1.They are J485(Salix×jiangsuensis CL.经过综合评价,选育出苏柳485(Salix×jiangsuensisCL '485')、苏柳191(Salix×jiangsuensisCL '191')、苏柳483(Salix×jiangsuensisCL '483')和苏柳126(Salix×jiangsuensisCL '126')等4个乔木柳纸浆用材优良无性系,它们在长江滩地,4年生平均树高达11 30~13 78m,平均胸径11 42~13 90cm,平均单株树干材积0 0578~0 1045m3,木材基本密度438~518kg/m3,平均纤维长度0 835~0 910mm,纤维长/宽比47 11~51 73,按2m×2m的密度造林,木材绝干产量达18 75~32 20t/(hm2·a),淹水枯梢等级为1 8~3 0,对季节性淹水的适应能力强于苏柳172,适于在长江中下游及华北平原的江滩、湖滩造林,是营建造纸用材林的优良无性系。
2.Based on the pitwood use requirements,comprehensive evaluation showed that J795( Salix×jiangsuensis CL.运用9年生乔木柳新无性系林期测定资料,研究了柳树新无性系的生长、木材物理力学性能、干形及适应性,并根据矿柱用材的需要,通过综合评价,选出苏柳795和苏柳794作为营建柳树矿柱用材林的优良无性系。

1.Study on the Introduction and Cultivation of Fine Vartety of S.×JiangsuensisCL in North Henan苏柳优良品种在我省的引种栽培研究
2.The Investigation and Cultural Study of Jiangsu Drama's Transmission and Heritage Mode江苏柳琴戏传承模式的考察与文化研究
3.A Brief Talk on the Su Shi s Attitude about Liu Yong s Poetry and "Liu Qi s Flavor";论苏轼对柳永词的态度与“柳七郎风味”
4.An Analysis of the Strctural Features of the Jiangsu Folksong Yangliuqing;浅析江苏民歌《杨柳青》的音乐结构特征
5.From "Liu Yong s style" to "individuality" On the internal connection between--Liu Yong and Su Shi s words of Ci and its significance;从“柳七风味”到“自是一家”──论柳永、苏轼词消息相通及其意义
6.Evolution of the Landscape Prose Writings from the Perspective of Several Essayists during Tang and Song Dynasties;从柳宗元、欧阳修、苏轼看唐宋山水散文的发展
7.On the Elegance and Vulgarity of Pleasure-seeking Mentality of Ci Writers in Song Dynasty--From Liu Yong and Su Shi;试论宋代词人享乐心理的雅俗分趋——以柳永、苏轼为例
8.The Same Experience and the Different Mentality Compare Liuyong and Sushi s (manjianghong);同写宦游感 意象各有别——苏轼、柳永的《满江红》词对读
9.The Quarter of Sharing Evening Worths Thousand of Money:Analyze Distinctive feature the Poems That Images of Evening by Liu Yong, Zhou Bangyan, Su Shi, WuWenying Written;春宵一刻值千金——柳永、周邦彦、苏轼、吴文英词夜意象分析
10.A Rare and Beautiful Flower of the Qing Dynasty: Tian Lai Xuan Ci Selections选词范式的构建:苏辛与周柳并举——以《天籁轩词选》选词为例
11.Hangzhou used to be known to the world for the ten scenic sights on West Lake such as the Su Causeway in Spring, Orioles Singing in the Willows, Lingering Snows on Broken Bridge, Three Pools Mirroring the Moon, etc.过去,杭州以苏堤春晓、柳浪闻莺、断桥残雪、三潭印月等“西湖十景”驰名中外;
12.Digestible Lysine, Sulphur-Containing Amino Acids and Threonine Requirements of Mahua Broiler Chicks in Guangxi Province;广西柳州麻花鸡可利用赖氨酸、可利用含硫氨基酸和可利用苏氨酸需要量研究
13.Planted with or abounding in willows.柳树成荫的,多柳树的
14.the juniper tamarisk华北柽柳(又名红柳)
15.A rope or band made of withes.柳条绳柳条作的绳或条
16.willow herb【植】(北美)柳栎
17.Daily Dynamics of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Species of Salix沙柳、黄柳和杞柳光合作用的日变化
18.The Relationship between Liuman in Manyoushixtuu and Chinese Zhe Yangliu and the wreath of willow《万叶集》的柳蘰与中国的折杨柳、柳圈

S.× Jiangsuensis CL. 172苏柳172
3)S.× Jiangsuensis CL. 194苏柳194
4)Salix jiangsuensis CL 'J799'苏柳799
5)On Relationship between Su ci-poem and Liu s苏柳词关系论
1.Because of its special characteristics,willow had been widely applied in agriculture,forestry and horticulture.柳,是中国古代认识较早的一类树,因其具有独特个性,在农业、园林等方面有着广泛的应用。
2.The utilization of "willow" in the ci poetry of the Song Dynasty was really amazing.“柳”在宋词中的运用是惊人的,它有着丰富的文化意蕴,且在我国文人的笔下展现出五彩斑斓之色。
