1.Physiological indexes such as water potential,relative water content of twigs,chlorophyll content,free proline and so on,were measured and studied in five water conditions by treating water stress of potted seedlings of four tree species in Maowusu region.通过对毛乌素地区4种树苗进行盆栽水分胁迫试验,研究了5种水分条件下4种树苗的水势、枝条相对含水量、相对电导率、叶绿素含量和脯氨酸含量等生理指标,比较了各树苗的耐旱能力。

1.Ninety-five percent of the new seedlings have survived.新栽的树苗95%都已成活。
2.There is a space of three meters between two rows of saplings.每两行树苗间隔3 米。
3.I transplanted the seedlings to the garden.我把树苗移植到庭院。
4.A nursery is where young plants and trees are raised.在苗圃里是培育树苗和植物的地方。
5.The soil around the plants should be well trodden down, so that they are firmly rooted树苗四周的泥土要好好踏实,使树苗牢牢地扎根。
6.The little boy was very proud of having raised the trees from small seedings.小男孩为将小树苗培养成树而自豪。
7.In nurseries, fruit trees are often taken up and heeled in.在苗圃里,通常把树苗掘起,暂时用土覆盖根部。
8.Growth Law and Technique for Seedling-raising of seddling of Koelreuteria henryi台湾栾树苗木生长规律和育苗技术研究
9.The soil around the plants should be well trodden down so that they are firmly rooted.树苗周围的泥土要好好踏实以使树苗牢牢地扎根。
10.The bark of saplings galled by improper staking.由于不正确地打桩,小树苗的树皮受到了损伤
11.While planting trees, we must first make sure that the sapling is upright, and then add earth.种树的时候, 一定要先把树苗竖直了再培土。
12.Even the grandest forest begins with a single seedling.即便最壮丽的树林也是从一株树苗开始。
13.The students are watering the young trees.学生们正在给小树苗浇水。
14.We stamped on the earth. We watered the young trees.我们踩这些土。我们给小树苗浇水。
15.The typhoon prostrated numerous young trees.台风吹倒了无数棵小树苗
16.Tree seedlings of major species for afforestatioGB6000-1985主要造林树种苗木
17.Seed and seedling of tea plantGB11767-1989茶树种子和苗木
18.Low-growing plants, saplings, and shrubs beneath trees in a forest.矮树丛树林中长在树下的矮小植物,幼苗和灌木

3)Camptotheca acuminata seedlings喜树幼苗
1.Effect of nitrogen on camptothecin content in Camptotheca acuminata seedlings;氮素水平对喜树幼苗喜树碱含量的影响
2.Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza on the growth of Camptotheca acuminata seedlings;丛枝菌根对喜树幼苗的生长效应(英文)
3.Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza on camptothecin content in Camptotheca acuminata seedlings;丛枝菌根对喜树幼苗喜树碱含量的影响
4)Koelreuteria paniculata seedlings栾树幼苗
5)seedling stems of Catalpa bungei楸树苗干
6)poplar saplings杨树苗
1.This paper examines the factors that affect the poplar saplings buyer decision-making.通过研究杨树苗购买决策过程中的外部影响因素,在对苏北262个杨树苗木购买农户调查的基础上,运用主成分分析法从8个可能影响农户购买决策的维度中提取了3个影响因子。
