1.Relationship between Sub-healthy Forest and Trunkborer-insect森林亚健康与蛀干性害虫的关系
2)trunk pest蛀干害虫
1.) is not only a main trunk pest of Cupressaceae plants and a main pest of Cumninghamia lancaolata (lamb), but also a kind of quarantine objects in China.)]是柏类植物的重要蛀干害虫,也是杉木主要蛀干害虫之一,同时也是我国森林植物检疫对象。

1.Species and occurrence of important stem borers in Pinus kesiya var.langbianensis in Yunnan Province云南省思茅松重要蛀干害虫种类及其发生危害
2.Investigation and Control Measures of Wood Borers in Qiqihar齐齐哈尔市园林树木蛀干害虫调查及防治对策
3.Investigation on Species and Distribution of Borer Pests in Diseased Stumps of Pine Wood Nematode松材线虫病疫木伐桩(根)蛀干害虫种类及分布调查
4.Preparation Botanical Insecticide Celangulins Swab and Its Efficacy Test on Trunk Borer植物源杀虫剂苦皮藤素蛀干害虫药签的研制和药效试验
5.Pissodes yunnanensis was a species of insect pest newly discovered on Yunnan pine( Pinus yunnanensis) in southwest of China.云南木蠹象是我国西南地区新发现的云南松的一种重要蛀干害虫
6.Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pinus Yunnanensis and the Analysis of Its Photosynthetic Physiology after Attacked by Xylophagous Insects云南松光合特性及受蛀干害虫攻击后光合生理分析
7.Studies on Early-warning Techniques and Risk Assessment for the Poplar Stem Boring Pests in Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省杨树蛀干害虫发生区预警技术及风险评估研究
8.Infested with or damaged by worms.虫蛀的有蛀虫寄生或被其侵害的
9.A hole made by a burrowing worm.蛀虫孔一种蛀虫蛀的孔
10.Development of Plant Volatile Attractant of Wood-boring Pests in Artemisia Ordosica and Artemisia Sphaerocephala Shrubs沙蒿钻蛀性害虫的植物源引诱剂开发
11.The key pests and rat include: nematodiasis of the pines and pine moth, forest rats, defoliator of the poplars, bristletail.二是松毛虫、森林鼠害、杨树食叶害虫等常发性病虫害; 三是小蠹虫、萧氏松茎象等钻蛀性害虫。
12.Studies on the Occurrence of Conopomorpha Sinensis Bradley and Its Key Control Techniques;荔枝蒂蛀虫发生为害特性及防治关键技术研究
13.Application of stepwise regression model in predicting the movement of Artemisia ordosica boring insects.逐步回归模型在油蒿钻蛀性害虫预测中的应用
14.larva of the European corn borer moth; a serious pest of maize.欧洲玉米蛀虫蛾子的幼虫;玉米的一种严重的害虫。
15.Green Plants in Our City by The Borer Pest Hazard Categories Preliminary Investigation扬州市绿化植物受钻蛀类害虫危害情况初步调查
16.It has 2 generations in a year and overwinters as adult in Alar County, Xinjiang.该虫在新疆阿拉尔 1年发生 2代 ,主要以成虫在树干蛀盲孔越冬。
17.Eaten away by moth larvae.虫蛀的被蛾子幼虫蛀掉的
18.The spatial distribution and population dynamic of four bore pests on Longan四种钻蛀性龙眼梢、果害虫的空间分布及种群动态

trunk pest蛀干害虫
1.) is not only a main trunk pest of Cupressaceae plants and a main pest of Cumninghamia lancaolata (lamb), but also a kind of quarantine objects in China.)]是柏类植物的重要蛀干害虫,也是杉木主要蛀干害虫之一,同时也是我国森林植物检疫对象。
3)Trunk borer蛀干害虫
1.Trunk borer has threatened the coniferous forest seriously.在吉林省延边地区蛀干害虫严重威胁着针叶林生长,并有逐步扩展的趋势。
2.The investigation on trunk borer of Castanea mollissima in the south of Gansu province was made.对甘肃南部地区的核桃蛀干害虫进行了调查研究,初步查明了害虫发生情况和主要害虫的生物学特性,综合出了各种害虫在林间的识别特征,并提出了有效的防治方法。
3.The Motsoh (Anoplophora glabripennis) is a notorious Trunk borer, which eats the woodand settles in wood.光肩星天牛[Anoplophora glabripennis(Motsoh)]因其幼虫钻蛀木材,是著名的林业蛀干害虫。
1.The investigation on the borers attacking Castanea mollissima in the northeastern area of Jiangxi Province was made.对赣东北地区各地的板栗蛀干害虫进行了调查研究 ,初步查明了害虫发生情况和主要害虫的生物学 ,综合出了各种害虫在林间的识别特征 ,并提出了有效的防治方法。
2.The investigation on the death of pines in 6 scenic spots in Nanyue Mountains and analysis on 49 borer infected pines showed that the death of pines is mainly caused by Hylobitelus sp.该文通过对南岳景区 6个主要景点的松树枯死林分的调查和 49株被蛀干害虫危害的样木的解剖、取样和分析 ,认为景区内松树枯死的主要原因系华山松松茎象Hylobitelussp。
5)trunk boring pest蛀干害虫
1.Taking environmental factors into consideration,the paper analyzes the reasons for their occurrence of trunk boring pests.其中星天牛和光肩星天牛为主要优势种,是危害最重的蛀干害虫。
6)pine stem-borers松蛀干害虫
