1.In this article, the author thinks that we should give the lecture in a style of gentle , simple and unadorned in theory class in PE instead of making it vivid or full of passion deliberately .体育理论课程的教学一定要讲得生动、激情 ,才能吸引学生 ,激发他们的学习热情吗 ?能否以平实、平和的方式 ,诉诸于学生的理性来实现课程的教学目标 ,再将“生动”与“激情”作为锦上添花的因素而使课程的影响力更加持
2.Combined with the instructional syntheses design of Shandong Traffic Vocational College,it illustrated that how to make instructional syntheses combined with surrounding existing buildings and make it own gentle and grandiose attitude were critical to resolve problems.指出城市的品质首先要基于整体的秩序,大量而平常的建筑更需要得到关注,结合山东交通职业学院教学综合体的设计过程,说明了如何让该教学综合体和周围已有建筑融为一体,让其拥有一种平和而大气的态度是解决问题的关键。

1.New Peace Party新党平和(新和平党)
2.Today he has a mild look.今天,他脸色平和
3.All-India Peace and Solidarity Organization全印度和平和团结组织
4.marked by peace and prosperity.以和平和繁荣为特点。
5.International Peace Bureau国际和平局(和平局)
6.International Institute for Peace国际和平学会(和平学会)
7.Security for Peace: Peace-building and Peacekeeping安全促进和平:建设和平与维持和平
8.a peaceful demonstration, reign, period of history和平示威、 太平盛世、 历史上的和平时期
9.Peaceful Development: Peaceful Coexistence, Peace with Difference and a World in Harmony;和平发展:和平共处 和而不同 和谐世界
10.altitude and azimuth地平纬度和地平经度
11.self-propelled grader and leveller自推式平地机和平土器
12.Peace and Compromise:Norway s Peace Efforts;和平与和解——挪威追求世界和平的努力
13.agenda for peace: preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping和平纲领:预防外交、建立和平与维持和平
14.Heping sounding rocket“和平”号探空火箭
15.I am as usual, thanks .和平常一样,谢谢。
16.the cult of beauty [peace]对美 [和平] 的歌颂
17.Peace Review和平评论(月刊,印)
18.(2) The Programme for Peace and National Reconstruction.(二)和平建国纲领。

1.Tragedy and Peace — Study of Memorial Space of Massacre in World War II;悲愤与和平——第二次世界大战三大灾难纪念性空间初探
2.The war and peace of the information ages;信息时代的“战争与和平”
3.On the Predicaments of the UN in Safeguarding World Peace after the Cold War;论冷战后联合国在维护世界和平中的困境
3)the Harmony and Equilibrium of Yin-Yang阴阳和平
1.Discuss of the Harmony and Equilibrium of Yin-Yang in Huangdi s Internal Classics;《内经》“阴阳和平”探析
4)Peace Park和平公园
1.Discussion of Commemorative Landscape Planning and Design--Taking the Conceptual Planning of Huludao Peace Park as the Example;纪念性园林规划设计探讨——以葫芦岛市和平公园概念性规划为例
5)peaceful evolution和平演变
1.Political Guard and Consideration in Peaceful Coexistence——Comparison and enlightenment of Lenin's and Khrushchev's antipeaceful evolution thoughts和平共处中的政治警惕与兼顾——列宁与赫鲁晓夫反和平演变思想的比较及其对中国的启示
2.Religion infiltration is an important part of the "peaceful evolution" stratagem of international reactionaries,who attempts to infiltrate our government with religion,overthrow our socialism system,and divide our homeland.宗教渗透是境外敌对势力"和平演变"战略的重要组成部分,旨在破坏祖国统一,颠覆我国社会主义制度。
6)Heping ancient town和平古镇
1.Research into the mechanism of preservation and renewal of Heping ancient town in north Fujian;闽北和平古镇长效保护与更新机制探析
