1.Analysis of Main Afforestation Models for Returning Farmland to Forst in Majiang County;麻江县退耕还林主要优化配置模式分析
2.Distribution of Avena sativa and Its Utilization in Majiang;燕麦在麻江的分布及利用状况
3.The Development and Application of Expert System for Tobacco in Majiang;麻江烤烟专家系统的开发与应用

1.Analysis of Main Afforestation Models for Returning Farmland to Forst in Majiang County;麻江县退耕还林主要优化配置模式分析
2.Induction of Callus and Plant Regeneration of Shoot Tips of Allium satuvum L. of Majiang麻江红蒜茎尖愈伤组织诱导及植株再生研究
3.A New Record of Urticaceae Plant in Tianmu Mountain of Zhejiang天目山荨麻科一种浙江新记录——宽叶荨麻
4.Strategies on flax industry development in Lanxi County Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省兰西县亚麻产业的发展对策
5.Analysis of measles surveillance in Suzhou,Jiangsu,2006-20082006-2008年江苏省苏州市麻疹监测分析
6.Ameliorative Effects of Jute on Coastal Solonchak in Dongtai,Jiangsu黄麻对江苏东台滨海盐土的改良效应
7.Study on Epidemiological Characteristics of Measles in Zhejiang Province,1951-2007浙江省1951-2007年麻疹流行特征分析
8.Suggestions About Fiber Flax Breeding of Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省纤维用亚麻育种的几点建议
9.Epidemiological analysis of newly emerging leprosy cases after general elimination of leprosy in Wenzhou city,Zhejiang浙江省温州市基本消灭麻风病后新发现的麻风病例流行病学分析
10.Epidemiological survey of an outbreak of measles in laipo Ibvmship of Changjiang County, Hainan Province.昌江县太坡镇一起麻疹暴发的流行病学调查
12.Evaluate Security and Study on Rebulit Design of Spillway in Mayuan Reservoir in Jiangxi Province;江西麻源水库溢洪道安全评价及改建设计研究
13.Discussion on the Development of Flax Production in Nine-three Land Reclamation Branch Bureau;浅谈黑龙江省九三农垦分局亚麻的发展
14.Programme and Imagine on the High Scientific and Technological Demonstrative Garden Plot of Flax in Heil ongjiang;黑龙江省亚麻高科技示范园区的规划和设想
15.Analysis on Comparative Advantage and Market Competitiveness of Flax in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省亚麻比较优势与市场竞争力分析
16.Carrying Flax Tactic Impelling the Adjustment of Planting Industry Structure in Heilongjiang Province;实施亚麻战略 加快黑龙江省种植业结构调整
17.History and Existing Problems in the Production of Flax Material of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省亚麻原料生产的发展历史与现存问题
18.Observation on measles IgG level in different crowd in Fenghua浙江省奉化市不同人群麻疹IgG抗体水平观察

Majiang red garlic麻江红蒜
1.The breeding of Majiang red garlic and cultivation profit appraisement in straw covered and not tilled paddyfield;麻江红蒜品比试验及稻田免耕覆草栽培效益分析
2.[Objective] The research aimed to provide scientifical references for the development of Majiang red garlic industry.[方法]测定麻江红蒜3种不同种植方式下的产量、植株性状、根系分布范围和数量、叶面积大小和保绿期等指标。
3)Spermatophyte Flora麻江县
1.A Preliminary Study on the Spermatophyte Flora inLongshan of Majiang County;麻江县龙山地区森林植物区系的初步研究
4)Majiang of Guizhou贵州麻江
5)G. chingiana浙江蛇麻
1.Based on the competitive test between G.对浙江蛇麻(Girardiniachingianachien)的种群动态进行了研究,阐述了种群增长的Logistic规律;通过对浙江蛇麻和透茎冷水花(PileamongolicaWedd)的竞争试验和对浙江蛇麻-透茎冷水花群落的跟踪考察,提出了群落中种群Logistic进化假说。
6)jingjiang duck荆江麻鸭
1.We accompanimently observed jingjiang duck sourced of National Waterfowl Germplasm Resources Pool,and analyzed the production trait,reproductive ability and egg quality of jingjiang duck in different generations.对来源于国家水禽种质资源基因库的荆江麻鸭进行了世代跟踪观察,分析了不同世代荆江麻鸭生产性能、繁殖性能以及蛋品质。
2.The result showed that the performances of Jingjiang duck were not significant in different generations.本研究分析了不同世代荆江麻鸭生产性能、繁殖性能以及蛋品质。

德江土家族麻饼德江土家族麻饼香脆酥甜的土家族麻饼是贵州德江县土家庭的传统食品。每当逢年过节,家家户户都要做麻饼款待客人;姑娘出嫁或儿子娶亲也少不了它。它还可作为农忙时节的加饭餐。 制法:(1)把炒米、麻糖融合在一起搅匀,然后舀进长宽各70厘米、高5厘米左右的木箱里,用木块和擀面杖压实,冷却,再切成薄片就成了。(2)想保存长久时间,只需在麻饼上覆盖一层炒米,用塑料袋装好即成。 特点:麻饼的品种很多,有元香米麻饼、芝麻麻饼、花生麻饼、核桃麻饼等。形状也多种多样,有圆形,长方形等等。不管放多长时间,麻饼仍然脆香、酥甜、可口。