树种选择,Tree species selection
1)Tree species selection树种选择
1.Comparative analysis on tree species selection for greening and greenery arrangement in the isolated grassland between the fast lanes and slow lanes;快慢车道隔离带绿化树种选择和布局比较分析
2.Study on tree species selection and planting technology ofsand break and road protection forest belt along Bao zhong railroad;宝中铁路防沙护路林带树种选择及营造技术研究
3.The paper introduces the basic situation of implementing the project of forest rehabilitation from slope agriculture in Lijiang and details of tree species selection for the forestation in the project,and evaluates the corresponding afforestation effect.介绍了丽江市退耕还林工程实施的基本情况和树种选择的详细情况,分析了工程所选择树种的结构及分布,对所选树种的造林成效进行了评价,分析指出了存在的问题,提出了丽江市退耕还林工程树种选择的相关建议,推荐了一些适合在丽江退耕还林工程中选用的树种。

1.Study on the Selection Inquiring System of Afforesting Tree Species in Daqing City大庆市绿化树种选择查询系统的研究
2.Selection on Suitable Trees in Semiarid Loess Hilly and Gully Area;半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区适生树种选择
3.The Study of Tree Species Selection for the Fast Growing Industrial Material Forestry in South West Zhejiang;浙西南速生工业原料林树种选择研究
4.Tree Selection and Planting Technology Coping with Coastal Saline Soil滨海盐渍土绿化树种选择和栽植技术
6.The Tree Species Selection and its Effect Evaluation to Urban Forest in Baotou City包头市城市森林绿地树种选择及效果评价
7.Technique on Selection Main Species and Forestation in East of Qinghai青海东部地区主要树种选择及造林技术
8.Suitability Evaluation and Selection of Urban Landscaping Tree Species in Wuwei;武威市城市园林绿化树种选择及适宜性评价
9.Study on the Structure of Phyllostachys Heterocycla Mixed Forest and Selection of Associated Tree Species for Phyllostachys Heterocycla;毛竹混交林结构及其伴生树种选择研究
10.Species Selection and Hydrologic Function of Plantation in Nenjiang Sandy District;嫩江沙地树种选择及人工林水文功能的研究
11.Ecological Landscape Forest Tree Species Selection and Configuration Quantitative Study;生态景观林树种选择与结构配置定量研究
12.Study on the Trees Species Selection and Configurating Model for Soil and Water Conservation Forest in Hunan Province;湖南省水土保持林树种选择及配置模式研究
13.Sketch on Arrangement of Converting the Land for Forestry and Tree Species Selection;略谈吕梁地区退耕还林布局及树种选择
14.Tree Species Selection for Forests Form Transformation of the Deteriorated Pinus massoniana Forests in Red Soil Low Hilly Area红壤低丘低效马尾松林林相改造树种选择研究
15.Approaching the Sea Coastal Protective Forest System Construction and Tree Species Selection in Xiamen City厦门海防林体系建设与树种选择的探讨
16.Study on Tree Species Selection and Afforestation Models of Coastal Protection Forest in Beilun District of Ningbo北仑区沿海防护林树种选择与造林模式研究
17.Experimental Study on Selection of New and Fine Tree Species in Excellent Green Space精品绿地中新优树种的选择实验研究
18.Selection and Application of Ornamen-tal Evergreen Broadleaf Trees and Shrubs in Shandong Region山东园林中常绿阔叶树种的选择和应用

selection of tree species树种选择
1.The selection of tree species for green land of urban park in Jinzhong city;晋中市城区公园绿地的树种选择
2.Technique of order preference by similarity to ideal solution in selection of tree species of landscape planning;逼近理想解排序方法与园林规划树种选择
3.<Abstrcat>The selection of tree species plays an important role in urban forest development. 树种选择的正确与否关系到城市森林建设的成败。
3)Species selection树种选择
1.The planting technique and species selection of shelter-forest construction are also studied.根据厦门市东南沿海地区的地理条件及其在本岛功能区划分上的特殊地位,针对该区域防护林建设中存在的问题,提出防护林建设的思路和对策,并对其营造技术和树种选择进行初步探讨。
2.The paper introduces the general conditions of Guangxi Liujiang Paper Mill with preference on the plan and layout of its rawmaterial forest base, species selection, felling age, felling cycle and yield.介绍了柳江造纸厂的企业基本情况,重点阐述了该厂原料林基地规划布局、树种选择以及主伐年龄、轮伐期和产量情况。
4)tree selection树种选择
1.Based upon introduction of land use scope and conditions in greening of city rivers the principles for tree selection is mentioned.在介绍了城市河流绿化特点、绿化用地范围及条件的基础上,阐述了树种选择的基本原则,并对城市河流绿化设计的原则、要点及其对水体、水体边缘、库边、滨河路等的设计进行了论述,最终达到生态、环境、经济的综合效益。
2.The text took the 19 tree species as example and evaluate the ecological characters of tree species, and studied the arrangement mode of tree species, combining structure theory of ecological community with the ecological characters of tree species, then analyzed tree selection, the intraspecific and interspecific relationship, the tree arrangement mode in courtyard greenland, th.本研究应用LI-6200 光合仪对乌鲁木齐具代表性的19 种园林树木光合、水分生理生态指标进行测定,以19 种树木为例对树种生态习性进行评价,基于树种的生态习性,结合生态群落结构理论研究树种配置结构模式,对庭院树种配置中树种选择、种内、种间关系及配置结构模式进行分析和探讨,以期为庭院绿化建设提供科学依据。
5)Choice of tree species树种选择
6)selection and arrangement of tree species树种选择与配置

树种1.树木的种类。如针叶种﹑阔叶种等。 2.树木的种子。