism SWOT and Some Countermeasures;白城市生态旅游的SWOT分析及对策研究

1.Evaluation Index System Research on Baicheng Sustainable Development;白城市可持续发展评价指标体系研究
2.The Strategic Thinking of Promoting the Non-government Economy Development in Baicheng;加速白城市民营经济发展的战略思考
3.The analysis of the problems of the government web portal;吉林省白城市政府门户网站问题分析
4.An Analysis of Baicheng City Eco-tourism SWOT and Some Countermeasures;白城市生态旅游的SWOT分析及对策研究
5.A Study on Investment Environment Assessment Based on GIS in Baicheng;基于GIS的白城市投资环境评价研究
6.Suggestions on construction of forestry sci-tech service system in Baicheng City of China白城市林业科技服务体系建设的调查
7.Practice and Thinking about Resource Sharing of Baicheng Normal University's Library and Baicheng Municipal Library白城师范学院图书馆与白城市图书馆资源共享的实践与思考
8.Filling the Urban Void:Urban Explosion and Art Intevention in Chinese Cities;填充城市的空白——中国城市的膨胀和艺术的介入
9.Epidemiologic Survey of Albuminuria in Hezhou of Guangxi;广西贺州市城镇人群中白蛋白尿流行病学调查
10.The besieged city at length hung out the white flag.被围城市终于扯起了白旗乞降。
11.Dalian is an important port city in China.旁白:大连是我国重要的港口城市。
12.The whole town looked as if it were made with silver.整座城市看起来就像白银打造似的。
13.People who work in offices are called white-collar workers.城市里在办公室工作的人称为白领。
14.In the history of Detroit, it gradually become black from white.底特律是一个典型的由白变黑的城市。
15.Wenzhou is a coastal city with a long history.旁白:温州是一座历史悠久的沿海城市。
16.Discussion the white and black design in urban road reformation浅谈城市道路改造中的“白+黑”设计
18.Reuse Project of Reclaimed Water from Shanghai Bailonggang Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant上海市白龙港城市污水处理厂中水回用工程

1.This paper,based on the management and development of mineral resources in Baicheng city,appreciates the achievements in mineral resource management,analyzes some issues and presents five suggestions,providing an assistance in management and development of mineral resources and in management of mining rights market.本文结合白城市矿产资源管理和合理利用实践,分析了白城市在矿产资源管理和开发利用方面取得的成绩和存在的问题,对今后进一步加强矿产资源的管理和合理开发利用具有一定的指导意义。
2.Based on the transference forms of rural collective land in Baicheng,some feasible countermeasures are put forward in this paper,which are beneficial to the transferences of usufruct of rural collective land.本文结合白城市集体土地流转方式,提出切实可行的对策,以利于农村集体土地的流转。
3.From discussing the concept of eco-tourism, basing on the reality of Baicheng eco - tourism resources, the paper studies some theoretical questions and some practicalcontents on exploitation of Baicheng eco-tourism resources adopting ecology > tourismscience and geography system science .本文从探讨生态旅游的概念出发,结合白城市生态旅游资源的开发实际,借鉴生态学、旅游学、地理学、系统科学等有关理论和方法,研究探索了白城市生态旅游资源开发的理论与实践。
3)Baidi city白帝城市
4)Urban white line城市白线
5)Middle Schools Baicheng City白城市中学
6)Baicheng City in Jilin Province吉林省白城市
1.Flood resourcification practice and revelation from Baicheng City in Jilin Province;洪水资源化在吉林省白城市的实践及其启示
