1.Studies on theory of the "close-to-nature" landscape architecture of urban;“近自然”城市园林理论研究
2.Studies on the Building of Close-to-nature Landscape of Waterfront Green Space“近自然”滨水绿地景观建设研究

1.The Nature Worshipping in Wordsworth s Poems;亲近自然 还原生活——论华兹华斯诗歌的自然崇拜
2.The Research on Riparian Naturalness Evaluation and Close to Nature Restoration河岸带自然度评价与近自然恢复模式研究
3.A Study and Development of Knowledge Management System for Near Natural Forest Management;近自然森林经营知识管理系统的研建
4.Exploration and Evaluation of Ecological Benefits of Urban Near-natural Forest;城市近自然森林生态效益探究及评价
5.Close-to-nature Forest Landscape Planning Based on Potential Natural Vegetation基于潜在天然植被的近自然森林景观规划研究
6.A Preliminary Study on Nature-approximating Management Techniques of Degraded Natural Forests in Guizhou Province贵州省退化天然林近自然经营技术初步研究
7.Zhang described jumping as the most relaxed and free way to meet nature.他把蹦极看成一种最放松的接近自然的方式。
8.Let us close in on nature and come to grips with her.让我们接近大自然并努力对付大自然吧!
9.The Research on Natural Disaster and Modern Northwest Society--Modern Northwest Natural Disaster and Population Migration;近代西北自然灾害与人口变迁——自然灾害与近代西北社会研究
10.A natural attraction or affinity.亲和力自然吸引或亲近性
11.Latest occurrence of EI Nino最近一次厄尔尼诺造成自然灾害
12.The closer you stay to nature, the more you will appreciate her beauty.你愈接近大自然,就愈能了解它的美。
13.the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living.贴近大自然的环境和悠闲的生活节奏。
14.People think that cowboys are in dose touch with nature.人们认为牛仔生活贴近大自然。
15.A supernatural influence felt to be nearby.鬼魂,神灵感到就在附近的超自然力量
16.To be in nature is a prayer for me.对我来说,亲近大自然就像祈祷一样。
17.The canvas on the wall is to let person and nature be stuck nearlier more.墙上的画布更是让人与自然贴得更近。
18.Geoffery Bartlett:Refined Connection between Art and Nature走近巴特利特:艺术与自然的优雅沟通

1.Study on the Near-natural Configuration Models of Plant Community in Chengdu City成都市城市森林的近自然植物群落配置模式研究
3)near nature color近自然色
1.Based on the QuickBird date from Zhangjiangkou Mangrove Reserve,the ortho-rectification,fusion,near nature color processing were discussed in the high-solution pretreatment of remote sensing data.以漳江口红树林自然保护区为研究区的快鸟数据为例,从影像校正、融合和近自然色合成方面对高分辨率遥感数据在图像预处理方法进行探讨,最后得到适合于红树林内部群落目视解译的影像和野外工作底图的影像,并总结出适合于快鸟等高分辨率遥感数据的预处理方法。
4)Nature closeness近自然度
5)near-natural forest近自然林
1.Origin and connotation of "near-natural forestn as well as the implementation of the forest in Middle Europe are described.本文简要的论述了“近自然林”的由来、内涵以及在中欧国家的实施情况。
2.Theory and method of near-natural forest was applied in this paper to discuss the pos- sibility and necessary of near-natural forest in managing the second around city forest in Guiyang city.本文运用近自然林经营的理论和方法,对贵阳市第二环城林带进行近自然经营的可行性和必要性进行探讨,并提出了相应的思路和建议。

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