1.Micromorphological Study on Leaf Epidermis of Bambusa and Dendrocalamus (Poaceae:Bambusoideae);箣竹属和牡竹属(竹亚科)叶表皮微形态特征
2.Cloning and sequence analysis of GBSSI gene of eight bamboo species of Bambusa箣竹属基于PCR技术的分子系统学研究方法初探

1.Bambusa hirticaulis,a New Species in Genus Bambusa华南箣竹属一新种——毛秆竹(英文)
2.Cloning and sequence analysis of GBSSI gene of eight bamboo species of Bambusa箣竹属基于PCR技术的分子系统学研究方法初探
3.Any of various usually woody, temperate or tropical grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys, or Sasa.竹子一种通常为木质的,温带或热带禾本科植物,青篱竹属、竹属、苏麻竹属、毛竹属或赤竹属
4.The carnation or a similar plant of the genus Dianthus.麝香石竹麝香石竹或类似的石竹属植物
5.An Description on the Reproductive Organs of Bambusa diaoluoshanensis Chia et H.L.Fung竹亚科簕竹属吊罗坭竹繁殖器官的补充描述
6.any of various flowers of plants of the genus Dianthus cultivated for their fragrant flowers.芳香型石竹属种植植物。
7.medium and large bamboos.中型和大型竹的一个属。
8.giant clumb-forming bamboos.巨大丛生竹的一个属。
9.Study on the Comparative Anatomy of Leaves and Roots of Drepanostachyum and Ampelocalamus;镰序竹属与悬竹属根和叶的比较解剖研究
10.Any of several perennial herbs of the genus Cheiranthus, especially C.cheiri.桂竹香一种桂竹香属的四季草本植物,尤指桂竹香
11.A plant of the genus Dianthus, which includes carnations and pinks.石竹一种含有肉色和粉红色的石竹属植物
12.Study of Genetic Relationships among the Part of Bamboos in Bambusa Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD);簕竹属部分竹种间亲缘关系的RAPD标记研究
13.Discussion on the Name and Nomenclatural Type of the Genus of Qiongzhuea Hsueh et Yi and Qiongzhuea tumidinoda Hsueh et Yi关于筇竹属和筇竹名称及命名模式的讨论
14.Content analyses of nutrients and mineral elements in bamboo shoots of three species of Pleioblastus三种苦竹属竹笋营养成分和矿质元素含量分析
15.Comparison of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Five Species of Indocalamus spp.5种箬竹属竹种叶绿素荧光特性的比较
16.A bamboo(Arundinaria gigantea) native to the southeast United States, having long stiff stems and often forming canebrakes.大子青篱竹一种竹子(青篱竹青篱竹属),原产于美国东南部,茎干长而坚挺,常形成甘蔗丛
17.of or pertaining to plants of the family Caryophyllaceae.属于或关于石竹科型植物。
18.a caryophylloid dicot genus including corn cockles.一个石竹科草本属,包括麦仙翁。

Bambusa blumeana箣竹
1.Growth-promoting Effects and Physiological Property of Endophytic Diazotrophs Isolated from Guangdong Bamboo (Bambusa blumeana);广东箣竹内生固氮菌生理特性及促生效果研究
1.Study on Biomass of Bambusa Introduced in Fujian Nanping;福建南平引种竹刺竹属植物生物量研究
4)Bambusa hirticaulis竹属
1.Bambusa hirticaulis,a New Species in Genus Bambusa华南箣竹属一新种——毛秆竹(英文)
1.The Identification and Geographic Distribution of Nageia and Its Pharmaceutical Effect;竹柏属植物的分类、地理分布及药用价值
2.Chloroplast matK gene phylogeny of Taxaceae and Cephalotaxaceae, with additional reference to the systematic position of Nageia;红豆杉科及三尖杉科的分子系统发育——兼论竹柏属的系统位置
3.Conducting Tissue of Leaves in Nageia and Podocarpus;竹柏属和罗汉松属叶输导组织的观察
1.Compared on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Thirteen Species of Phyllostachys;刚竹属13个竹种叶绿素荧光特性比较
2.Studies on the Floral Biological Characteristics of Three Bamboo Species of Phyllostachys;刚竹属3个竹种的开花生物学特性
3.RAPD Analysis of Genetic Relationships among the 23 Ornamental Bamboo Species in Phyllostachys;刚竹属(Phyllostachys)23个观赏竹种间亲缘关系的RAPD分析
