1.Diagnosis and Treatment of Intraspinal Congenital Tumors:Report of 135 Cases;椎管内先天性肿瘤的诊断与治疗——附135例分析
2.Clinical Analysis of 32 Cases Intraspinal Tumor;椎管内肿瘤32例临床分析
3.The Diagnosis and Treatment of Intraspinal Primary Melanocytic Neoplasms;椎管内原发性黑色素细胞肿瘤的诊断和治疗

1.Application of Splitting Vertebral Laminae and Reconstruction of Posterior Structures of Vertebral Canal with Titanium Web to Surgery for Thoracolumbar Vertebral Canal Lesions切开椎板钛网固定椎管重建在胸腰椎椎管内病变手术中的应用
2.intracanal epidural abscess椎管内硬脊膜外脓肿
3.The experiences of the diagnosis and treatment in 12 cases of cervical intraspinal neurilemmoma颈椎椎管内神经鞘瘤12例诊治体会
4.However, VRT、MIP and SSD were unable to assess the intervertebral disc diseases and intra-spinal-canal changes.MIP、VRT及 SSD均无法评价椎间盘病变及椎管内改变。
5.The Unilateral Hemilaminectomy Approach for the Removal of the Spinal Cord Tumors经半椎板入路椎管内肿瘤切除术的临床研究
6.CT scan can clearly show the structure of vertebral body,such as depth of verterbral body,width of pedicle of vertebral arch and bone ridge in vertebral canal.CT可清楚显示椎体横断面的结构 ,如椎体的深度、椎弓根宽度和椎管内有无纵行骨嵴。
7.Intraspinal Tumor In the Aged (A Clinical Analysis of 22 Cases)老年人椎管内肿瘤(附22例临床分析)
8.Observation of the dose in the combined spinal epidural anesthesia by Ropivacaine罗哌卡因椎管内联合麻醉的剂量观察
9.Analysis on MRI Diagnosis for Lumbar and Sasrum Intraspinal Cyst腰骶部椎管内囊肿的MRI诊断分析
10.The diagnostic value of MRI for intraspinal embryonal tumorsMRI对椎管内胚胎性肿瘤的诊断价值
11.Diagnostic value of low-field MRI in intraspinal neurinoma椎管内神经鞘瘤的低场强MRI诊断价值
12.Magnetic resonance imaging features of intraspinal meningiomas and their clinical significance椎管内脊膜瘤的MRI特征及其临床意义
13.Microsurgical treatment of intraspinal tumors椎管内肿瘤显微外科治疗56例报告
15.Surgical treatment by posterior approach for thoracolumbar bursts fractures with bone fragments in vertebral canal合并椎管内骨块的胸腰椎爆裂性骨折的后路手术治疗
16.Tr eatment waist spinal canal stenosis by intervertebral cage and fixed pedicle of vertebral arch椎弓根钉内固定椎间Cage融合治疗腰椎管狭窄症
17.Clinical Manifestation of Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis Caused by Lumbar Posterior Marginal Intraosseous Cartilaginous Node腰椎椎体后缘骨内软骨结节所致腰椎管狭窄症的临床特征
18.Treatment of lumbar spondylolisthesis by reduction and internal fixation with RF pedicle screw spinal system combined with bone graft fusion and spinal canal reconstructionRF系统复位内固定椎间植骨椎管成形治疗腰椎滑脱症

1.Spinal neurinomas in children;儿童椎管内神经鞘瘤17例临床分析
2.Spinal ozone injection in the treatment of low back pain;椎管内臭氧注射治疗腰背痛
3)intra-and extraspinal椎管内外
1.Although the cervical intraspinal tumors have been long successfully removed, the cervical intra-and extraspinal tumors have not been viewed with optimism by surgeons.根据肿瘤与椎间孔的关系将 2 7例颈部椎管内外肿瘤分为 3种类型 ,并采取不同的手术方法 :Ⅰ型 ( 1 3例 ) :瘤体主要在椎管内 ,向椎间孔内生长不超过 1cm ,椎间孔轻微扩大 ,采用后正中切口手术。
4)vertebral catheter pressure椎管内压
5)Intraspinal tumors椎管内肿瘤
1.Diagnosis and surgical treatment of intraspinal tumors;椎管内肿瘤的诊断与手术治疗
2.CT and CTM diagnosisi of intraspinal tumors;椎管内肿瘤的CT CTM诊断
3.Objective:To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of hemilaminectomy for the removal of intraspinal tumors.目的:探讨半椎板切开入路切除椎管内肿瘤的优缺点。
6)Intraspinal anesthesia椎管内麻醉
1.Clinical observation of intraspinal anesthesia and general anesthesia used in C-section of pregnant women with thrombopenia椎管内麻醉与全身麻醉用于合并血小板减少症产妇剖宫产术的临床观察
2.We study the effects of the information leaflets about anesthesia on thepreoperative anxiety and cooperation of patients with selectedintraspinal anesthesia.目的:研究书面麻醉相关信息页对择期实行椎管内麻醉的手术患者的术前焦虑,血流动力学及麻醉配合度的影响。

椎管内结核性肉芽肿椎管内结核性肉芽肿tuberculous granuloma of intraspinal canal 是脊柱结核的一种并发症,有1/10~1/5脊柱结核可并发硬脊外结核性肉芽肿。青年人好发,多见于胸椎,占60%,其次为颈胸椎交界、胸腰椎交界和腰椎。病程一般较短,多在3个月以内。根据病史、临床表现和X线片不难作出诊断,必要时作椎管造影、脊髓CT或MRI检查辅助诊断。