1.The results showed that deadwood of Pinus armandii had of flammable characteristics,slow extension,long lasting of high temperature as well as conserving fire.用自行设计的燃烧试验床对华山松Pinus armandii朽木进行阴燃试验,采集阴燃过程中的温度数据,通过分析朽木的物理性质、阴燃过程中的温度变化数据和现象,研究了朽木阴燃的引燃特性、持火力和蔓延特性。

1.raked away some brush behind the rotten log,拨开朽木后面的灌木丛,
2.Both species occured on rotten angiosperm wood,and caused a white rot.这两种木材腐朽菌均生长在阔叶树腐朽木上,造成木材白色腐朽。
3.Dry, decayed wood, used as tinder.用作引火物的干朽木
4.He rammed the stake through the rotting wood.他把钻头捅过朽木
5.ant that nests in decaying wood in which it bores tunnels for depositing eggs.在朽木中筑巢兵在其中钻洞产卵。
6.cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’ ear.朽木不可雕也。坏材料做不出好东西。
7."Carve But give up halfway, even a decayed piece of wood will not Break; carve without stop, even metal and stone can be engraved"锲而舍之,朽木不折,锲而不舍,金石可镂
8.Material, such as decayed wood, that is used as tinder; punk.火线用作引火物的物质,如腐烂的木头;干燥朽木
9.Tsai Yu slept during the daytime. Confucius said, "Rotten wood cannot be carved; dirty earth cannot be used for cement: why Bother scolding him?宰予昼寝。子曰:「朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可朽也。于予与何诛」
10.They may hide in caves, old logs, houses or garages.他们可能躲进山洞里、朽木中、房间或车库内。
11.Prepare for me a ship of which the half-rotten timbers shall be painting black.去给我准备一条船,要用朽木制造,涂上黑漆。
12.The man who cannot Be trusted is to society that a Bit of rotten timBer is to a house.不能信赖的人对于社会正如朽木对于房屋一样。
13." Even the Lord can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." Said Miss Marks.“上帝也没法把朽木雕成玉器。”马克丝小姐说道。
14.The timber has rotted.这些木材已经腐朽了。
15.The shed had fallen in,and the wood was rotting away.小屋塌陷,木料朽坏了。
16.Biological Characters of Wood Rot Fungi and Decay Capacity to Betulla Platiphilla and Gene Differential Display几种木材腐朽菌对白桦木材的腐朽及腐朽中基因表达初探
17.It must be accepted that wood is perishable.众所周知,木材是容易腐朽的。
18.The wood was so rotten you could put your finger through it.木头已经朽了, 用手指一﹟就是一个窟窿.

3)wood decay木材腐朽
4)decay of living tree立木腐朽
1.It also studies the relationship among decay of living tree,forest composition,forest type,and the effect they impact on economy wood.本文通过对完达山林区柞树林病害的调查,掌握了柞树林的主要病害,通过调查研究柞树立木腐朽和林木组成、林分类型的关系以及对经济材的影响。
5)Axylia Putris L朽木夜蛾
1.The morphological and biological characteristics of Axylia Putris L.研究了朽木夜蛾的形态特征和生物学特性及防治的效果。
6)wood deterioration木材朽化

朽木1.腐烂的木头。 2.比喻不可造就的人。参见"朽木粪土"。