1.Approach on Forestation Green in Xiaosishan Huzhu互助县小寺山造林绿化探讨
2)Beishan ancient temple北山古寺
3)the Dingshan Temple定山寺
1.The project of rehabilitation work for the Dingshan Temple is positioned at an ancient temple of the Six Dynasties at countryside and is emphasized to make thebest use of natural landscape surroundings.定山寺复建定位为六朝郊野古寺,强调对自然山水环境的因势利导。
4)Beishan temple北山寺
1.The Beishan temple landslides include No.西宁市北山寺滑坡包括 号滑坡、 号滑坡及大型深层蠕变体 ,它们对坡体上的寺院建筑及重点文物等构成严重的安全隐患 ,本文根据滑坡的详细勘测资料 ,阐明了滑坡的特征及形成机制 ,对滑坡在各种情况下的稳定性进行了分析评价 ,最后提出了滑坡治理的措施建议。

2.The Longshan Buddhist Temple is one of the oldest temples in Taipei.龙山寺是台北历史最悠久的古寺之一。
3.The starting point for any visit to Taipei should be the old district around Lungshan Temple and Snake Alley.游台北﹐要从龙山寺和华西街附近的老小区开始。
4.The history of Taipei's development, Lungshan Temple Buddha saved devotees.台北市发展历史,龙山寺菩萨显灵救众,等等。
5.Mountain Resort and its outlying Temples of Chengde is located in Chengde City, Hebei Province.承德避暑山庄及其周围寺庙位于河北省承德市。
6.Unrest of Confiscating Temple Property to Set up Schools in Beijing during the Republic of China;民国时期北京庙产兴学风潮——以铁山寺为例
7.Revolution,Law and Temple Property:a Study of the Tieshan Temple Case in Republican Beiping革命、法律与庙产——民国北平铁山寺案研究
8.That artchitecture style aound mountain and set pagoda fall in palace in the Buddhism temple of Chia north. are unparalleled.其依山走势坐塔落殿的建筑风格,在我国北方佛教寺院中独具一格。
9.The caisson Ceiling of Longfu Temple in Beijing is the only existing example of its kind.北京隆福寺的悬山顶屋檐是同类样式中唯一的现存品。
10.Textual Research of Li Bai s Poems and Distinguishing Poem on Going Upstairs from Poem on the Peak Temple and Night Lodging in the Mountain Temple;李白《上楼诗》与《题峰顶寺》、《夜宿山寺》考辨
11.The Pagoda in Kaiyuan Temple河北定州:开元寺塔
12.The Foguang Temple山西五台县:佛光寺
13.Tz'u Te Home for the Aged [Cham Shan Monastery]慈德安老院〔湛山寺〕
14.Putuo Monastery is actually a large mass of majestic structures.普陀山寺院、庵堂群集。
15.Yunju Temple Pagoda and Stone Sutras at Fangshan房山云居寺塔及石经
16.Some Moslems even changed their faith to Christianity or other religions.这些宗教的寺院、堂遍布天山南北,有些穆斯林甚至改信了基督教等其他宗教。
17.D2: After breakfast coach to Guangzhou, visit Sun Yatsen" s Memorial Hall, Yuexiu Park, Five-lamb Statue and the temple.早餐后,乘汽车前往广州,参观中山纪念堂、秀公园、羊像、榕寺,北京路自由购物。
18.In fact the hill and the temple here are completely at one, with in addition a conglomeration of other attractive sights.虎丘山,山寺一体,胜迹荟萃。

Beishan ancient temple北山古寺
3)the Dingshan Temple定山寺
1.The project of rehabilitation work for the Dingshan Temple is positioned at an ancient temple of the Six Dynasties at countryside and is emphasized to make thebest use of natural landscape surroundings.定山寺复建定位为六朝郊野古寺,强调对自然山水环境的因势利导。
4)Beishan temple北山寺
1.The Beishan temple landslides include No.西宁市北山寺滑坡包括 号滑坡、 号滑坡及大型深层蠕变体 ,它们对坡体上的寺院建筑及重点文物等构成严重的安全隐患 ,本文根据滑坡的详细勘测资料 ,阐明了滑坡的特征及形成机制 ,对滑坡在各种情况下的稳定性进行了分析评价 ,最后提出了滑坡治理的措施建议。
5)Hanshan Temple寒山寺
1.Discussion on Service to Local Temples by University Libraries——A Case of Service to Hanshan Temple by Suzhou University of Science and Technology;高校图书馆服务地方寺院浅探——以苏州科技学院与寒山寺为例
6)famous mountain sane名山寺院

北山古寺北山古寺坐落在广东 清远市贤令山麓,座北向南,因山构筑,占地十多亩,飞檐翘角,体态堂皇。周围群山相抱,树木葱笼;寺前禹门叠浪,馨泻而下;寺内花木丛生,环境幽美,为本县寺庙之冠。北山古寺始建于明嘉靖年间(1522年——1566年),之后历代屡经增修。寺原为四楹大院,首楹右为郑仙翁祠,左为韩大仙祠,中为大门,横眉上刻“北山古寺”四字,一双石狮雄居山门左右。门内设放生池,清撤的九曲水,从寺后“古洞韵泉”处徐徐而注;池上筑金水桥,过桥即为二楹的元帝殿,殿右为三元祠,左为七贤祠,祠内墙嵌有宋书法家米蒂草书:“且看山斋”等唐宋明清的八件碑刻,笔意精劲,世所罕见。三楹 右为文昌祠,中为观音阁,左为读书松桂林,墙壁上嵌有清阳山令萧炳 韩愈真迹:“鸢飞鱼跃”等碑刻,并存放着宋文天祥手书:“忠孝廉节”。清阳山令符翕手书《谒韩文公祠》和清简朝亮《登贤令山诗》等碑刻,这些碑刻,书法精妙,件件珠玑,令人叹为观止。四楹为大雄宝殿,内列三宝佛象及十八罗汉,雕工细腻,各具其姿,神态逼真,可惜后人折宝殿建礼堂,佛象罗汉被埋。登临寺门,放眼远眺,山峦披绿锦,湟川穿银带;城郊田块整然,城区楼房矗立,勃勃生机,一览无遗。