1.Clinical study of distensibility of large arteries in patients with essential hypertension of different age groups;不同年龄高血压患者大动脉扩张性的临床研究
2.Carotid\|femoral PWV(CFPWV) and brachial\|radial PWV(BRPWV) and femoral\|tibial PWV(FTPWV) were the parameters reflecting large arterial and middle\|sized arterial distensibility.颈动脉 -股动脉PWV(CFPWV)、肱动脉 -挠动脉PWV(BRPWV)和股动脉 足背动脉PWV(FTPWV)分别为反映大动脉和中等动脉扩张性 (Distensibility)的参数 ,并能敏感反映动脉缓冲功能的改变。

1.ataxic telangiectasia微血管扩张性运动失调
2.lymphangiectatic elephantiasis淋巴管扩张性象皮病
3.The Theory on Expansion Character of Intangible Capital and the Third Expansion of Capital;论无形资本的扩张性与第三次资本扩张
4.nularis telangiectodes马约基氏病;毛细管扩张性环状紫癜;毛细血管扩张性环状紫癜
5.On the Limitation of the Expanding Demand Policy and its Optimization;论扩张性需求政策的局限性及其优化
6.axiatelangiectasia syndrome毛细血管扩张性运动失调综合征
7.The Export and the Import of Culture--Dissertate the Dilation of the Culture;“往教”与“来学”——论文化的扩张性
8.Chronic dilatation of the bronchial tubes.(细)支气管扩张支气管的慢性扩张
9.idiopathic dilatation of pulmonary artery原发性肺总动脉扩张
10.The Discreteness and Extension of M(?)bius Groups;M(?)bius群的离散性及扩张
11.The Homological Properties of Hopf Bigalois Extensions;Hopf Bigalois扩张的同调性质
12.papillary ectasia局限性皮肤毛细管扩张;局限性皮肤毛细管扩张
13.hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症
14.hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasis遗传性出血性毛细管扩张
15.A Study on Rational Growth and Irrational Expansion in Logistics;物流业的理性增长和非理性扩张研究
16.Desirability and Feasibility of the Enlargement of Enterprise Scale;企业规模扩张的合意性与可行性分析
17.Institutional Frontier and the Institutional Expansion of Chinese Economy;制度性边界与中国经济的制度性扩张
18.Rational Analysis on the Expansion and Reduction Effects of Stimulating Domestic Demand扩张与缩减效应:扩大内需政策的理性解读

1.This essay emphasizes two points which people must notice while expounding the character of the civilization of ancient Greece, namely, on the one hand, ancient Greek civilization is characterized by openness and expansion; on the other hand, it is marked by pluralism and multi-centrahty.本文强调在论述古希腊文明特征时,必须注意的两个问题:即古希腊文明的开放性、扩张性、和古希腊文明的多元性和多中心性。
2.Since 1990S consumption regulation in China has undergone three stages of changes from retrenchment to neutrality, then to expansion.90年代以来 ,我国的消费调控由紧缩性到中性再转变为当前的扩张性 ,对促进经济持续、稳定增长起到了重要作用。
3)dilated[英][dai'leitid][美][da?'let?d, 'da?,le-]扩张性
1.Preliminary clinical investigation of ~(99)Tc~m-MIBI washout rate in dilated cardiomyopatfay;扩张性心肌病患者心肌MIBI清除率的临床研究
2.Comprehensive evaluation of radionuclide techniques in differentiating dilated cardiomyopathy and ischemic cardiomyopathy;核素显像鉴别缺血性和扩张性心肌病的综合评价
4)Dilational elasticity扩张弹性
1.The dependencies of dilational modulus, dilational elasticity, phase angle and dilational viscous component on frequency and emulsifier mass fraction were expounded.研究了油溶性乳化剂失水山梨醇油酸酯和水溶性乳化剂油酸钠在煤油 水界面上的扩张粘弹性质,阐述了两种乳化剂的扩张模量、扩张弹性、扩张模量的相角以及扩张模量的粘性部分随频率和乳化剂质量分数的变化规律,探讨了发生在界面上和界面附近的微观弛豫过程。
5)Dilational viscosity扩张粘性
6)linear extensions线性扩张
1.Approach to group decision-making based on linear extensions;基于线性扩张的群决策方法
2.The ranking probability between alternatives for each criterion is worked out by using the linear extensions of the partial order,and then the preference degree between alternatives is obtained through defining the preference relation.该方法首先利用偏序的线性扩张求出方案集在各个属性下的排列概率,进而定义一偏好关系的概念,得到每对方案间的偏好度,然后采用OWA算子对决策群体进行集结,集结后的群体偏好具有偏序特征,能更真实地体现现实的决策问题,并且最大程度地反映了决策群体的偏好。

扩张性搏动扩张性搏动  某些器官因特异性病变而发生扩张,随心脏和血管收缩与舒张,使其冲击周围组织,引起搏动。如肺动脉扩张时,在胸骨左缘第二、三肋间有明显收缩期搏动;三尖瓣关闭不全所致肝肿大时,右心室的收缩搏动通过右心房,下腔静脉而传导至肝脏,检查时可触及肝脏扩张性搏动。