1.Nursing Intervention on Urination for Patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation;腰椎间盘突出症手术患者排尿的护理干预
2.Effect of Miniaoling on Urination of Extraction in Patients With Long-term Indwelling Catheter;泌尿灵对长期留置尿管病人拔管后排尿的影响
3.The quantity of urination for the fi.目的观察剖宫产术后产妇膀胱充盈时拔出尿管和膀胱空虚时拔出尿管对产妇排尿情况的影响。

1.Er from retention of urine, ie failure to pass it out from the bladder患尿 留(不能排尿
2.suffer from retention of urine,ie failure to pass it out from the bladder患闭尿症(不能排尿).
3.Tending to increase the discharge of urine.利尿的趋向增加排尿
4.Painful or difficult urination.排尿有疼痛感或排尿困难
5.Have the child void into the toilet.让小孩儿在厕所排尿
6.Doctor, I'm having difficulty passing water.医生,我感到排尿困难。
7.`Pass water' is a euphemism for `urinate'.` 小便'是`排尿'的委婉语.
8.Namely after our micturition, also can have liquid of one part make water, be cannot of eduction.即我们排尿后,也会有一部分尿液,是不能排出的。
9.a diuretic (trade name Osmitrol) used to promote the excretion of urine.提高排尿能力的利尿剂(商品名Osmitrol)。
10.The patients were asked to micturate to distend the urethra.采用患者自行排尿方法充盈尿道。
11.The uncontrolled or involuntary discharge of urine.遗尿无法控制或非自觉地排尿
12.Analysis of dysuria and urinary retention after transurethral prostatectomy;TURP术后排尿困难或尿潴留原因分析
13.A substance or drug that tends to increase the discharge of urine.利尿剂,利尿药物一种物质或药物,趋向增加排尿
14.Excreting urea as the chief component of nitrogenous waste.排尿素的作为含氮排泄物中主要成分的尿排泄的
15.Urination difficulty may be caused by urinary system diseases.排尿不畅可能是由泌尿系统疾病引起的。
16.The patients of 95 6 percent can easily discharge her urine by herself in 160 min after ceasing catheter..6%(4345)患者在拔除尿管160min内能顺利自行排尿
17.Urodynamics and Endourology Centre [Princess Margaret Hospital]排尿动力科及腔内泌尿科中心〔玛嘉烈医院〕
18.For treating weariness, leg-ache, waist-ache, blurred vision, difficult and frequents urination.疲劳倦怠,下肢痛,腰痛,老眼昏花,排尿困难,尿频.

1.Functional reconstruction of controlled micturition in spinal cord injury;脊髓损伤后的排尿功能重建
2.With the application of positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), people can observe the activity of the brain during the course of micturition and urinary continence.排尿是一项复杂的生理活动,受多级神经的控制。
1.Objective To determine the effect of the removal of urethral catherter within different timings on patients emiction.目的观察妇科手术后不同拔尿管时间对病人下床排尿的影响。
4)Micturitional urethra排尿期尿道
5)urination disorders排尿障碍
1.In order to assess the urodynamic findings in Parkinson s disease(PD) patients who had persistent urination disorders and clinical significance, 25 cases with PD were investigated by urodynamic, at the same time, 21 pieces of urinary dairies were returned from them.为了评估有持久膀胱排尿障碍的帕金森氏病患者的尿动力学表现及其临床意义,对25例帕金森氏病患者行尿动力检查,并要求记录并回收24小时排尿日记。
6)Urination control排尿控制
