1.Effects of early intervention on intelligence development of infant twins;早期干预对双胎婴儿智能发育的影响
2.Clinical Analysis of 19 Intrauterine Death of One of Twins;双胎之一胎儿宫内死亡原因及处理19例临床分析
3.Investigation of hemabate and packing with ribbon gauze to prevent hemorrhage caused by uterine inertia during twins C-section欣母沛加宫腔填塞纱条预防双胎剖宫产宫缩乏力12例分析

1.Ultrasonic diagnosis of twin fetuses (one normal and one with complex malformation):case report超声诊断双胎妊娠:一胎正常,一胎复杂畸形1例
2.Clinical nursing care of twin pregnancy with a stillborn foetus双胎妊娠宫内—胎死亡的临床护理
3.A clinical analysis of 20 cases of twin pregnancy with one fetal intrauterine death双胎妊娠一胎宫内死亡20例临床分析
4.Pregnany outcome analysis of twin pregnancies and twins pregnancies of multifetal reduction in IVF/ET体外受精-胚胎移植中多胎减胎后双胎妊娠结局的比较
5.Nursing of eleven cases of single death in twins during gestation period双胎之一宫内死亡11例的孕期护理
6.This picture is a rare example of" vanishing twin syndrome.这张图见证了罕见的“双胎消失徵”。
7."Twins, by Jupiter!"“天哪,双胞胎!”
8.Except for identical twins,除了一模一样的双胞胎,
9.The twins had distinct tastes.这两个双胞胎嗜好不同。
10.Lisa is my twin sister.莉萨是我的双胞胎妹妹。
11.Grandmother dotes on her the twins.祖母溺爱她的双胞胎。
12.My twin sister, Lisa,我的双胞胎姐姐,丽莎,
13.We hadn't planned on twins!我们没有生双胞胎的准备!
14.Twins are positioned beside one another in the womb.子宫里,双胞胎一个挨一个就位。
15.There is only a shade of difference in appearance between the twins.这对双胞胎的外貌只有极小的区别。
16.The twins are like as two peas.那封双胞胎长得一模一样。
17.The twins will enter the fourth grade this fall.这对双胞胎今年秋季将升到四年级。
18.I can't tell the twin girls apart.我分不清这两个双胞胎的女孩子。

twin pregnancy双胎
1.Detection of β-hCG level in serum of pregnant women with twin pregnancy complicated with preeclampsia;双胎合并子痫前期孕妇血清β-hCG水平测定
2.Maternal and neonatal outcomes in single or twin pregnancy women with preterm labor caused by preeclampsia;先兆子痫致早产在单-双胎妊娠中的母儿结局分析
3.Clinical analysis on the influence of 63 cases of twin pregnancy s obstetrical performance;63例双胎妊娠产科处理对母儿影响临床分析
1.Analysis on Marker on Bovine Twinning trait with PCR-RFLP of FSHR Gene;FSHR基因的PCR-RFLP对牛双胎性状的标记分析
2.The Study on Embryo Transferred for Twinning of Cattle;胚胎移植诱导肉牛双胎的研究
3.Two SNP sites within the α-actinin1 gene were identified based on the sequence analysis in the Luxi cattle; the Luxi twinning cattle, the Nanyang cattle, the Jinnan cattle, the Holstein cattle, the Sanhe cattle and the Yanbian cattle.为了探讨辅肌动蛋白1(α-actinin1)基因对母牛产犊数的影响,以鲁西单胎牛,鲁西双胎牛,南阳牛,晋南牛,荷斯坦牛,三河牛和延边牛为研究对象,以α-actinin1为影响产犊数的候选基因,分别扩增418bp和505bp2个片段,采用直接测序,RFLP-RsaⅠ和RFLP-ApaⅠ方法检测α-actinin1基因的多态性,并将其与产犊数性状进行了关联分析。
1.Significance of Fetal Detection of Fibronectin for Abortive Prediction of Twin Pregnancy双胎妊娠中胎儿纤维连接蛋白对预测早产的意义
2.Objective To explore the clinical settlement of twins pregnancy with either twin.目的探讨双胎之一宫内死亡临床处理。
3.The purpose of the experiment was to produce twin calves by the method of AI + MOET.本实验采用AI与MOET相结合的方法诱导双胎,供受体牛的同期发情,是根据已知供体牛的情期,来推算受体牛的同期发情处理时间,供体牛用一次PGF2α的处理,受体牛用两次PGF2α处理的方法,处理的三头牛全部发情。
5)twinning trait双胎
1.Qinchuan cows and Holstein cows with twinning or monovular traits were used to study the effect of Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) gene on twinning trait.以秦川牛和荷斯坦奶牛的双胎母牛和单胎母牛为实验材料 ,以牛的FSHR基因的第 10个外显子作为标记牛双胎性状的候选基因 ,用SNP法进行了多态检测 。
2.Growth differentiation factor 9(GDF9) gene and bone morphogenetic protein 15(BMP15) gene were studied as candidate genes on the twinning trait in cattle.以生长分化因子9(Growth differentiation factor 9,GDF9)基因和骨形态发生蛋白15(Bone morphogenet-ic protein 15,BMP15)基因作为牛双胎性状的候选基因,研究了它们在鲁西牛、秦川牛、南阳牛和中国荷斯坦牛4个品种中的遗传变异,并在鲁西牛群体中研究了其多态位点与双胎性状的关系。
6)twins or triplets双胎与多胎

双胎双胎 双胎   生理学名词。出《脉经》卷九。亦名双躯、骈胎。指妇人一次怀二胎。