
1.gestational trophoblastic diseases,GTD妊娠性滋养细胞疾病
2.36 Cases of Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy Analysis of the Treatment36例妊娠性急性脂肪肝救治方法分析
3.pregnancy associated with infectious hepatitis妊娠合并传染性肝炎
4.obstetrical acute yellow liver atrophy妊娠急性黄色肝萎缩
5.pregnancy associated with acute appendicitis妊娠合并急性阑尾炎
6.Clinical Analysis of the Relat ionship between Gestational Diabetes Melli tus and Preg nancy Outcome妊娠期糖尿病诊治与妊娠结局的相关性分析
7.Analysis of patients with acute fatty liver of pregnancy妊娠急性脂肪肝患者的妊娠结局和随访分析
8.To prevent persistent ectopic pregnancy in post-conservatism operation of ectopic pregnancy by laparoscope异位妊娠腹腔镜保守性手术后持续性异位妊娠的预防
9.The changes of the vasoactive factors in normal pregnancy and pregnancy induced hypertension;血管活性物质在正常妊娠及妊高征中的变化
10.Pregnancy: Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks.妊娠:妊娠应用是安全的,但其好处必须超过危险性。
11.The energy economy of pregnancy is dominated by the biological adaptation of pregnancy anabolism.妊娠的能量利用,受妊娠期合成代谢的生物学适应性所支配。
12.Nutrition interferes with the retrospect nature investigation that final affects to gestation period glycuresis gravidity营养干预对妊娠期糖尿病妊娠结局影响的回顾性调查
13.Uterine scar of new contraceptive methods and the termination of pregnancy and contraception and unwanted pregnancy-related research瘢痕子宫避孕与终止妊娠新方法和避孕与意外妊娠相关性研究
14.Relation of cardiac function of 45 pregnancies with rheumatic heart disease and outcome of pregnancy风湿性心脏病患者妊娠45例心功能状态与妊娠结局的关系
15.Relationship between outcome of pregnant and character of amniotic fluid in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症羊水性状与妊娠结局的关系
16.idiopathic cholestasis of pregnancy妊娠期特发性胆汁郁积症
17.The results of her pregnancy test were negative, ie showed that she was not pregnant.她的妊娠试验结果呈阴性.
18.Clinic Study of Pregnancy Associated Thrombocytopenia;妊娠相关性血小板减少症的临床研究

membranous pregnancy膜性妊娠
4)pregnacy associated妊娠相关性
5)phantom pregnancy幻象性妊娠
6)twin pregnancy双胚性妊娠

非妊娠性绒癌非妊娠性绒癌 非妊娠性绒癌在绒癌中占极少数。系来自自身一代原始生殖细胞分化异常所致(自体细胞变成)的肿瘤,故称为非妊娠性绒癌或原发性绒癌。男、女均可发病,在女性可发生于未婚或绝经后。原发瘤可发生于男、女性的生殖系统内,也可在生殖系统外(如纵隔、腹膜后、肺、食管、胃、肝、肾、膀胱、颅内等部位)。发生于生殖系统者,常和卵巢生殖细胞瘤(无性细胞瘤、未成熟型畸胎瘤、内胚窦瘤)或睾丸精原细胞瘤同时存在。由于本病罕见,多数的肿瘤组织和临床症状复杂,确诊困难。就诊病人也多为晚期,往往疗效差。化疗可以选用EMA/CO或PVB方案,合并卵巢精原细胞瘤或卵巢无性细胞瘤者,可加用放疗。