福建柏,Fokienia hodginsii
1)Fokienia hodginsii福建柏
1.Study on the 5-year-old progeny testing and early selection of plus-trees of Fokienia hodginsii;5年生福建柏优树子代测定林分析与选择
2.Study on the Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Volatile Oil from Fokienia hodginsii;福建柏挥发油的化学成分及其生物活性研究
3.Study on Structure of Fokienia hodginsii Population in Dafang Nature Reserve;大方福建柏保护区福建柏种群结构研究

1.Study on Provenance Trial and Silviculture of Fokienia Hodginsii;福建柏地理种源试验及培育技术研究
2.Studies on Fokienia hodginsii Community in Vietnam Hoanglien National Park越南黄连国家公园福建柏群落的研究
3.Medicinal Fern Flora in DaFang Fokienia Hodginsii Nature Reserve and its Ecology;大方福建柏保护区药用蕨类植物种类及生态
4.Monthly Change Dynamics of the Litter Heat Values and Ash Contents of Pure Fokienia hodginsii and Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantations福建柏和杉木人工纯林凋落物热值及灰分含量月变化动态
5.Study on the Efficiency of Mixed Forest with Fokienia Hodginsii and Michelia Macelurei in Productivity and Soil Nutrient福建柏火力楠混交林生产力与土壤养分效应研究
6.Growth Law and Population Characteristics of Tsug longibracteata and Fokienia hoginsii in Qiyunshan Natural Reserve,Jiangxi Province江西齐云山长苞铁杉与福建柏生长规律及种群特征研究
7.Across the Berlin Wall,Berlin 2010跨越柏林墙──2010年前的柏林城市建设
8.Watt Pak U Memorial Social Centre for the Elderly [NT Women and Juvenile Welfare Association]屈柏雨纪念老人中心〔新界妇孺福利会〕
9.Had Plato Successfully Proved That Justice is Happiness?柏拉图成功证明了“正义就是幸福”吗?
10.A dialect of Chinese spoken in Fujian province, eastern Guangdong province, and Taiwan province.福建话,闽南语在福建
11.Wilberforce raised his standard at once for the abolition of slavery in1787.威尔柏福斯在1787年率先倡导废除奴隶制。
12.Education:Building a Happy Nation--A Careful Study of Plato s Republic;教育:为铸造幸福的国家——柏拉图《理想国》研读
13.Zhuqianzhi(1899-1972), born in fuzhou of Fujian province, is a famous philosopher and historian in china.朱谦之(1899-1972),福建福州人。
14.The impression on Berlin--about the urban construction and architectural environment of unified Berlin柏林印象——统一后的柏林城市与建筑环境建设漫谈
15.So he built the house, and finished it; and covered the house with beams and boards of cedar.所罗门建殿,安置香柏木的栋梁,又用香柏木板遮盖。
16.Combo International Co., Ltd./Gerbath Bath Facilities Factory台湾康柏国际有限公司/江门市新会区爵柏卫浴建材厂
17.So he built the house and finished it; and he covered the house with beams and planks of cedar.王上6:9所罗门建殿、置香柏木的栋梁、用香柏木板遮盖。
18.So he built the temple and completed it, roofing it with beams and cedar planks.所罗门建殿,安置香柏木的楝梁,又用香柏木板遮盖。

3)F. hodginsii (Dunn) Henry et Thomas f.Columnaris窄冠福建柏
4)Fokienia hodginsii community福建柏群落
1.Species composition,flora analysis and species diversity features of 4 plots in Fokienia hodginsii community in Jinggangshan Nature Reserve,Jiangxi Province,were analyzed.群落物种多样性指数较高,各样地间多样性指数变幅不大;福建柏群落的4种多样性指数基本表现出相同的趋势,福建柏群落物种多样性在群落不同层次的变化规律为:灌木层>乔木层>草本层。
2.Due to negative effects of human,primary Fokienia hodginsii community is scattered distribution in the southwest of the park.在对该区域4个样地(总面积2400 m2)和5个样圆福建柏群落实地调查的基础上,对群落的物种组成、区系成分、种内种间竞争、物种多样性进行了统计和分析,结果表明:该群落中共有维管植物74科120属143种,其中蕨类植物有8科9属10种,裸子植物4科4属5种,被子植物62科106属128种;该群落植物区系地理成分以热带分布类型为主,占有较大比例,且起源古老;群落为复层异龄结构,乔木层的优势种主要有福建柏、蕈树、越南多花含笑、叶轮木、锈毛梭子果、鸡毛松、锈毛棋子豆、微毛布惊、灰毛杜英、大叶柯、睦南木莲、沙坝厚皮香等种;群落物种多样性指数较高,各样地间多样性指数变幅不大,福建柏群落物种多样性在群落不同层次的变化规律为:乔木层>灌木草>草本层>层间植物>更新层;福建柏种间竞争主要为:沙坝厚皮香、蕈树、大叶柯、锈毛梭子果、越南多花含笑、公孙锥、叶轮木、野柿、越南琼楠、锈毛棋子豆等种。
5)Fokienia hodginsii plantation福建柏人工林
1.In order to provide scientific basis on the other studies and management about it, we studied the nutrient cycling of Fokienia hodginsii plantation in 1997.对福建省安溪半林国有林场不同林龄福建柏人工林养分的生物循环特点进行了研究。
6)DaFang Fokienia Hodginsii Nature Reserve大方福建柏保护区
1.Medicinal Fern Flora in DaFang Fokienia Hodginsii Nature Reserve and its Ecology;大方福建柏保护区药用蕨类植物种类及生态
