1.Analysis of EST and PER isozyme of Populus×jianhumao and its parents;箭胡毛杨及其亲本酯酶和过氧化物酶的同工酶分析
2.Evaluation of Genetic Variation of Populus×Jianhumao and Research on the Tissue Culture Techniques;箭胡毛杨遗传变异评价及组培技术研究
3.Analysis of isozyme on genetic relationship between Populus×Jianhumao and its parents箭胡毛杨及其亲本遗传关系的同工酶分析

1.Evaluation of Genetic Variation of Populus×Jianhumao and Research on the Tissue Culture Techniques;箭胡毛杨遗传变异评价及组培技术研究
2.Analysis of isozyme on genetic relationship between Populus×Jianhumao and its parents箭胡毛杨及其亲本遗传关系的同工酶分析
3.Analysis of EST and PER isozyme of Populus×jianhumao and its parents箭胡毛杨及其亲本酯酶和过氧化物酶的同工酶分析
4.The feathers fitted to an arrow.箭翎适于制作箭的羽毛
5.He feathered arrows with duck's feathers.他用鸭毛给箭装上箭翎。
6.Preliminary probe to the transpiration water-consumption regularity of Populus euphraticu and Populus pruinosa in Tarim Basin胡杨、灰叶胡杨蒸腾耗水规律初步研究
7.Habitat diversity study of Populus euphratica Oliv and Populus Pruinosa Schrenk胡杨和灰叶胡杨的生境多样性的研究
8.Seedling Measurement of Hybrids of Populus alba and P.alba×P.glandulos,P.alba and P.tomentosa银白杨与84K杨、毛白杨杂交及苗期测定
9.Photosynthesis Physiology Response of Populus Euphratica and Populus Pruinosa to Water Stress;胡杨、灰叶胡杨对水分胁迫的光合生理响应
10.Study on the distribution and geographic correlation of Populus euphratica Olivv & Populus Pruinosa Schrenk胡杨、灰叶胡杨种群分布及地理关系的研究
11.The Study on Hybridization between Populus Alba and (P.Alba×P.Glandulos)、P.Tomentosa and Original Selection of Hybrid Seedling;银白杨与84K杨、毛白杨杂交及杂种苗的初选研究
12.Lao Yang knitted his brows.老杨的眉毛拧了个结。
13.Studies on Cloning of Salt Tolerant Genes from Populus Euphratica and Transformation of Populus Popularis;胡杨耐盐相关基因克隆及转化群众杨的研究
14.Introduction of Exogenous DNA of Populus Euphratica into White Poplars via Pollen-tube Pathway;白杨花粉管通道导入外源胡杨DNA技术研究
15.The photosynthetic and water physiological characteristics of Populus euphratica and Populus pruinosa in the upper reaches of Tarim River塔里木河上游胡杨与灰杨光合水分生理特性
16.Production and molecular identification of hybrids between Populus pseudo-simonii Kitag.and P.euphratica Oliv.小青杨与胡杨杂交及其杂种后代分子鉴定
17.The Effects of Drought Stress on Photosynthetic and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa干旱胁迫对胡杨和灰叶胡杨光合作用及叶绿素荧光特性的影响
18.Sincere Feeling, Life and Beauty-Post-reading Reaction of HU Feng s Wild Flower and Arrow;真情,生命与美——读胡风的《野花与箭》

Populus euphratica胡杨
1.Studies on scale convention of individual Populus euphratica and forest water consumption in Tarim Basin;塔里木盆地胡杨单木与林分耗水量的尺度转换研究
2.Study on the Extraction Process of Polyphenols from the Bark of Populus euphratica;胡杨树皮多酚的提取工艺研究
3.Volatiles from the Heartwood of Populus euphratica in Ancient Tomb;古墓中胡杨心材的挥发性化学成分
3)Populus euphratica Oliver胡杨
1.Meristem Cell Structure and Endogenous Hormones Changes during the Adventitious Root Primordia Formation of Populus euphratica Oliver胡杨不定根原基发生的分生细胞结构特征及内源激素变化分析
2.According to the variation of proline (Pro),abscisic acid (ABA) and water content of Populus euphratica Oliver leaf in two sections that has and has not been affected by ecological water transport respectively,the response of physiological indexes of Populus euphratica to ecological water transport in the lower reaches of the Tarim river is preliminarily discussed.根据塔里木河下游受生态输水影响的断面和未受输水影响断面的胡杨生理指标脯氨酸、脱落酸和叶片含水量的变化,就胡杨生理指标对生态输水的响应进行了初步分析。
3.Objective:Populus euphratica oliver was the only arbor that could survive in this area.目的:从塔里木河中下游废弃上百年的河道周围选取2处样点,采集具有不同病症胡杨的茎叶,从中进行菌种分离。
4)Populus euphratica oliv胡杨
1.Characterization of Photosynthesis of Populus euphratica Oliv and Its Microclimate Explanation in Lower Tarim River;塔里木河下游胡杨气体交换特性及其环境解释
2.Extraction of total RNA from roots,stems,leaves and calli of Populus euphratica Oliv.;胡杨根、茎、叶、愈伤组织总RNA提取的研究
3.Root propagation characteristics of Populus euphratica Oliv;胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)根繁殖特征
5)Populus euphraticu胡杨
1.Dynamical responses of Populus euphraticu and Populus pruinosa water potential to different depths of groundwater level;胡杨、灰叶胡杨水势对不同地下水位的动态响应
2.Population structure and demography of Populus euphraticu in upper and middle reaches of Tarim River;塔里木河上、中游胡杨种群结构与统计分析
3.Nutrient Characters of Fertile Islands of Populus euphraticu in the Middle Reaches of Tarim River;塔里木河中游胡杨(Populus euphraticu)“肥岛”的养分特征研究
6)Populus nigra var thevestina箭杆杨
1.The Effect of Water to the Conducting Tissue and the Mesophyll Tissue in the Leaves of Populus nigra var thevestina;不同水分状况对箭杆杨叶中输导组织及叶肉组织的影响
2.【Objective】 The study is to Explore the best culture condition of axillary buds mutiplication and rooting in Populus nigra var thevestina tissue culture under normal temperature.【目的】探讨常温下适宜箭杆杨试管苗腋芽增殖、生根的最佳培养条件。

杨德能、胡继欧夫妇【杨德能、胡继欧夫妇】  杨德能老居士、胡继欧老居士伉俪是当代著名佛教学者,毕生以‘汉藏兼修、显密兼弘’为宗旨,依止法尊法师等高僧大德广学汉藏显密,注重弘扬格鲁派教法,引导众多弟子走上‘先显后密、学修并重’的修行道路。  杨德能居士原名杨世英,藏文法名丹巴南杰(教尊胜),一九二四年生于北京,十三岁信佛。皈依慈舟法师,法名德能,听受华严、法华等经。后依止安钦活佛、密藏院衮确多杰(宝金刚)上师、九世班禅、十世班禅、喜饶嘉措大师等蒙藏高僧学习藏传佛教。胡继欧居士,藏文法名仁钦卓玛(宝度母),一九二一年生于湖北沙市,其父胡子笏老居士是民国时期的著名佛教居士。胡继欧居士自幼学佛,曾依止太虚大师、大勇法师、五台山札萨克喇嘛、密藏院衮确多杰上师等大德学习佛法。自一九五零年法尊法师在北京菩提学会主持翻译工作,他们共同依止法尊法师三十年之久,学习菩提道次第广论、密宗道次第广论、现观庄严论等,并担任法尊法师翻译经论之助手。十年浩劫中,他们冒险保存法尊法师文稿。‘文革’后,共同整理编辑法尊法师全集。  杨德能居士历任北京菩提学会理事、常务理事、北京佛教居士林副理事长及北京市佛教协会常务理事,并受聘为中国藏语系高级佛学院副研究员。胡继欧居士先后在五台山汉藏佛学院、五台山汉藏研究院、北京蒙藏学校、民族学院附中、中国佛学院、雍和宫、通教寺、北京佛教居士林等处任教,讲授藏文与佛法。一九六四年至一九九零年胡继欧居士在中国佛教协会从事藏文翻译工作,翻译能明母修持仪轨、入菩萨行论释、藏文典籍目录等佛教典籍,并参与了房山石经的整理与研究。一九九零年至北京佛教居士林,担任副理事长、研究室主任,并受聘为中国藏语系高级佛学院副研究员。两位老居士晚年不顾年迈,致力于北京佛教居士林的恢复与重建工作,多方呼吁,不遗余力,受到广大林众的赞许和爱戴。  杨德能居士精研密法,晚年先后为弟子讲授四种加行念诵仪轨、十一面大悲观自在仪轨、那若空行母仪轨等。胡继欧居士侧重讲授显宗教理,先后讲过俱舍论、百法明门论、菩提道次第略论、菩提道次第摄颂等,也讲授过供上师法等密宗教授。  两位大德一生为护持道场、保存整理佛教文献、沟通汉藏佛教文化不懈努力,堪称大乘修行人的清净典范。  二零零一年一月六日,胡继欧老居士往生,享年八十岁。杨德能老居士率众弟子同年建塔。二零零二年四月二十四日,杨德能老居士往生,享年七十八岁。同年八月,众弟子依师遗愿,将两位大德灵骨共同于此安奉,并立此碑,请求我为他们的恩师作此碑文,述其功业,以志纪念。  (哈尔哇·嘉木样洛周)(根据网上资料编辑)