异位妊娠,Ectopic pregnancy
1)Ectopic pregnancy异位妊娠
1.Comparison on the effect of between laparoscopic oviduct-sparing combining with MTX and single MTX in treatment of ectopic pregnancy;腹腔镜联合甲氨喋呤(MTX)与单纯MTX保守治疗异位妊娠的疗效比较
2.The role of serum LIF,TNF-α,E_2,P and β-HCG in the diagnosis of early ectopic pregnancy;血清LIF、TNF-α、E_2、P、β-HCG在异位妊娠早期诊断中的作用
3.The effects of estradiol and progesterone levels in ectopic pregnancy after embryo transfer;雌孕激素水平与胚胎移植助孕后异位妊娠相关性探讨

1.Other sites of ectopic implantation include ovary, abdominal peritoneum, and cornual (uterine) portion of fallopian tube.异位妊娠还包括卵巢妊娠腹腔妊娠和输卵管间质部妊娠。
2.Intrauterine pregnancy misdiagnosed as ectopic pregnancy:causes and countermeasures宫内妊娠误诊为异位妊娠的原因及对策
3.To prevent persistent ectopic pregnancy in post-conservatism operation of ectopic pregnancy by laparoscope异位妊娠腹腔镜保守性手术后持续性异位妊娠的预防
4.The Analysis of 40 Ectopic Pregnancies with Medical-conservative Management;40例药物保守治疗异位妊娠病例分析
5.Clinical Analysis of 226 Cases of Conservative Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy;266例异位妊娠保守治疗的临床分析
6.Intrauterine Device Hetrotopia Pregnancynancy Reason Clnical Anlysis;宫内节育器异位妊娠原因的临床分析
7.The Diagnosisi and Treatment Analysis of Extrauterine Pregnancy in 32 Cases32例异位妊娠的临床诊断与治疗分析
8.Analysis of 90 cases of ectopic pregnancy and nursing strategies异位妊娠90例临床分析与护理对策
9.Clinical observation of laparotomy on ectopic pregnancy of 150 cases开腹手术治疗异位妊娠150例临床观察
10.Value of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy探讨腹腔镜手术诊治异位妊娠的价值
11.Clinical analysis of 306 cases of ectopic pregnancy treated with laparoscopy腹腔镜治疗异位妊娠306例临床分析
12.Relationship between VEGF and Ectopic Pregnancy血管内皮生长因子与异位妊娠的关系
13.Conservative Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy:A Clinical Analysis of 105 Cases异位妊娠保守治疗105例临床分析
15.Clinical investigation on laparoscopic operation for ectopic pregnancy in 129 cases129例异位妊娠腹腔镜手术临床观察
16.Comparsion of two treatments of persistent ectopic pregnancy持续性异位妊娠两种治疗方法的比较
17.Clinical analysis of laparoscopic surgery in ectopic pregnancy腹腔镜在异位妊娠手术中的临床应用
18.Clinical analysis of autologous blood transfusion in treating ectopic pregnancy异位妊娠自体血回输86例临床分析

1.Eccyesis misdiagnoses for the gastroenteritis 1 example;异位妊娠误诊为胃肠炎1例
2.Observation on Curative Effect of Compatibility of Methotrexate with High Dose Mifepristone Treating 84 Cases of Eccyesis;甲氨蝶呤配伍大剂量米非司酮治疗异位妊娠86例临床效果观察
3.Eccyesis Diagnosis and Treat of Progesterone of Serum and β-HCG of Serum Checking Signicance;血清孕酮测定与血清β-HCG测定在异位妊娠诊疗过程中的价值比较
3)Heterotopic pregnancy异位妊娠
1.[Objective]To observe the clinical effect of self-made Yiwei decoction combined with external treatment on heterotopic pregnancy.[目的]观察自拟异位方配合外治法对异位妊娠的临床疗效。
2.Objective To analyze the cause of misdiagnosis of heterotopic pregnancy in 284 cases so as to decrease the misdiagnosis rate.目的分析284例异位妊娠误诊的主要原因,降低异位妊娠的误诊率。
3.Objective To evaluate the significance of LAP activity in distinguishing heterotopic pregnancy from pregnancy.目的探讨LAP在鉴别异位妊娠时的意义。
4)Ectopic gestation异位妊娠
1.Value of transvaginal sonography in early diagnosis of ectopic gestation;经阴道超声早期诊断异位妊娠的价值
2.Objective: To observe the curative effect and security of continue application of mifepristone combined with MTX on ectopic gestation.目的:观察甲氨喋呤(MTX)联合米非司酮连续用药保守治疗异位妊娠的疗效及安全性。
3.Objective To explore the effects and the nursing from treating ectopic gestation with laparoscope.目的观察腹腔镜治疗异位妊娠的效果及总结护理要点。
5)ectopic pregnancies异位妊娠
1.Objective: To improve the diagnosis and decrease misdiagnosis of ectopic pregnancies at special sites.目的:提高对特殊部位异位妊娠的认识和诊断,减少此病的误诊率。
2.Objective: To analyse the reason that increased the incidence of ectopic pregnancies(EP).目的 :分析病人资料中与异位妊娠发病相关的因素 ,有助于揭示异位妊娠增加的原因。
3.Objective: To investigate the etiologic risk factors of ectopic pregnancy, the success rate and the predictors of success of medical management in women with ectopic pregnancies.目的:探讨异位妊娠(EP)发病的有关因素及药物治疗的疗效及影响疗效的因素。
