
1.Diagnosis and Treatment for the Horizontal Rupture of the Cervical Disk颈椎间盘水平性撕裂伤的诊断和治疗
2.It occurs in the laceration and contusion as well as in the clean surgical incision.撕裂伤,挫伤和外科清洁切口,都会发生这种现象。
3.Clinical analysis of 255 cases of cesarean laceration of uterus incision255例剖宫产术子宫切口撕裂伤的临床分析
4.Application Value of Multislice Spiral CT in diagnosis of Lung Lacerated Wound多层螺旋CT在肺撕裂伤诊断中的应用价值
5.Cashman confirmed that Jason Giambi will undergo surgery to repair the torn ligament in his left wrist.….现金男确认技安将要进行其左手腕韧带撕裂伤之重建手术。
6.There is one chance to open wounds per strike. The chances from different sources are summed up to determine the final chance to open wounds.实际上有机会实现每次攻击都触发撕裂伤口。这个总体几率取决于不同来源的粉撕裂伤口几率求和。
7.Diagnosis of traumatic rotator cuff tears with MR Athrography外伤性肩袖撕裂的MR关节造影诊断
8.Even relatively minor trauma can result in avulsion of the splenic substance.甚至轻微的创伤就能引起脾实质撕裂。
9.They often caused tears, obstructions or infections.这些遗留物会引起病人的伤口撕裂、梗塞及感染。
10.Facing on flywheel side of disc torn, gouged, or worn.离合器片在飞轮侧的表面撕裂、擦伤或磨损。
11.bruised laceration挫裂创(由粗钝的致伤物通过撞击、砸压、撕裂造成的创)
12.die C tear strength撕裂强度(直角形)
13.the act of rending or ripping or splitting something.撕裂或撕开或撕碎某物的行为。
14.After a preliminary examination, the Bianconeri medical staff are convinced that there is no muscular tear but only a strain.经过初步检查,斑马军团的队医确认这不是肌肉撕裂,只是扭伤.
15."Come, let us go back to the Lord; for he has given us wounds and he will make us well; he has given blows and he will give help."来吧,我们归向耶和华。他撕裂我们,也必医治。他打伤我们,也必缠裹。
16."Other factors affecting severity include depth, surface area, degree of tearing, and structures damaged."影响伤势的其它因素包括深度、表皮区域、撕裂程度和受损之结构。
17.Rend Flesh: Deals 2,335 damage every second for 5 seconds. Only used in phase two.撕裂血肉:在五秒内每秒造成2335伤害.只在阶段二使用.
18.Correlation between peripheral vertical menliscal tears and anterior cruciate ligament lesion半月板周缘垂直撕裂与前交叉韧带损伤相关性的MRI研究

1.Clinical analysis of 255 cases of cesarean laceration of uterus incision255例剖宫产术子宫切口撕裂伤的临床分析
2.Objective To evaluate the value of computed tomography myelography(CTM)in diagnosing the laceration of brachial plexus.目的探讨脊髓造影CT(CTM)诊断臂丛神经撕裂伤的临床价值。
4)lung lacerated wound肺撕裂伤
1.CT diagnosis of lung contuse and lung lacerated wound;肺挫伤及肺撕裂伤的CT诊断
5)the rate of tearing in two angles伤口撕裂率
6)avulsion of scalp头皮撕裂伤

撕裂伤撕裂伤 肢体被转动的致伤物牵拉发生组织撕开或破裂。多为开放性创伤。亦可在身体活动过度或失衡时引起韧带撕裂或撕脱,属闭合性损伤。撕裂伤口多呈瓣状,严重者整块撕脱,如头皮撕脱。伤口污染较严重。