天然林,natural forest
1)natural forest天然林
1.Study on the sustainable management of natural forests and the construction of modern forestry enterprise——Taking Fujian Yong an Forestry(Group)Jiont-stock Co.Ltd.as a case;天然林可持续经营与现代林业企业建设研究——以福建永安林业(集团)股份有限公司为例
2.Comparison of fiber morphology of Michelia tsoi wood between plantation and natural forest;乐昌含笑人工林和天然林木材纤维形态特征的比较
3.Gap regeneration of Picea crassifolia natural forest in Qilian Mountains.;祁连山青海云杉天然林林隙更新研究

1.A forest or wooded area in its natural state.天然林,原始林天然状态的树林或林区
2.Research of Spatial Distribution Pattern for The Schrenk Spruce Forest;天山云杉天然林林分空间格局的研究
3.Natural Forest Protection Program.天然林资源保护工程。
4.The Research of Natural Forest Classification and Management Technology of Fangzheng Forestry Bureau;方正林业局天然林分类经营技术研究
5.Comparative Study for Undergrowth Vegetation Biomass of Eucalyptus Plantations and Natural Forest;桉树人工林与天然林林下植被生物量比较研究
6.Characteristics of Stand Regeneration of Two Forest Types in Natural Larix gmelinii Forest兴安落叶松天然林2种林型林分更新特征
7.Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Plantation and Natural Forests--A Case Study of Artificial Larch and Natural-fir in Jingouling Forest Farm人工林与天然林经济效益分析——以金沟岭林场人工落叶松林与天然云冷杉林为例
8.Natural Forest Protection:an Overview Abroad and a Review at Home;国外天然林保护概况及我国天然林保护的进展与对策
9.Good results were achieved in projects for reforesting formerly cultivated land and protecting natural forests.退耕还林和天然林保护工程建设取得成效。
10.- Protecting natural forest resources, carrying out afforestation and improving the ecological environment.——保护天然林资源,开展植树造林,改善生态环境。
11.A Study on Forest Landscape Classification and Planning for the Natural Forest Areas in the Northeast of China;东北天然林区森林景观分类及规划的研究
12.C Reserves and Various SOC Fractions in Natural and Plantation Forests of Castanopsis Kawakamii;格氏栲天然林与人工林碳库及土壤碳形态
13.Community Forestry and the Sustainable Development of NFPP Communities;社区林业与天然林保护社区的可持续发展
14.Study on Use of Forest Stand Management Method for Natural Forest Management;借鉴“林分施业法” 开展天然林经营的探讨
15.Comparison of Spatial Structure for Natural and Semi-natural Mixed Forests in Jingouling Forestry Farm,Jilin Province of China金沟岭天然和半天然混交林林分空间结构比较
16.Gap Dynamics in a Secondary Coniferous Forest of Guandi Mountain关帝山天然次生针叶林林隙动态研究
17.Study on the Quantitative Analysis of the Oak Natural Secondary Forest in Baotianman Nature Reserve;宝天曼栎类天然次生林林分结构量化分析
18.Investigation of Growth Regularity of Arisaema in the Secondary Forest of Zuojia左家天然次生林中天南星的生长规律

natural forests天然林
1.Stand variables affecting understorey plant species diversity in natural forests;影响天然林下层植物物种多样性的林分因子的研究
2.Conservation and sustainable management technology for natural forests in Yunnan Province.;云南天然林保护与可持续经营技术研究
3.Ecological classification system for China s natural forests: protection and management;试论生态分类系统在我国天然林保护与经营中的应用
3)nature forest天然林
1.Growth regularity of nature forest of Chosenia arbutifolia;钻天柳天然林生长规律的研究
2.The growth model of Castanopsis fissa nature forest created using a computer;用计算机模拟闽粤栲天然林生长模型
3.On nature forest protection and degraded ecosystem restoration in Northwest China.;西北地区天然林保护与退化生态系统恢复理论思考
4)natural forest天然森林
1.In the Huangjiahe river basin of Yunnan,the natural forests cover an area of 185493 hm~(2),accounting for 66.依据2001~2003年10~12月共4次调查所获的样地资料和野外记录,按《云南植被》(1987)的植被分类原则,将黄家河流域的天然森林植被分为3个植被型,4个植被亚型和6个群系。
5)Natural forest region天然林区
1.Through the dynamic changes analysis of forest resourees and volume of timber forest for five times continual forest inventory of natural forest region in Gansu province, the conclusion is drawn as follows: the volume increased from the year 1979~1988, and decreased from 1988~1996, but later regained it s increase from 1996~2001.通过对甘肃省天然林区5次森林资源连续清查蓄积量及用材林蓄积量变化的分析,初步得出结论:1979~1988年甘肃省天然林区蓄积量为增长阶段,1988~1996年蓄积量属减少阶段,1996~2001年为增长阶段。
6)natural bamboo forest天然竹林

天然林天然林natural forest t ionron}in天然林(nalljr沮lbrest)自然发生的森林。它包括原始林和次生林。原始林是自然发生,并未经人工培育或人为干扰的森林;次生林是在自然或人为因素干扰破坏后的次生裸地上自然演替形成的森林。在世界的森林中大部分属天然林,中国天然林的面积和蓄积量分别占森林总面积和蓄积量的3/4和9/10以上。 中国天然林大致可分为6个水平带和两个林区,即寒温带(亚寒带)针叶林带,温带针叶落叶阔叶混交林带,暖温带落叶阔叶林带,北亚热带含常绿阔叶的落叶阔叶林带,中南亚热带的常绿阔叶林带,南亚热带、热带雨林和季雨林带,以及甘南、川西、滇北和藏东南区的峡谷高山针叶林区和西北区的山地针叶林区(参见彩图插页第49页)。 天然林与人工林相比,有如下特点:①植物种类丰富。在天然林中除建群种外,还有伴生树种、下木、幼树和其他活地被物。②层次结构复杂。森林植物的层次结构从上到下,一般可分为乔木层、亚乔木层、下木层、灌木层、本层和苔鲜地衣层以及层外植物等。③维护生态平衡的贡献大。由于其物种丰富和层次结构复杂,森林稳定,它在提高地力、防止水土流失和净化水质以及改善生态环境的作用较大。④生命周期和演替系列较长。原始林或停止干扰的次生林,一般是进展演替,最终走向顶极,形成顶极群落。 天然林(参见彩图插页第49页)是大自然赐予人类的宝贵财富,爱护森林应是人类共同的职责。为了维护人类生存环境和满足物质生活的需要,利用森林天然更新的能力,经营好天然林乃是林业工作的一项主要内容。(赖世登)