1.Vaginal probe transrectal ultrasound in diagnosis of ureteral calculi;阴道探头经直肠诊断输尿管盆段结石
2.Diagnostic Value of Transrectal Color Doppler Ultrasound for Prostatic Abscess;经直肠彩超检查在前列腺脓肿中的诊断价值
3.Clinical value of transrectal ultrasonography in diagnosis of hemospermia;经直肠超声检查在血精病因分析中的价值

1.Preliminary observation of super rectal artery chemoembolization in curing rectal carcinoma;经直肠上动脉化疗栓塞治疗直肠癌的初步观察
2.Recent Advances of Trans-rectal Ultrasound in Rectal Cancer经直肠超声在直肠癌诊疗中的应用进展
3.Repairing Acquired Rectovestibule Fistula in Female Infants before Rectum经直肠前手术治疗女童后天性直肠前庭瘘
4.Contrast Study of Transrectal Ultrasound and Endorectal Coil in Prostate MR Imaging;经直肠超声与经直肠磁共振检查对前列腺病变的比较研究
5.Evaluation of the Anterior Transsphincteric Removal of Rectal Adenoma on the Mid and Low Rectum直肠中下段腺瘤经直肠前括约肌径路手术方式探讨
6.Value of Multi-Slice Spiral Computed Tomography Compared with Transrectal Ultrasound in Preoperative Staging of Rectal Cancer多层螺旋CT和经直肠超声在直肠癌术前分期中的价值
7.Contrast study of transrectal ultrasound and endorectal coil MR combined with spectroscopy imaging of prostate cancer前列腺癌的经直肠超声与直肠线圈磁共振联合波谱检查对比研究
8.The preoperative evaluation with transrectal ultrasound in prediction of anus preserved for rectal cancer经直肠超声术前评估直肠癌保肛与非保肛手术方案的选择
9.Progress of transrectal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of prostate cancer经直肠超声诊断前列腺癌的研究进展
10.Clinical analysis of transrectal prostate biopsy(report of 161 cases)经直肠前列腺穿刺活检161例临床分析
11.The superiority of transrectal ultrasound and transabdominal ultrasound diagnosis of prostate cancer经直肠超声较经腹超声诊断前列腺癌的优越性
12.trans-abdominl resection and anastomosis of rectum直肠经腹切除吻合术
13.A Clinical Study of Transanal Rectosigmoidectomy for the Treatment of Rectal Prolapse经肛门乙直肠切除治疗直肠脱垂的临床研究
14.Correlation Study on Innervations Distribution in the Rectal End with Anorectal Malformations;肛门直肠畸形肠壁内神经支配的相关研究
15.Minimally invasive transanal surgery in the treatment of cancerate rectal adenoma and early rectal cancer by using CUSA:a report of 15 cases低侵袭经肛超声刀局部切除治疗直肠腺瘤恶变和早期直肠癌15例
16.Treatment of complete proctoptosis in adults by proctopexy using patch through abdomen combined with Xiaozhiling injection经腹直肠悬吊及补片固定加消痔灵液注射治疗成人型直肠脱垂
17.The Experience of Laparoscopic Combined with Peranal Resection and Anastomoses in the Treatment of 18 Cases Low-set Rectal Cancer18例低位直肠癌腹腔镜经腹直肠癌切除的临床体会
18.Analysis with 82 cases of through anus inside fit together to cure the low rectal cancer经肛内吻合治疗低位直肠癌82例分析

3)rectal nerve直肠神经
1.Methods Using literature retrieval method,we respectively summarized the results of the present study,problems and future research directions from the research background on the treatment of spasticity after SCI using RPES,the basis of rectal nerve anatomy,the mechanism on spasticity after SCI and the research on the treatment of spasticity after SCI using RPES.方法采用文献检索法,分别从直肠电刺激治疗脊髓损伤的研究背景、直肠神经解剖基础、脊髓损伤后痉挛产生的机理、直肠电刺激治疗脊髓损伤痉挛的研究4个方面,归纳和总结出目前研究的成果、存在的问题和今后的研究方向。
4)transrectal ultrasonography经直肠超声
1.Relationship between transrectal ultrasonography and pathology in prostate cancer;前列腺癌经直肠超声显像与病理组织学类型的关系
2.Clinical application of ~(125)I-seed implantation guided by transrectal ultrasonography in early localised prostate cancer经直肠超声引导下~(125)碘粒子植入治疗早期局限性前列腺癌
3.Objective:To assess the value of transrectal ultrasonography(TRUS) in the diagnosis of midline prostatic cysts.目的:探讨经直肠超声在诊断前列腺中线囊肿中的价值。
1.Objective:To evaluate the value of transperineal seminal vesicle puncture under TRUS guidance and continuous transcatheter antibiotics instillation for the treatment of persistent hematospermia.目的:探讨经直肠超声引导下经会阴精囊穿刺置管连续滴注抗生素在治疗顽固性血精的价值。
2.All patients had been analyzed about character of clinic,digital rectal examination (DRE),transitional zone index (TZI),prostate specific antigen (PSA),prostate specific antigen density of the transitional zone (PSAT),transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and biopsy.经直肠超声为移行带可疑病灶的定位提供了重要的参考,而对可疑病灶穿刺活检则能提高累及移行带前列腺癌的诊断率。
3.Being alert to the tumor signals and screening high risk population, digital rectal examination, transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and PSA screening are main measures to find prostate cancer(PC) patients.探讨国内外有关PC的早期诊断方法,重视PC的危险信号,重视危险人群的检查、直肠指诊(DRE) 、经直肠超声及前列腺特异抗原,是目前临床上筛查PC的主要方法,磁共振波谱成像( MRS)对前列腺节结的鉴别有重要意义,确诊依靠前列腺穿刺活检。
6)Transrectal ultrasound经直肠超声
1.Transrectal ultrasound-guided aspiration therapy for Müllerian duct cyst and seminal vesicle cyst;经直肠超声引导下苗勒氏管囊肿和精囊囊肿抽液治疗
2.Clinical analysis of transrectal ultrasound prostate biopsy (reports of 38 cases);经直肠超声引导前列腺穿刺活检38例临床分析
3.The Value Analysis In The Diagnosis of Nonspecific Granulomatous Prostatitis By Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Biopsies;经直肠超声引导下穿刺活检在诊断非特异性肉芽肿性前列腺炎中的价值分析

肠膨出(子宫直肠陷凹疝)肠膨出(子宫直肠陷凹疝) 病名。指子宫直肠间筋膜及耻尾肌纤维松弛或断裂,使阴道后穹隆部膨出(内含小肠肠曲者称肠膨出)。可单独存在,或直肠膨出及子宫脱垂并存。临床表现及诊断:患者有下坠感,不合并直肠膨出则 无大便困难,检查可见阴道内有一球形膨出。囊内可触及肠管。若合并直肠膨出可见两个凸 出球面,其一来于阴道后壁,另一来自后穹隆。肛诊时,指尖不能伸入膨出的腔内者为肠膨 出;指尖可以伸入膨出的腔内者为直肠膨出。治疗:行肠膨出修补术。合并重度子宫脱垂者 ,多须阴道子宫全切除及阴道前、后壁修补术。阴道修补术应注意阴道口及阴道的狭窄,否 则使阴道壁紧缩,造成病者严重的性交不能。