森林火灾,forest fire
1)forest fire森林火灾
1.Safety tips in attacking forest fires;扑救森林火灾时的安全事项
2.A Research to the Allocated Resources model of forest fires;森林火灾灭火物资优化配置模型研究
3.Forecasting and trend of forest fire occurance;森林火灾发生趋势及预测方法的探讨

1.forest animals, fires森林动物、 森林火灾.
2.classes of forest fire森林火灾的等级森林火灾大小或范围的分类法
3.The Enlightenment to Forest Fire Prevention and Control in Southwest of China from the Study on “3·29” Forest Fire in Kunming Area in 2006昆明“3·29”森林火灾对防控西南林区火灾的启示
4.The enlightenment to forest fire prevention and control in southwest of China from the study on "3·29" Forest Fire in Kunming Area in 2006昆明“3·29”森林火灾对防控林区火灾的启示
5.The Application of Forest Fire Meteorological Station in Forest Fire Alarms森林防火气象站在森林火灾预警上的应用
6.The forest fire was a catastrophe.那场森林火灾是场大灾难。
7.A Research to the Allocated Resources model of forest fires;森林火灾灭火物资优化配置模型研究
8.Fire, Snow and Draught Disasters In 2001, there were 4933 cases of forest fire in the whole country, 16.9 % lower than the previous year.火灾、雪灾、旱灾 2001年,全国共发生森林火灾4933起,比上年下降了16.9%。
9.Monthly Variation of Carbon Emission from Forest Fires of Main Forest Types in Jilin Province吉林省主要林型森林火灾释放碳量的月变化
10.The entire population was mobilized to watch for forest fires.全体居民都动员起来,防止森林火灾
11.Forest fires are often caused by broken glass,森林火灾时常由破碎的玻璃
12.Alaska Forest Fire Council阿拉斯加州森林火灾理事会
13.What's the news today about the forest fire in the USA?今天有什么有关美国森林火灾的消息?
14.Today the entire population has been mobilized to prevent forest fires.今天动员了所有群众来防止森林火灾
15.Many trees charred in the forest five.森林火灾中很多树烧焦了。
16.The Analysis on Environmental Factors of Forest Fire in Lushan Mountain and Counter Measures庐山森林火灾的环境因素分析及对策
17.Forest Fire Detection with NOAA/AVHRR Data;NOAA/AVHRR数据在森林火灾监测中的应用
18.Estimated Gas Emission from Forest Fire in Daxing an Mountain;大兴安岭森林火灾气体释放量的估算

forest fires森林火灾
1.Research on the remote supervising technology of forest fires based on ZigBee;基于ZigBee的森林火灾远程监测技术研究
2.Distribution features of forest fires and relations between forest fires and vegetation index in Gansu Province;甘肃森林火灾的分布特征及其与归一化差分植被指数的关系
3.Distant relations between abnormal earth rotation and the forest fires in different years in Heilongjiang province;黑龙江省森林火灾灾情年际变化与地球自转异常的遥联关系
3)forest fire disaster森林火灾
1.Influence of forest fire disaster on forest ecosystem in Great Xing’anling.;大兴安岭森林火灾对森林生态系统的影响
2.Artificial neural network BP model is applied to predict forest fire disaster area in Henan Province.应用人工神经网络BP模型对河南省森林火灾成灾面积进行预测,网络模型的最大相对误差为1。
3.Based on the data of the forest fire disaster area from 1970 to 1994 obtained from Jianyang City,Fujian Province,the method of topological forecasting of grey theory was applied to study the law of forest fire,and the topological forecasting models of forest fire disaster were built in this paper.根据森林火灾影响因子的不确定性和波动性,以福建省建阳市1970~1994年森林火灾为研究资料,运用灰色拓扑预测方法探讨了森林火灾的发生规律,并建立森林火灾的灰色拓扑预测模型 结果表明:所建立的灰色拓扑预测模型效果十分理想,各个模型的平均精度均在95%以上,所有模型总的平均精度为98 033%,达到一级精度的标准,表明拓扑预测模型能定量分析灾害发生的时间动态及其变化规律,从而为森林保护的有关决策提供了依
4)fire alarm森林火灾(林)
5)A cooking fire; a forest fire.炊火;森林火灾
6)forest fire simulation森林火灾模拟
