避障,obstacle avoidance
1)obstacle avoidance避障
1.Real-time navigation and obstacle avoidance for deep-seabed tracked vehicle;深海履带机器车的实时导航和避障
2.Data fusion approach based on the mathematic model of sensors and research on obstacle avoidance;基于传感器数学模型的数据融合方法及避障研究
3.Research on Control of Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance for Intelligent Vehicles Based on Programming in Line;基于协调规划的智能车辆导航和避障控制研究

1.Stabilizing Control with Obstacle Avoidance of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots;非完整移动机器人避障控制器的设计
2.Research on Obstacle Avoidance in Coordinated Motion of Multiple Mobile Robots;多移动机器人运动协调中避障的研究
3.Research on Obstacle Avoidance of Mobile Robot and Hunting of Multiple Mobile Robots;移动机器人避障与多机器人围捕研究
4.Reserch on Multi-joint Repairing Manipulator's Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning多关节检修机械臂避障路径规划研究
5.Research on obstacle avoidance behavior for AUV自治式水下机器人避障行为机制研究
6.The design of robot’s obstacle avoidance based on C8051F340基于C8051F340的超声避障机器人设计
7.A Realization Method for Mobile Robot's Obstacle Avoidance Planning移动机器人避障规划的一种实现方法
8.Robot Soccer Obstacle Avoidance Path Plan Based on Velocity Vector for Dynamic Environment基于速度矢量的机器人动态避障规划
9.Design and Implementation of MC68-based Single-chip Smart Car Obstacle Avoidance基于MC68单片机的避障车的设计与实现
10.Research on Local Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning for Deep-seabed Tracked Vehicle深海履带机器人的局部避障规划研究
11.Design of Ultrasonic Obstacle Avoidance System in Embedded Linux System嵌入式Linux下超声波避障系统设计
12.A spacial obstacle avoidance simulation method for AUV based on LMS基于LMS的AUV空间避障模拟方法研究
13.Design of Ultrasonic Obstacle Avoidance System Based on S3C2410 Microprocessor基于S3C2410的超声波避障系统设计
14.Obstacle avoidance simulation of multi-DOF test platform research for AUV多自由度实验台架的AUV避障模拟研究
15.Research of Fruit-picking Robot Obstacle Avoidance Method水果采摘机器人实时避障方法的研究
16.Research on Obstacle-avoidance System of Performance Arm of Intelligent-video Bridge-detection Vehicle;智能视频桥梁检测车工作臂避障系统的研究
17.The Algorithm Study of Avoidance Obstacle and Kinematics Simulation for Tomato Harvesting Manipulator;番茄采摘机械手运动学仿真与避障算法研究
18.Research on Obstacle Avoidance for the Automatic Guided Vehicle Based on Multi-sensor;基于多种传感器的自动导航小车避障的研究

1.Genetic algorithm based obstacle-avoidance strategy for soccer robots;基于遗传算法的足球机器人避障策略
2.Compared with traditional methods using the distances as the inputs of the fuzzy logic controller, risk-degree of collision as the inputs provides more corrective and reliable bases for the next decision and control of the mobile robot, At last, the obstacle-avoidance simulation is carried.最后 ,给出了移动机器人在有静止和运动障碍物的环境中的避障仿真结果 ,表明该方法是可行
3.Compared with traditional methods using the distances as the inputs of the fuzzy logic controller, risk-degree of collision as the inputs provides more corrective and reliable bases for the next decision and control of the mobile robot, At last, the obstacle-avoidance simulation is carried ou.最后,给出了移动机器人在有静止和运动障碍物的环境中的避障仿真结果,表明该方法是可行的。
3)avoiding obstacle避障
1.As for single robot,it includes avoiding obstacle state and running to target state.机器人队伍的运动被划分为正常运动、避障及恢复队形三个阶段,单个机器人的运动划分为避障和向目标运动两个状态。
2.Designed a mobile avoiding obstacle robot dependent on fuzzy control theory and based on Micro-controller 80CS51 and Ultrasonic.此文依靠模糊控制理论对基于80CS51单片机的自动避障机器人进行研究,单片机依靠对超声回波所测得距离数据的处理通过PWM电路控制电动机,可显示前方障碍距车距离,三轮架构,其中两轮各以直流电动机为驱动,借助其速度之差控制转弯半径,待靠近障碍物到临界点即预设距离时转弯,实现了自动躲避障碍功能。
4)obstacle avoiding避障
1.Research of the obstacle avoiding method for down-hole robot based on monocular vision images iterative algorithm基于视觉图像迭代算法的井下机器人避障方法研究
2.After that a totally new algorithm was adopted to develop the path planning into an unknown environment using by GP in the order of full area coverage and the obstacle avoiding automatically.采用了一种在未知环境下机器人进行全新的路径规划算法,使智能机器人能够满足避障以及全区域覆盖。
3.Study on binocular stereovision-based obstacle avoiding of wall-climbing robot;针对壁面清洗机器人及其作业环境的特点,在简要介绍了诸类常用的实现避障的方法之后,提出了基于双目立体视觉的障碍物检测方法。
5)obstacle avoidance & collision avoidance避障与避碰
6)Automatically dodging避障检测

三障──修定三障【三障──修定三障】  ﹝出释禅波罗蜜次第法门﹞  [一、沉昏闇蔽障],谓行人修定之时,沉昏瞪瞢,无所别知,由是障诸禅定,不得开发,名为沉昏闇蔽障。  [二、恶念思惟障],谓行人修定之时,虽不沉昏,而恶念忽起,欲毁禁戒,作诸不善等事,因是障诸禅定,不得开发,是为恶念思惟障。  [三、境界逼迫障],谓行人修定之时,虽无如上沉昏、恶念等事,而身或卒痛,魔恼竞起;或自见身陷入于地,火来烧身;高崖坠落,猛虎奔逐;乃至罗刹诸恶相现,逼恼行人,令生惊怖,障诸禅定,是名境界逼迫障。