绿色GDP,green GDP
1)green GDP绿色GDP
1.Green GDP Accounting Based on Sustainable Development;基于可持续发展理论的绿色GDP核算——以江苏省为例
2.By Green GDP Implementation in Question and its Solution;论绿色GDP实施中的问题及其解决办法
3.The Effect Valuation of Water Environmental Improvement Based on Green GDP;绿色GDP核算框架下的水环境治理效益评价

1.The Scientific Development from "Green GDP" to "Effective GDP";从“绿色GDP”到“有效GDP”的科学发展
2.The Green GDP:Green Revolution of the Measurement of Productive Achievements;绿色GDP:生产成果计量的绿色革命
3.CHINA:GREEN DEVELOPMENT AND GREEN GDP(1970-2001);中国:绿色发展与绿色GDP(1970-2001年度)
4.To Construct and Build Imagination of Green FDI on Basis of Green GDP Checking and Calculating System;构建在绿色GDP核算体系基础之上的绿色FDI设想
5.The Green Trade Research on the Basis of Green GDP;构建在绿色GDP核算体系上的绿色贸易研究
6.Green GDP Accounting Based on Value of Ecological Services;基于生态服务价值的绿色GDP核算
7.Estimate of Green GDP Based on Water Environment in Hangzhou;基于水环境的杭州市绿色GDP核算
8.Optimal Allocation of Water Resources and "Green GDP" Accounting of Hengshui;衡水市水资源优化配置与“绿色GDP”核算
9.Study on Establishment and Application of Green GDP Accounting System;绿色GDP核算体系的建立与应用研究
10.Research on Green GDP Accounts of Jiangsu Province;江苏省绿色GDP的核算及应用研究
11.Emergy Analysis Based Study on Calculating Regional Green GDP;基于能值分析的区域绿色GDP核算研究
12.The Study on Performance of Countryside and Township Governments under the View of "Green" GDP;绿色GDP视野下乡镇政府绩效研究
13.An Exploration of Theory and Methods of Green GDP Calculation for Hainan Province;海南省绿色GDP理论与核算方法研究
14.The Green GDP and the Construction Method of Asses System;绿色GDP及其核算体系的构建途径
15.Under harmonious social background "green GDP" calculation research;和谐社会背景下“绿色GDP”核算的研究
16.A Primary Study of Green GDP Accounting Frame of Hainan Province, P. R. China;海南省绿色GDP核算框架的初步研究
17.China green GDP application s difficulty and countermeasure;我国绿色GDP实施的难点及其对策
18.Accounting of green GDP and change of economy growth manner;绿色GDP核算与转变经济增长方式

1.Exploration and Utilization of Mineral Resources and GGDP Accounting;绿色GDP核算与矿产资源的开发利用
2.On the sustainable development of the project of Reconstruction of Landscape and adoption of GGDP in Northwest China;西北山川秀美建设区的可持续发展与引入绿色GDP核算的设想
3.International Background and Practice Advances in China of GGDP Accounting;“绿色GDP”核算的国际背景及中国实践进展
3)Green GDP"绿色"GDP
1.Establishment of Green GDP Accounting System and Study on Capability Construction of Sustainable Development in Xinjiang;构建“绿色”GDP核算体系及新疆可持续能力建设研究
4)green GDP system"绿色GDP"制度
1.Traditional GDP system has big defects; the green GDP system should be established in China as soon as possible.传统GDP制度存在很大缺陷,在我国应尽快建立“绿色GDP”制度。
5)green GDP accounting绿色GDP核算
1.Research on Policy-Making for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction based on Green GDP Accounting System基于绿色GDP核算体系的节能减排政策制定研究
2.Under green GDP accounting, Shenzhen bears high envi- ronmental costs for high GDP growth.充分利用环境拐点的有利时机,集中进行污染顽症治理攻坚,加大环境资源保护力度,科学规划可持续发展目标,调整产业结构,推进人、社会和自然的和谐,探索和实践绿色GDP核算,构成了深圳新一轮经济和社会改革发展创新的基本标识。
6)Green GDP counts绿色GDP统计

绿色GDP  它是指在通常的GDP指标中,扣除自然资产损失,即扣除生态成本之后形成的真实的国民财富。这个指标,实质上代表了国民经济增长的净正效应。“绿色GDP”的提出,是为了校正传统GDP的缺陷,在关注经济增长的同时,也关注环境的保护。中国政府正在制定标准,用绿色GDP来考核官员。