术前检查,preoperative examination
1)preoperative examination术前检查
1.AIM:To analyze the reasons that patients did not undergo laser in situ keratomileusis(LASIK)after preoperative examination of LASIK.目的:探讨经常规准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laserin situ keratomileusis,LASIK)术前检查后未行手术的原因。

1.Experience of ultrasonic examination in complex perianorectal abscess and anal fistula超声术前检查复杂肛旁脓肿、肛瘘86例的观察
2.From August 1985 through February 1991, 36 patients with traumatic facial palsy underwent transmastoid decompression of the facial nerve at CGMH.本文讨论其术前检查、伴随症状、听力及术后评估和术中发现。
3.The objective examination showed anterior drawer test(ADT) positive in 23 preoperatively, 1 postoperatively;客观检查:前抽屉试验阳性,术前23侧,术后1侧;
4.The gonioscopy s howed that the trabecula at the surgical site became thinner than preoperative.前房角镜检查术区小梁网明显变薄。
5.The engineers will check over the plane before it leaves.飞机起飞前技术员要进行检查。
6.You need some routine examinations before the real operation.在正式手术前,您需要进行常规检查。
7.You need some routine examination before the real operation.在正式的手术前,您需要进行常规检查。
8.Physical Examination and Laboratory Diagnosis Before Operation of Anorectal Diseases Concerned with Occupational Harm肛肠疾病手术前理化检查与职业危险
9.Preoperative Routine Testings Versus Selective Routine Testings in the Safty of Cataract Surgery: A Systematic Review术前常规检查与选择性检查对白内障手术安全性的系统评价
10.Dynamic observation during fluoroscopy is the key for decreasing the rate of failing to view and diagnosis about diverticula.在检查中应用动态观察是减少术前、术后漏查、漏诊的关键技术。
11.The significance of ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration biopsy in diagnosis of breast cancer超声检查和细针穿刺细胞学检查对小乳腺癌术前诊断的意义
12.Purpose: To evaluate the preoperative finding of limb malignant tumor using high-frequency color ultrasonography.目的:探讨肢体恶性肿瘤术前超声检查的意义。
13.After operation, the local circulation was evaluated with Doppler (in 4 cases), CT and USG (3 cases).方法:4例软组织肉瘤手术前、后均行影像学检查。
14.The Role of Ultrasonography in Follow up of Reconstructed ACLs超声检查在前交叉韧带重建术后随访中的作用
15.Significance of Pre-operation Diagnosis of Large Intestinal Cancer on MSCT;多排螺旋CT检查对大肠癌术前诊断的应用研究
16.Detection and Pathological Examination of Sentinel Lymph Node in Gastric Cancer;胃癌前哨淋巴结术中定位和病理学检查
17.Dual source CT for venous thromboembolism before interventional therapy静脉血栓栓塞症介入诊疗术前的双源CT检查
18.The value of rectal magnetic resonance hydrography or diagnosis and staging o retal carcinoma磁共振水成像检查在直肠癌术前诊断中的应用

1.Objective To determine the ophthalmic reasons that the patients have undergone the preoperative examination but didn t undergo LASIK.目的探讨进行术前检查而未行准分子激光原位磨镶术(LASIK)的原因。
2.AIM:To analyze the reasons that patients do not undergo LASIK after preoperative examination.方法:近视1026例(2039眼)进行术前检查后未行LASIK的165例(296眼),对未行LASIK手术的原因进行分析。
3)Preoperative ultrasonography术前超声检查
4)Routine preoperative testing术前常规检查
5)Antenatal examination产前检查
1.Study on present conditions of antenatal examination and its influential factors on pregnant women;孕产妇产前检查现状及其影响因素研究
2.Relationship between Health Education and Antenatal Examination and Abnormalities of Pregnancy and Labor, Retrospective Study of 546 Cases;546例孕产妇产前检查及妊娠分娩异常与健康教育关系的回顾性研究
3.Methods Among the 9 345 deliveries between 2000 and 2004 in our hospital,68 cases with placental abruption were analyzed retrospectively on antenatal examinations and outcomes.方法回顾分析该院近5年间胎盘早剥的发病情况、产前检查情况和母婴结局。
6)Prenatal examination产前检查
1.Objective To investigate relationship between prenatal examination and pregnancy outcomes of foreign migrant women in Shanghai city.目的研究外来孕产妇妊娠结局及其与产前检查的关系。
2.Objective The author want to explore the relation between the prenatal examination and pregnant outcome.目的为了探讨产前检查与妊娠结局的关系。

肝脏穿刺活组织检查术肝脏穿刺活组织检查术needle biopsy of liver 通过穿刺取得肝脏活组织进行检查的方法。用于一般临床诊断方法长期无法确诊的疑难病例。操作方法:病人仰卧,稍向左倾,可在背部垫一枕头,右臂屈置于头后。穿刺点一般取腋前线第7、8肋间隙或腋中线第8~10肋间隙。局部常规消毒后,铺消毒巾。用1%普鲁卡因麻醉至肝包膜。用特制带针芯的17号穿刺针(长度5~6cm),通过橡皮管和玻璃接头与注射器连接,内吸3~5ml无菌生理盐水。穿刺针沿肋骨上缘刺入,进入胸壁0.5~1cm时,将注射器内盐水推出1ml左右,目的是把穿刺针内可能带入的皮下组织冲去。嘱病人在深吸气后屏气(此时已将注射器抽成负压),将穿刺针快速垂直刺入并立即拔出,抽取物多停留于针头内,注于滤纸上,置于福尔马林固定液瓶内。穿刺部位盖无菌纱布,以多头绷带紧扎伤口,沙袋加压。穿刺后绝对卧床4小时以上,必要时用镇静剂。