1.Formation and succession of plant community on phosphate mining wasteland in Zhangcunping, Southwest, Hubei Province,China;樟村坪磷矿废弃地植物群落的形成与演替
2.The Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics of Pioneer Species on Zhangcunping Phosphor Mining Wasteland樟村坪磷矿废弃地先锋物种的光合生理特性

1.The Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics of Pioneer Species on Zhangcunping Phosphor Mining Wasteland樟村坪磷矿废弃地先锋物种的光合生理特性
2.She People's Characteristics and its Formation---Taking She People in Guixi of Jiangxi Province as an Example论畲族的民族特性及形成原因——以江西省贵溪市樟坪畲族乡为例
3.Study on the Rural Social Security in New Rural Construction--A Case of Wangjiaping Village,Lanzhou新农村建设中农村社会保障问题研究——以兰州市汪家坪村为例
4.On Hounuo Song of Tong Minority in Tongdao--A Fieldwork in Diping Country;通道侗族“喉喏歌”初探——通道县地坪村田野调查
5.Probe into the Rural Drinking-water Difficulty Solving Project of Jiancaoping District,Taiyuan City;太原市尖草坪区农村饮水解困工程初探
6.The Study of the New-type Rural Social Endowment Insurance System in Jian Cao Ping District尖草坪区新型农村养老保险制度建设研究
7.“Joint Establishment by the Mine and Village” :One of Models for Building the New Socialist Countryside;工业反哺农业,“矿村共建”和谐新农村——浅论云南大坪村和普珀村新农村建设模式
8.The Political Meaning of the Process of the Candidates Generation in Rural Election--On the Election of Gu-ping Village;村委会候选人产生过程的政治内涵——古坪村选举的观察与解读
9.The Change of Leisure Culture of the Tujia Nationality Residents--Take Shiqiaoping Village of Badong County as a Case;土家族村落的休闲文化变迁——以鄂西南石桥坪村为例
10.Practical Experiences of Building New Countryside in Ethnic Areas--A Case Study of Shiqiaoping Village,Badong County;民族地区新农村社区建设的实践——来自巴东县石桥坪村的经验
11.Discussions on building new socialist countryside--Taking the example of Dapingzi Village in Wuxing Township of Huize County;建设社会主义新农村的探讨——以会泽县五星乡大坪子村为例
12.Family Fight and Group Anxiety in Village Election--Taking as an example Xipingping Village of S County in Z Province村庄选举中的“家族争斗”与“群体焦虑”——以Z省S县西坪村为例
13.Research on the Development of Rural Tourism in the Form of Participation--Case Study of the Ancient Village Jingping in Zhongfang County of Huaihua City怀化参与式乡村旅游发展研究——以怀化市中方县荆坪古村为例
14.The Popularity of TV and the Decline of Public Space in the Village:"Fanshi"--an Ethnographic Investigation of Daping village in Gupo电视的普及与村落“饭市”的衰落——对古坡大坪村的田野调查
15.Some homeowners and country clubs are removing turf in an effort to reduce the amount of water used to grow lawns.为了节水,一些住户和乡村俱乐部甚至移走草坪,减少灌溉草坪的用水量。
16.The Social Functions in "Palying Buddha" Rituals of Tujia Tima土家族梯玛“玩菩萨”仪式及其社会功能——以双坪村卡落坪梯玛班子为例
17.being or having the properties of camphor.属于樟脑,具有樟脑特性。
18.The Action Analysis on the Village Committee Democratic Election Participated by the Village People in the Ethnic Areas;少数民族地区村民参与村委会选举的行为分析——湖北长阳龙舟坪镇7村庄的调查

Pinbaying village坪坝营村
3)Changping village长坪村
4)Sau Mau Ping Estate秀茂坪村
5)Da Chuen Ping Village打砖坪村
6)Ping Shek Estate坪石村

茅坪村八角楼茅坪位于宁冈县东南16公里处,距茨坪36公里,现有公路相通。井冈山斗争时期,湘赣边界党、政、军领导机关和红军后勤机关曾设立于此。现存革命旧址20多处,主要有八角楼毛泽东旧居、湘赣边界工农兵政府旧址等。八角楼是茅坪村谢氏慎公祠后面的一栋土砖结构的两层楼房,因装饰痒八角天窗而得名。1927年10月至1929年2月,毛泽东经常在这里居住和办公,写下了《中国的红色政权为什么能够存在?》等光辉著作。现楼内陈列着毛泽东当年用过的大砚台、竹筒铁盏青油灯等物品。 饱览了革命摇篮的风姿之后,游客们可乘车返回吉安。也可乘汽车直接到将军县兴国或历史文化名城赣州市。