2)Bamboo plup paper竹纸浆

1.Geographic variation and provenance selection for bamboo wood properties in Bambusa chungii粉单竹纸浆材材性的地理变异及产地选择
2.Studies on the Growth current situation and high-yielding Measures for Pulp Forest of Bambusa pervariabilis ×Dendrocalamopsis grandis in Suijiang County绥江县撑绿杂交竹纸浆林生长现状及丰产措施探讨
3.Discussion on the Development of Bamboo Pulp Industry and Bamboo Raw Material Base;关于中国竹浆产业和纸浆竹林基地建设的探讨
4.The Selection of Paper-Pulp Bamboo Species and the Development of Bamboo Paper Sector in Sichuan;四川省优良纸浆竹种选择与竹纸产业化发展
5.Build the base on bamboo grove and develop the papermaking of bamboo pulp for the environment protection;建设竹林基地 发展竹浆造纸 改善生态环境
6.To advance forestry-paper integration with the focus on the bamboo pulp industry;以竹浆产业为重点 推进林纸一体化
7.Research on Pulping and Papermaking Characterization of Cross-Bred Bamboo Bamdusa Pervariadilisx Grandis Nin & Its Mechanism;杂交撑绿竹的制浆造纸性能及机理研究
8.Studying on Light-weighed Offset Newsprint with Bamboo Chem-mechanical Pulp as Furnish;竹子化机浆生产低定量胶印新闻纸的研究
9.Preliminary Study on Planting Techniques of Pulp Forest for No.3 Chenglü Bamboo Clone in Mountainous Region of North Guizhou;黔北山区撑绿竹3号纸浆林培育技术初步研究
10.Influence of Fines in Kraft Bamboo Pulp on Sheet Properties细小纤维对硫酸盐竹浆成纸性能的影响
11.Improvement of Paper Properties by Cationic Phyllostachys Hemicelluloses毛竹阳离子半纤维素对纸浆性能的改善
12.Graft Sulfonation Process of Bamboo Pulp Black Liquor Used as Superplasticizer造纸竹浆黑液的接枝磺化工艺及高效减水剂
13.Study of the On--Line Pulp Kappa Number Soft-Sensing Technique During Bamboo Batch Kraft Pulping;竹子硫酸盐法间歇蒸煮过程纸浆Kappa值在线软测量技术研究
14.crusher ,for bamboo (pulp-making machinery)碎竹机(制浆机械)
15.hard beating pulp高打浆度纸浆粘状浆
16.paper, board and pulps-standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and procedure for monitoring the atmosphere and conditioning of samples纸、纸板和纸浆-样品调理
17.unbeatem pulp pulp pulp pulp pulpv未经打浆处理的纸浆
18.be reduced to (a) pulp变成浆状,成纸浆 [软块]

Bamboo plup paper竹纸浆
3)bamboo pulp and paper竹浆纸
4)Paper-pulp bamboo species纸浆竹种
5)pulp bamboo纸浆竹
1.The Afforestation,seedling-raising test on improved pulp bamboo species were carried out in the southern region of Hubei,Chibi City,such as Bambusa chungii McClure.在鄂南赤壁市对优良纸浆竹种粉单竹Bambusa chungii McClure。
6)sludge from bamboo pulp & paper mill竹浆造纸

竹笙玉竹贝菜 名: 竹笙玉竹贝主 料: 象贝半罐,竹笙6克,玉竹3克。配 料: 味精、盐各适量。做 法: 1、竹笙用清水充分浸发,漂洗2-3次后,切成段,待用。2、象贝、竹笙、玉竹一起放入炖盅,调入味精、盐,加入适量沸水,用文火炖30分钟左右,即可进食。特 点: 汤色清而透亮。药用价值: 象贝味甘,性平;竹笙味甘,性寒;玉竹味甘,性微寒。三者合炖,可益气补肾,养胃生津,益精健脾,补虚除弱,消食化痰,润肺止咳,对阴虚感冒、心悸怔忡、麻疹透发不畅、目涩赤及疮疡等症有较好疗效。