1.Effect of Genbao on Root Growth and Activity of Arborvitae根宝对侧柏幼苗根系生长及活性的影响
2.Making a field comparative test on forestation livin g rate of locust in arid area by using plastic film, Genbao, root-growing dust, wa ter-keeping agent.采用农膜、根宝、生根粉、保水剂在干旱地区对刺槐造林成活率进行了田间对比试验。
3.4% using soaking method of 1:20 Genbao solution.在日本落叶松移植过程中 ,用根宝 1∶2 0稀释液浸根 ,可提高苗木成活率 10 4 % ,同时 ,平均苗高、平均苗地径、平均侧根均有不同程度提

1.Effect of Genbao on Root Growth and Activity of Arborvitae根宝对侧柏幼苗根系生长及活性的影响
2."Huck, that money wasn't ever in No. 2!"“哈克,那财宝根本就不在二号里
3.The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone.城墙的根基是用各样宝石修饰的。
4.The Logan sapphire is one of the largest blue sapphire gems known. It weighs 423 carats (84.6 g).洛根蓝宝石是已知最大的蓝色蓝宝石,重423克拉(84.6克)。
5.He answered a P & G ad in 1952 and has worked for P&G ever since.1952年,他根据招聘广告来宝洁公司应聘,从此就在宝洁公司供职。
6.Bye-lo, bye-lo, go to sleep.宝宝,宝宝,睡吧。
7.Beauty is like a rich stone, best plain set.--Francis Bacon, British Philosopher美貌就像宝石,不用装饰最好。英国哲学家培根
8.The foundations were laid with large stones of good quality, some measuring ten cubits and some eight.根基是宝贵的大石头、长十肘的、长八肘的。
9."and the base was of great masses of highly priced stone, some ten cubits and some eight cubits square."根基是宝贵的大石头,有长十肘的,有长八肘的。
10.That ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.与皇冠上的宝石相比那枚戒指根本不值什么钱。
11.From the sublime to the ridiculous the life of this painting contains many extraordinary stories.这是一幅无价之宝,它的价值根本无法估算。
12.Effect of "Luzhibao" on the Formation of Adventitious Roots in Hypocotyl Cuttings of VIGINA RADIATA;“绿之宝”对绿豆下胚轴不定根形成的作用(简报)
13.Establishment of Genetic Transformation System of Sedum Spectabile Boreau by Agrobacterium Rhizogenes发根农杆菌介导八宝景天遗传转化体系的建立
14.Effects of Basal Mediums on Multiplication and Shoot Rooting of Gulf-ruby Plum基本培养基对海湾红宝石李增殖和生根的影响
15.But I was unable to approve of you when later you could quarrel with Erbao over a single cigarette, letting fly at him with the most potent curses.但我是不会赞成你的,你后来能为一根纸烟就和二宝翻脸,凶狠地对二宝破口大骂。
16.Would it be better to leave such treasures to the local population, which perhaps doesn't pay any attention to them?将这样的珍宝留给本地人岂不更好? 他们也许根本没有注意到那些珍宝。
17.As they give birth to only one or two cubs when mating is successful, the giant panda's survival in the wild is anything but a foregone conclusion.熊猫若成功受孕,每胎也只能产下一到二只小宝宝,因此,大熊猫野放的存活率根本无法逐下结论。
18.The brilliance of the group has made its founder-- Mr. Gensheng Feng, a legendary.她更让青春宝的创始人——冯根生成为一个传奇人物。

1.Study on Bio-pesticide Jiangenbao in Controlling Soil Borne Disease of Vegetable;生物农药健根宝防治蔬菜土传病害的研究
4)Baoligen Temple宝力根寺
1.Tactics of travel market dealing of Baoligen Temple scenic spot宝力根寺风景区旅游市场营销策略
5)Jiangenbao dust健根宝粉剂
6)Gegenbao Soft Capsule葛根宝软胶囊
1.Quality Standard Study for Gegenbao Soft Capsule;葛根宝软胶囊的质量标准研究
2.Contents determination of puerarin and daidzein in Gegenbao Soft Capsule by HPLC;HPLC测定葛根宝软胶囊中葛根素和大豆苷元的含量

电气化铁路宝成线宝凤段电气化铁路宝成线宝凤段the Bao-Feng district of Bao-Cheng electric railway d lonq.hL一ot旧ItJ Boo一Chengxlo犷、Boo一FengdUo门电气化铁路宝成线宝凤段(the Bao一Fengdistriet of Bao一Cheng eleetrie railway)中国电气化铁路宝成线北起西北重镇宝鸡市,南止四川省 省会成都市,沿途经过任家湾、秦岭、风 州、略阳、阳平关、广元、马角坝、绵 阳等车站,单线全长668km,是中国第 一条电气化铁路。其中的宝(鸡)风 (州)段是中国最早建成通车的电气化 区段(见图)。 宝凤段电气化铁路以中国铁路电 气化的先导和成功试点而载人史册。它 成为培养铁路电气化管理人才的摇篮, 为中国培养出一代又一代电力机车乘 务、牵引变电所和接触网管理、检修等 人才,先后向全国各电气化铁路输送了 大批技术干部和技术工人。 宝凤段线路主要技术条件线路 等级1级干线;正线数目:单线;限制 坡道30%。;最小曲线半径3oom;到发 线有效长度:650~700m;机车类型及 牵引方式:韶山1型电力机车,秦岭以 北为三机牵引,以南为单机牵引;牵引 定数2400t;闭塞方式:自动闭塞;隧 道净空高度为6328 mm。 牵引供电系统主要技术标准供 电制式:单相工频25kV;电力牵引供 电方式:电力牵引直接供电方式;接触 网悬挂方式:区间采用半补偿弹性链型 悬挂,站场采用简单链型悬挂。在宝鸡 设电力机务段、供电段和电力调度所各 一处,接触网工区则沿线分散设置。 主要工程数t全长glkm,建成 电气化铁路接触网141.3条·km,电 力牵引变电所3座,分别位于任家湾、 秦岭和凤州;敷设通信电缆81.84 km, 调度集中91km,电气集中信号站10 个,电力机务段和供电段各1处;铺设站线、岔线12 km,新建房屋2.57万mZ。该段1958年6月15日开1.1960年5月14日竣工,1961年8月15日正式投人运营。一叠,.叫桥梁~艘道卜~.叫坎路宝成线宝(鸡)凤(州)段线路示意图