1)Oropharynx[英][,?ur?'f?ri?ks][美][,?ro'f?r??ks, ,or-]口咽
1.Objective To investigate the feature of distribution of microbial population in oropharynx in children during the acute episode of asthma.目的探讨支气管哮喘急性发作期病儿口咽部的菌群分布特点。
2.Objective To reduce the rate of endogenous infection in severely ill patients by re-establishing internal environment of oropharynx and stomach.目的探讨重建重症患者口咽胃内环境的有效护理措施,以降低内源性感染的发生率。
3.In all cases,13 parts of oropharynx and surrounding tissue were infiltration which proved meaningless(p>0.目的探讨口咽、下咽疾患的影像表现特点,提高诊断与鉴别诊断水平。

1.②the lamella of oropharyngeal cavity(the narrowest place of oropharyngeal cavity);②口咽腔层面(口咽腔最狭小的层面);
2.CT and MRI Study of Oropharyngeal and Hypopharyngeal Diseases口咽、下咽病变的CT与MRI研究
3.The part of the pharynx between the soft palate and the epiglottis.口咽的位于软腭和食道之间的咽的一部分
4.Perioperative oral nursing for transpharyngeal approach operation经口咽入路手术围手术期的口腔护理
5.The factors of influence postoperative swallowing function following extensive resection of oral or oropharyngeal cancer影响口腔口咽癌广泛切除后吞咽功能恢复的因素
6.He shovelled the food into his mouth.他大口大口狼吞虎咽。
7.The morphological observation of eustachian tube pharyngeal orifice by rigid rhinopharyngolaryngoscope鼻咽内窥镜对咽鼓管咽口的形态学观察
8.200 Cases of Measurement of Nasal Columella to Pharyngeal Opening of Auditory Tube of Chinese200例国人鼻小柱至咽鼓管咽口的测量
9.a large and hurried swallow.大口而快速地吞咽或喝。
10.inter fauces terrarum across the mouth of the river河口两岸咽喉地角间
11.This gave him no balm.这口气他咽不下去。
12.The passage from the back of the mouth to the pharynx, bounded by the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the palatine arches.咽门从口腔至咽的狭窄通道,连接软腭、舌背和咽扁桃
13.After passing through the ebony doors, Hindbad gulped.穿过重重乌木门后,印巴达咽了口口水。
14.To rinse or medicate(the mouth or throat)by gargling.以漱口的方式清洗或治疗(口腔或咽喉)
15.To devour in large, greedy gulps.狼吞虎咽贪婪地大口大口地吞吃
16.At last, with a swallow or two, he spoke, his face still wearing the same expression of extreme perplexity.最后,他咽了咽口水,开口说话,脸上仍然挂着极度困惑的神情。
17.drinking large mouthfuls rapidly.迅速地喝或吞咽一大口食物(含液体)。
18."Yes, dear," he gulped.“好吧,亲爱的,”他咽了口唾沫。

Eustachian tube咽鼓管咽口
1.Objective To study the relationship between allergic rhinitis and Eustachian tube and middle ear functions in adults.方法对成人变应性鼻炎100例和正常成人50例行鼓膜、咽鼓管咽口、鼓室导抗图和纯音听阈检查,分别对正常成人组、轻度变应性鼻炎组、中-重度变应性鼻炎组的检查结果进行对比分析。
2.Objective To observe pharyngeal orifice of eustachian tube in otitis media with effusion(OME)by using endoscope examination and assess its etiology and clinical therapy.目的通过内镜观察分泌性中耳炎患者咽鼓管咽口及其周围的形态改变,探讨分泌性中耳炎与咽鼓管咽口状态的相关性及其临床意义。
3)Stomatitis and pharyngitis口腔咽炎
4)oropharyngeal defects口咽缺损
5)oropharyngeal cancer口咽癌
1.A retrospective analysis of oropharyngeal cancer treated by surgical management after radical radiation;根治性放射治疗后口咽癌手术治疗的回顾性分析
6)Oropharyngeal cavity口咽腔
1.Relation between structure and function of oropharyngeal cavity in ostriches;鸵鸟口咽腔结构特点与功能关系

口咽导气管口咽导气管oropharyngeal intubation 是常用的器械之一,便于复苏抢救现场使用,是一种如“J”形的塑料导管,从口置入达咽腔,目的是可托起舌根,以免舌根后坠而阻塞呼吸道,当患者清醒后,可自行吐出,规格可分成人、儿童等型号,可选择应用。