林业产业,Forestry industry
1)Forestry industry林业产业
1.Study on the distribution mode of forestry industry in Nanping Fujian;福建南平林业产业布局模式研究
2.From Big Country to Strong Country——On the Development of Forestry Industry in China;由大国迈向强国——中国林业产业发展刍议
3.The direction of the forestry industry development of Hunanin the new century-the present situation and development tendency of the main forestry industry;新世纪湖南林业产业的发展道路问题(二)——林业产业主导产业的现状、发展趋势

1.The Analysis of Industrial Forestry and the Suggestion in Guizhou;浅议林业产业化及贵州林业产业化建议
2.Industry Melting:the Path Choice of the Forestry Industrialization in Transformation;产业融合:林业产业化转换的路径选择
3.Development and Industrial Structure Analysis of Forestry Industry in Southwest Forest Area;西南林区林业产业发展状况及产业结构分析
4.The Impact of Forest Certification on the Development of Chinese Forestry Industry;森林认证对我国林业产业发展的影响
5.Effects of Forestry Key Projects on Development of Sichuan Forestry Industry;林业重点工程建设对四川林业产业发展的影响
6.Review of Harmonious Development of Forestry Ecology and Forestry Industry;林业生态与林业产业协调发展研究综述
7.Orientation of "Community Forestry" in Forestry Industrial Development in Qiandongnan Prefecture;“社区林业”在黔东南林业产业发展中的定位思考
8.Forestry Industrialization is the Essential Way for Zhanjiang Forestry to Develop;林业产业化是湛江林业发展的根本之路
9.Discussion on Forestry Industrial Agglomeration and Forestry Logistics Development林业产业集聚与林业物流发展策略的探讨
10.On the Sustainable Development of China Forestry Industry and the Internationalization of the Forestry Industry中国林业可持续发展与林业产业国际化
11.European Commission on Forestry and Forest Products欧洲林业和林产委员会
12.Research on the Restructure of Forestry-related Industry in Northeast State-owned Forest;东北国有林区林产工业产业重构研究
13.Forest Eco-economic Productivity and the Development of Forestry Produce;森林生态经济生产力与林业生产发展
14.Research on the Development of Jilin Agricultural Industrialization Leading Enterprises;吉林省农业产业化龙头企业发展研究
15.Study of Venture Capital in Forestry Hi-Tech Industry;林业高新技术产业创业投资问题研究
16.Study on Strategic Alliance of Agriculture Industrialization Enterprises in Jilin Province;吉林省农业产业化企业战略联盟研究
17.Forestry production kept its momentum of development.林业生产继续发展。
18.Forest Product Designing and Institute林产工业设计研究院

forest industry林业产业
1.This paper introduces the situation of forest resources and forest industry in Zhejiang Province,summarizes the characteristics of forest industry in Zhejiang Province,including the high-level interior structure,the regionalization and features of forest industry.在对浙江省森林资源和林业产业发展状况论述的基础上,总结了浙江省林业产业发展的特点,即林业产业内部结构高级化、林业产业的区域化与特色化;并运用定量分析方法,对浙江省森林资源与林业产业发展的互动关系进行了总体分析(1988—2004年)和阶段性分析(1988—1998年和1998—2004年),并分两个阶段就林业三次产业发展对全省林业产值的贡献进行了探讨。
2.The development of forest industry lies in the progress of technology.林业产业的发展必须依靠科技进步。
3.Based on analyzing the relation between multiple systems of national forestry area and developing vulnerability,this article defines essential connotation of systemic developing vulnerability,finds out inner and outer driving factors,bring forward the viewpoint of regarding forest industry as inner essential driving factor,and construct evaluating model on forestry vulnerability.本文界定国有林区发展脆弱性的内涵、挖掘内部和外部驱动因素、提出林业产业作为国有林区发展脆弱性内生核心驱动因素的定位、建立国有林区发展脆弱性测评模型,并以伊春国有林区为实证分析对象,测评了伊春国有林区发展的脆弱性。
3)forestry industrialization林业产业化
1.This paper study on the problem how to using the capital market,especially raised the forestry development fund from the stock market,shaped the leading enterprises of forestry,promotion forestry industrialization of collective woodlands in southern China from the theory,the function,and the way.就如何利用资本市场,尤其是证券市场募集林业发展资金,培育林业产业化龙头企业,推进南方集体林区林业产业化经营,从理论、功能、途径等方面进行了探讨,结果表明:发挥林业产业化自身优势,努力从证券资本市场直接融资,已成为拓宽林业产业化发展空间的一个重要发展思路,资本市场在今后中国林业产业化发展,培育林业龙头企业方面将发挥重要作用。
2.This paper introduced the background of the development of forestry industry in Jilin Province,analyzed the problems of forestry industrialization process in Jilin Province,put forward three models of forestry industrialization: such as forestry ecology industrialization ,wood processing industrialization,and the development of non-wood forest resource.介绍了吉林省林业产业发展的背景,分析了林业产业化过程中存在的问题,提出了林业产业化3种模式:林业生态产业化模式、林木产品加工产业化模式、森林非木质资源利用模式以及实现吉林省林业产业化的对策。
3.The implementation of the managemt strategy of Heze s forestry industrialization effectively increased the farmers incomes and the financial revenue,the forestry has become a pillar industry of economical development.菏泽市林业产业化经营战略的实施,有效地增加了农民收入和财政收入,林业已成为其经济发展的支柱产业。
4)Forestry industry chain林业产业链
5)forest products industry林产工业
1.The products and economic benefits that flow from the forest products industry are an integral part of our daily lives and the national economy.论述林产工业在国民经济和社会发展中的地位与作用,阐述加快发展林产工业是我国国民经济和社会发展的客观需要。
2.China has become a big forest products industry country, and China s forest products industry is experiencing its"golden age of development", yet a "contradiction rising period", for the first two decades in 21 century.中国现已成为林产工业制造大国,21世纪前20年是中国林产工业的“黄金发展期”和“矛盾凸显期”。
3.Chinese forest products industry developing about henceforward resources, constructions, markets and environment daytime, unfit the demand of future economic construction.我国的林产工业发展已面临着资源、结构、市场和环境等日趋严峻的挑战 ,难以适应未来经济建设发展要求。
6)forest product industry林产工业
1.Forest product industry is important component of modern forestry's development.林产工业是现代林业发展的重要组成部分。
2.The Hubei forest product industry must envisage the opportunity, raise its recognition on this change, optimize property structure, enlarge the technological progress and introduc.湖北省林产工业应正视机遇 ,提高认识 ,优化产业结构 ,加大技术进步与引进 ,加速速生丰产基地建设。

林业产业林业产业industrial forestry }jnye ehanye林业产业(111(hlstrial forestry)以经营乔木为主体的生物生态经济系统的产业。林业产业包括种植业、养殖业、运输业和贸易业、人造板工业、林产化学加工业、机械加工业、野生动物保护和繁殖业,以及森林旅游业等。 营林森林资源是林业赖以生存和发展的基础。其根本任务是培育、保护和发展森林资源,并相应建立用材林基地和竹材资源基地,发展定向培育各类工业原料林和名特优新经济林,营造各种防护林体系。木材采运近期仍是中国林业的主导支柱产业。它包括森林采伐、木材运输和贮木场三大生产阶段。其主要任务是生产原料产品—木材,同时搞好采伐迹地更新,为持续发展创造条件,并采取有效措施,提高森林资源综合利用率。 林产工业是林业产业的龙头产业和林业发展的主要经济支柱。包括制材、人造板、家具等木材机械加工工业,以及松香、活性炭、糠醛、天然樟脑等林产化学加工工业;木(竹)浆、造纸也属于此范畴。 多种经营及第三产业是调整林业产业结构,综合开发利用林区自然资源,广开就业门路,繁荣林区经济,促进林业经营良性循环的重要措施。包括充分利用森林资源多样性的优势,进行立体开发林区的林木、土地、动植物、林副特产、森林食品、药材、地下矿藏、水力、森林旅游等自然资源,以及商贸服务等第三产业。 加速中国林业产业化,由目前的粗放经营向集约经营转化,是林业建设的首要任务。(薛树田)