1.Moral education depends on certain cultural background and the cultural environment of each campus is multi-dimensional and unique.德育依存于一定的文化背景,每个学校所处的文化环境都具有多维性、独特性。
2.We think myths have the character which includes multi-dimension, nationality, sacredness and unconsciousness.文章尝试从本文与文本两个视角探讨神话定义 ,在艺术本体、传承主体、文化功能和思维机制等四个层面上重新阐释神话的本质属性 ,认为神话具有多维性、民族性、神圣性和不自觉

1.A Study of Dimensional Lack in Higher Vocational Course System from Multi-dimensional Knowledge;从知识多维性看高职课程体系的维度缺失
2.Discussion on the Multi-dimensional Identity of the Characters in "Bailuyuan";试论《白鹿原》人物身份的多维性特征
3.multiporous acrylic fibre多细孔性丙烯腈系纤维
4.multiple fibroepithelial hyperplasia多发性纤维上皮增生
5.multiple neurofibromatosis多发性神经纤维瘤病
6.polyostotic fibrous dysplasia多骨纤维性结构不良症
7.Creative Thinking is the Unity of Opposites of the Single Thinking and Multiple Thinking;创造性思维是单元性思维与多元性思维的对立统一
8.Studies on the Myofiber Characters and Conformation Polymorphism of Myogenin in Chicken;鸡肌纤维特性及Myogenin基因多态性的研究
9.Literariness: a Multidimensional Space with Flexibility;“文学性”:多个维度构建的弹性空间
10.Breaking down the Traditional Thought Pattern Setting up a Variety of Creative Thought;打破传统思维定势 建立多样性创意思维
11.Wavelet method for solving one-dimensional and multi-dimensional nonlinear evolution equations解一维及多维非线性发展方程的小波方法
12.Polymorphisms of Vitamin D Receptor Gene and Its Association with Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets;维生素D受体基因多态性与维生素D缺乏性佝偻病相关性研究
13.A Study on the Association of the Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism with Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets;维生素D受体基因多态性与维生素D缺乏性佝偻病易感性的研究
14.Enough electrons are present to maintain electrical neutrality.存在着足够多的电子以维持电中性。
15.The diagnosis of pleomorphic fibroma was confirmed.病理表现符合多形性纤维瘤之诊断。
16.Jane Eyre: A Model Novel of Female Literature in the Victorian Times《简·爱》:维多利亚时代女性文学的范本
17.His opinions about sex are very Victorian.他对性的看法是非常维多利亚式的。
18.On the Theory Forms of Intersubjectivity from Multi-perspectives;多维视野中的主体间性理论形态考辨

1.The Relation between Multidimension of Chinese Vocabulary and Synonym Means;论汉语词汇的多维性与同义手段的关系
2.By means of abductive inference,the thesis argues that Tiger represe nts multidimensional meanings especially in social reality,religious,mythology,political,philosophical and literary composition.运用认知推理的手段,阐释布莱克的《老虎》在社会生活、宗教、神话、政治、哲学和文学创作领域所表现的多维性
1.The artist uses multidimensional skills to reproduction the“space matter”, based on the idiographic vision object and individuation taste mentality.为此,本文对绘画的多维性空间表现的论述,不仅有助于深化空间表现理论的理解与把握,也有益于合理性空间观念的生成和艺术创作能力的培养。
4)multiple dimension多维性
1.By comparison with the o ther distribution principle, it has such characters as the multiple dimension of distribution measure; the diversity of factor income form; inequality of its in come distribution.较之其它分配方式 ,按要素贡献分配原则的特点是 :要素分配尺度的多维性 ,要素收入实现形式的多样性 ,要素收入分配的不平等性。
1.The multidimensionality of translation is the psychological resource for translational performance and the generation of a target text results from combined influences of competence factors in translation.翻译的多维能力是翻译操作的心理资源;一个翻译文本的生成是多维能力综合表征的结果,因此翻译能力的建构应是多维性的。
1.Based on the socialist practice theory,contradiction theory,reform theory,harmony theory,and other current research in both China and the West,this article explores the multi-dimensional concept of social justice.本文以社会主义社会实践论、矛盾论、改革论和和谐论这一科学思想体系为指导,结合中外学界的现有理论成果,对社会正义概念做多维度的阐释,并强调了两个问题:一是社会正义多维内涵的复杂性,即促进各不同维度的正义时可能发生冲突;二是社会正义内涵的多维性要求对政策公平正义性的解读和评价必须立足于人的实践活动,"以人为本",而非抽象的、形而上的简单批判。
2.It embarks on the similarity of graphics images,correlation,contradiction,as well as multi-dimensional of graphics images to discuss how to achieve the perfect combination of materials with the mind and analyze the significance of graphic image.从影像图形的相似性、相关性、相悖性以及多维性等手法入手,探讨如何使影像图形实现物与意的完美结合,分析了影像图形的符号意义。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-