生态文化,ecological culture
1)ecological culture生态文化
1.Study on Ecological Culture and Realistic Meaning of the Chinese Buddhism Temple Garden;中国佛教寺庙园林生态文化特征及现实意义

1.The Dai Ethnic People s Cultural Environment and the Regional Eco-culture;论傣族文化生态与生态文化的区域性
2.A Review of Tibetan Ecological Culture;藏族生态文化研究的又一力作——评《藏族生态文化
3.Ecological Culture and Its Revelation on the Direction of Chinese Culture;生态文化及其对中国文化走向的启示
4.Ecological Cultural World Outlook and Cultural Value Orientation;试论生态文化世界观与文化价值取向
5.Ecological Culture Literacy: Civic Quality Required for Ecological Civilization;生态文化教养:创建生态文明所必需的国民素质
6.The Eco-culture of Yunnan Minority Nationalities and its Construction;云南少数民族生态文化与生态文明建设
7.A Study of Urban Shape Design Based on Eco-culture生态文化引导下的城市形态设计研究
8.Ecological Aesthetics-Balance of Natural Ecology and Cultural Ecology;生态美学——自然生态与文化生态的平衡
9.The Road for Urban and Rural Areas Grow Ecologization;城乡生态化:走向生态文明的发展之路
10.Construction of University Campus Culture in the Perspective of Cultural Ecology;文化生态视野下的大学校园文化建设
11.Cultural Ecology and Passing On and Inheritance of Waving Dance of Tujia Nationality;土家族摆手舞的文化生态与文化传承
12.A Perspective on the Female Culture of Nvshu and the Preservation of Culture Ecology;女书的女性文化透视及文化生态保护
13.On the Building of Harmonious Cultural and Ecological environment for Promoting Liu Sanjie Culture Development试论刘三姐文化发展的文化生态环境
14.Cultural Soft Power and West National Culture Ecology Construction文化软实力与西部民族文化生态建设
15.Absorbent Root System and the Ecological Beauty of the Zhuang Nationality Culture--A Study on the Ecological Beauty of the Zhuang Nationality Culture (No.3)广纳文化根系与壮族的文化生态美——壮族文化生态美研究之三
16.Cultural Ecology-- New Vision of Cultural Philosophy Study;文化生态——文化哲学研究的新视野——兼论当代中国文化生态及其培育
17.Zhuang Cultural Root of Advocating Wisdom and Cultural Ecological Beauty;崇智文化根系与壮族的文化生态美——壮族文化生态美研究之二
18.Zhuang cultural roots and environmental beauty;壮族文化根系与壮族文化生态美——壮族文化生态美研究之一

1.The prototype of the dragon and the dican eco-culture-Some opinions different from Sun Ji s over Crouching Jade Dragon;龙的原型与地蚕生态文化——与孙机先生《蜷体玉龙》原型商榷
2.Considerations on the Construction of College Campus ECO-culture in 21st Century21世纪大学校园生态文化建设的思考
3.Studies of the Chinese Ethnic Peoples' Eco-Culture,the published research findings under a program of the National Social Science Foundation,is the first academic work in China to comment fully on the eco-culture of the ethnic peoples.《中国少数民族生态文化研究》作为国家社会科学基金项目的研究成果,是我国学术界从总体上全面论述中国少数民族生态文化的首部著作。
3)ecology culture生态文化
1.Repeated Game Research on the Inductivity and Restraint towards Business:from Strong Ecology Culture企业群落的生态文化规制博弈
2.We should hold the concept of ecological ethics,combine corporation and ecology culture and manage to achieve sustainable development.通过对企业生态伦理意识及企业与生态文化结合意义的剖析,在企业文化构建中旨在树立企业的正确生态观,促进企业的可持续发展。
4)Ecologically-conscious culture生态文化
1.At last find out some way for construction of ecologically-conscious culture.生态文化是新时期人类文化发展的新阶段、新需要,它关系到人类的生存发展和社会文明的进步,是人类文化发展的新走向。
2.The Dai villages are full of vitality and green,what is precisely the Dai national minority stockaded villages manifestation of ecologically-conscious culture.傣族村寨中充盈着生机和绿意,这正是傣族村寨生态文化的表现形式。
5)ecosystem culture生态文化
1.Some activities like the citizen morals education,harmonious society construction,the global ethics formation,the ecosystem culture construction should find out reasonab.因此,探寻佛教生命伦理在公民道德教育、和谐社会构建、全球伦理形成、生态文化建设等方面的当代价值,有利于促进社会进步。
2.,the article dissects and unscrambles the ecosystem culture connotation of the folklore of "Eighteen Years Old Chinese Fir".本文从分析我国南方"杉木文化带"内各族林农历史上盛行"十八杉"民俗的文化源流入手,应用民俗学、历史学、森林生态学、人类生态学、生态人类学及文化人类学等的学术观点,剖析了"十八杉"民俗的生态文化内涵,阐释了"十八杉"民俗的生态文化底蕴,寻溯了"十八杉"民俗传承的生态文化轨迹,进而提出"十八杉"民俗在生态文化视域下的重构与调适。
3.Ecosystem culture is one of the survival means among numerous and complex human ecological systems.厘清生态文化的本质内涵对于我国目前的生态文化建设至关重要。
6)cultural ecology文化生态
1.On the Cultural Ecology Coming From the Book Yuanye--The Cultural View of Yuanye (II);论《园冶》产生的文化生态——《园冶》文化论之二
2.Research of Cultural Ecology and Literary and Artistic Ecology;文化生态与文艺生态研究
3.Understanding of cultural ecology of folk song cradle —— Reflection on folk song Chinese Little-leaf Box Shoulder Pole in Southeast of Chongqing;民歌发源地文化生态的认识问题——近年有关渝东南民歌《黄杨扁担》的论争及其反思

红光山生态文化旅游园占地12000亩,计划投资约15.66亿元。自 1998年进行荒山绿化,特别是大型民营企业注入3000万元,已建成近 10公里的景点道路,38.8米高的如来金像,日光泳池和3条千米葡萄长廊:21万平方米的中心绿色广场和7万平方米的蓝光湖初现。红光山植树35万株,达30个品种,绿化面积4700亩,生态文化旅游园建成后的观光景点为首府观景台、生态景观林、生物圈、蓝光湖龙柱及大型喷泉、葡萄长廊等,是吸引游客休闲度假旅游的理想场所。