林分结构,Stand structure
1)Stand structure林分结构
1.Stand structure and yield of the mixed white poplar and black locust plantations on sandy ridges between the Danube and Tisza rivers in Hungary;匈牙利丹努波(Danube)河和梯沙(Tisza)河间沙丘洋槐--银白杨混交林林分结构和产量研究(英文)
2.In this paper,the stand structure of Bambusa pervariabilis×Dendrocalamopsis Daii is analyzed on the basis of extending the stand in the areas of converting farmland to forest program.本文通过调查四川省退耕还林区撑绿杂交竹林分,分析了撑绿杂交竹林分结构变化规律,结果表明退耕还林区撑绿杂交竹林分在直径变化、秆龄、生物量以及叶面积指数等方面具有一定的规律。
3.From the point of view of relationship between stand structure and silvan health,classifying forest by health was brought forward.阐述了森林健康的意义和概念,并从林分结构与森林健康关系的角度提出森林健康分类的意见;结合广东林分结构与森林健康的分析,提出提高森林健康水平的建议。

1.The Examples of picea and Abies Forest Structure in Taohe County,Gansu Province甘肃省洮河林区云、冷杉林分结构实例
2.Study on Stand Structure and Growth Law of Near-mature Phoebe bourmei Plantation楠木人工近熟林林分结构与生长规律
3.Study on Stand Structure of Protection Forest and Tree Composition of Economy Forest in Loess Platesu;黄土高原防护林林分结构和经济林树体结构的初步研究
4.Study on the Quantitative Analysis of the Oak Natural Secondary Forest in Baotianman Nature Reserve;宝天曼栎类天然次生林林分结构量化分析
5.The analyses of major plantation trees stand structure in Helongjiang黑龙江省主要人工林树种林分结构分析
6.Structure Patterns of Soil and Water Conservation Forests in Limestone Area Taihang Mt.太行山石灰岩区水保林林分结构模式研究
7.Study on Stand Structure of Larix Kaempferi Artificial Forest and Its Increment Prediction;日本落叶松人工林林分结构与生长量预测研究
8.Study on the Relationship between Forest Combustibility and Stand Structure in Mountains Region of BeiJing;北京周边山地森林燃烧性与林分结构关系研究
9.Study on Stand Structure Regulation of B.pervariabilis×D.Daii on Districts of Converting Farmland to Forest Engineering;退耕还林地撑绿杂交竹林分结构规律研究
10.Studies on the Shelter Forest Hydrology Effect of Mountain Region of Stone Quality and Forest Composition Structure Disposing;石质山地防护林水文效应及林分结构配置研究
11.Study on the Distribution Patterns of Forests and Natural Regeneration of Larix Gmelinii in Cool Temperate Zone;寒温带兴安落叶松林林分结构与天然更新研究
12.Stand Growth Corresponding with Stand Structure in Plantation of Pinus Tabulaeformis;油松人工林生长特征及其与林分结构关系研究
13.Research on Structure and Growth of Pinus Tabulaeformis Stand Simulation in Beijing北京山区油松人工林林分结构与生长模拟研究
14.Spatial structure of mixed larch-spruce-fir stands长白落叶松-云杉-冷杉混交林林分空间结构分析
15.The Demonstration Analysis of the Relationship between the Foreign Trade and Industry Structures in Jilin Province;吉林省贸易结构和产业结构关系的实证分析
16.Analysis and Adjustment of Mining Industrial Structure in Jilin Province;吉林省矿业产业结构分析与产业结构调整
17.Analysis of the relationship between industry structure and fixed assets in Jilin province吉林省固定资产投资结构与产业结构关联分析
18.A Preliminary Investigation on Forest Composition and Structure of Campus in Nanjing Forestry University in Nanjing;南京林业大学校园森林群落结构特征分析

forest structure林分结构
1., pure forest and mixed forest) and forest structure of bamboo forests such as density, age structu.竹林经营类型(纯林、混交林)、立竹密度、立竹年龄结构、大小年等林分结构状况与灾害程度密切相关。
2.Aiming at high quality and benefit of Dendrocalamus latiflorus for bamboo shoot, based on the study of relations among main factors of forest structure and economical characters of bamboo shoot, a high-yielding forest structure was established by trend face measure.以麻竹笋用林优质高效为目标,在林分结构主导因子与竹笋经济性状关系研究基础上,趋势面法构建丰产林分结构模式。
3.How to manage the over_logged natural forest to keep its perfect forest structure and to bring good benefit is one of the keys to ensure the over_logged natural forest ecosystem succession ahead.为使过伐林保持好的林分结构 ,并使森林生态系统在经营情况下正向演替 ,从而产生较高的效益 ,该文作者以金沟岭林场的云冷杉针阔混交林为研究对象 ,分析了该林场始于 1 987年的检查法经营下连续 1 4年的森林资源调查数据 。
3)law of stand structure林分结构规律
1.Based on the analysis of the contents and technical characteristics of different scale forest visualization modeling,the design of individual tree modeling,law of stand structure,forest scenery rendering etc.在分析不同尺度的森林可视化建模内容和技术特点的基础上,从单棵树的建模、林分结构规律,森林场景的绘制技术等几个方面展开论述。
4)Vertical structures林分垂直结构
5)forest stand spatial structure林分空间结构
6)Culm-age structure of the stands林分秆龄结构

Hodge结构的变分Hodge结构的变分variation of Hodge structure  H以触e结构的变分〔variati.l ofH以触e str优tUre]【补注】复流形犷上权w的H(心罗结构的变分(va-dation of Hed罗structureof忱igllt、、)是一个二元组,=(笋z,.了),这里了z是‘,上有限生成Abel群的局部常层,了是由全纯子丛构成的v一笋z⑧,乙的有限下降滤过,满足以下条件:i)由V(v因f)“v⑧df定义的V上平坦联络V,这里u,f分别是笋:和沼的局部截面,且此联络满足v(.了“)C=.、夕一’⑧Q仁(Gr涌ths横截性(Griffithstransversality));li)对每个、‘(/>,二元组(,乙,、,厂(s))是俘、‘的Hod罗结构(Hod罗structure of weightw)· Hodge结构的变分(了z,L、)的极化(po坛咖-tion)是一个平坦双线性型声z⑧护,一Z,,它对每个、‘、诱导了H阅罗结构笋乙.、的极化.当z被换成Q或R时,类似的概念仍然存在(IAll,IA21).如果f:x~S是C上代数簇的光滑真态射,则R川f.z、是少上Hod罗结构的可极化变分的底局部系.根据A .Borel的一个结果,对于形如S\D的复流形S上的Hodge结构的可极化变分,这里S是紧的且Dc了是具有正规交叉的除子,则围绕D的每个局部分支的单值是拟么幂的“A3])(兽停牢粤(mono-dromy theo~)).5上H‘对罗结构的极化变分引起了从s到Hod罗结构的分类空间的一个全纯周期映射(period TnaPPing). 如果.了=了\D,这里了是紧肠扮er流形,D是万上具有正规交叉的除子,则对于s上Hodge结构的极化变分(笋z,、),层梦z具有到了上反常层(perverse sheaf)IC(少,)的一个极小扩张,且IH’(了,IC(’/‘))带有纯Hodge结构(【A4]一IA6」).事实上IC(,z)是极化Hod罗模的一部分“A71).其推广有混合Hed罗结构的变分(variationof献edH浏gestrucr毗)([AS},[Ag})和混合Hod邵模(而xed Hod罗m闭ule)(【Alo」)的概念.